moisha created by tweenstrip
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  • I find it hilarious how if as soon as you change the character or even just replace the clothes for normal ones and posted it the score would definetely be in the negatives simply because of the collective mindset of "Acceptable targets" trope.


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  • toten696 said:
    I find it so funny how if as soon as you change the character or even just replace the clothes for normal ones and posted it the score would definetely be in the negatives simply because of the collective mindset of "Acceptable targets" trope.

    And then you learn this was just a random girl at a reenactment that some psychopath targeted

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  • Love all the "good Nazi is a dead Nazi" coming from folks who wouldn't do a thing in real life. Internet tough guy acts are lame.

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  • tacticusanguis said:
    Love all the "good Nazi is a dead Nazi" coming from folks who wouldn't do a thing in real life. Internet tough guy acts are lame.

    That's true...we can have a lot of anger on the Internet from our own comfy houses. But when it's the real life, we stop acting like that...or there will be bad consequences...

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  • baelzebub said:
    That's true...we can have a lot of anger on the Internet from our own comfy houses. But when it's the real life, we stop acting like that...or there will be bad consequences...

    unless it's in prison

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  • tacticusanguis said:
    Love all the "good Nazi is a dead Nazi" coming from folks who wouldn't do a thing in real life. Internet tough guy acts are lame.

    Doesn't make it an untrue statement. Negging is cringe. Be better.

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  • toten696 said:
    I find it hilarious how if as soon as you change what's depicted in the image and posted it the score would definetely be different simply because it's depicting something else.

    Fixed that for you

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  • millicentcyrielle said:
    Fixed that for you

    A little self entitled there don't you? Way to assume that what i stated has no truth or relevancy, The thing is that there are people like me that are aware of how much has popular culture as well as media in general demonized and regarded as enemies/villains of the week an extinct ultranationalist government to almost cartoonish levels to the point that the popular consensus seems to be that every nazi no matter what type of fiction they're in will always communicate by holding a gun to your head.

    For me they're no longer different than zombies or other laughably evil moustache twirling villains when they're depicted as the bad guys in a game or movie or other types of media and as i said in my first comment if the character in the pic was wearing say an imperial japanese uniform, a soviet nkvd uniform or any other official attire of some other totalitarian regime the post would have more dislikes than likes, Hence the "Acceptable targets" trope.

    There is a point where it just kinda becomes boring and tiring, but hey if watching characters in uniforms from a dead regime being gored makes you feel better then go ahead i just gave my opinion on the whole subject.


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