dielle, inigo, and rune (pokemon mystery dungeon and etc) created by wooled

ermm it's gluttony, obviously

This page is part of a Monster House Marathon sponsored by 3man!

can you spot the tiniest of retcons in inigo's design?

  • Comments
  • someinternetguy said:
    Technician, Pickup, and Unnerve are the abilities a Meowth can have normally… Does Dielle have Immunity?

    But wait, what abilities did Dielle get from her mother?

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  • KTS


    supertails28 said:
    But wait, what abilities did Dielle get from her mother?

    Volt Absorb is what ability her mom has.

    Rune is a Alolan Vulpix but rune's abilities are ether Snow cloak and Snow Warning. I'm going to go with Snow cloak.

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  • kts said:
    Volt Absorb is what ability her mom has.

    Rune is a Alolan Vulpix but rune's abilities are ether Snow cloak and Snow Warning. I'm going to go with Snow cloak.

    It's Snow Warning. Or maybe both.

    During the fake Groudon fight her Snow Warning activates. (And proceeds to do nothing of substance.)

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    cherish_hill said:
    It's Snow Warning. Or maybe both.

    During the fake Groudon fight her Snow Warning activates. (And proceeds to do nothing of substance.)

    I didn't see snow or hail in that battle. Therefore it is Snow Cloak.

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  • Uhh, eat gross food?

    To be fair Rune. Since Dielle is... lacking in some areas of the taste dept, she has to make do.

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    cherish_hill said:

    The text disagrees.

    Why wasn't this active in earlier chapter then, like the first time she got her ass kicked. Usually an ability is suppose to be active no matter what. Like Snover who has Snow warning in PMD it activates in the entire floor is basically a hail storm. So again I don't think she has that ability I do think she has Snow Cloak.

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  • Watsit


    kts said:
    Why wasn't this active in earlier chapter then, like the first time she got her ass kicked.

    It first activated back in Chapter 5:
    post #3979883

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    watsit said:
    It first activated back in Chapter 5:
    post #3979883

    There are two chapters where I think she could have used it earlier than that.

    Chapter 1 and 2. So yeah.

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  • kts said:
    There are two chapters where I think she could have used it earlier than that.

    Chapter 1 and 2. So yeah.

    Nope, she didn't get her aura back until the end of chapter 2.

    Without her aura she couldn't use any of her moves, was generally low on energy, and couldn't even talk.

    So abilities were definitely off the table as well.

    Chapter 3 with its Drowzee battle (and the light scrum beforehand) was the first opportunity for it to activate.

    However, Rune didn't even know she had access to Ice type moves at that point so whether or not she actually COULD activate it is uncertain.

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