bea, grunt, and rocket grunt (team rocket and etc) created by seepingooze
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This is part of a Pokemon fan body horror comic/visual novel/thing illustrated by Spepingooze and scripted and written by me. The current full story, a link to part one and all current pages can be found here.

Check out more of Seepingooze's work here.


Vivian's boot pulled from the taffy-like sludge with a sickening 'SHHIK.' A thick chunk of the stuff clung tenaciously to the underside of her footwear, dragging ribbons of the gunk from the central mass. To make things worse, several semi-ruptured orbs were wedged into the tread of the heel.


Vivian whined in frustration.

"And I just got them waxed yesterday."

This was too much for the Rocket grunt, her tongue fleeing her mouth as she retched in revulsion. Despite her primary combat pokémon being an animated puddle of sickness, Vivian had always been meticulous about her hygiene. The irony was not lost on her. Rolling in the Muk was supposed to be the fate of her enemies, not someone as exceptional as herself.


Vivian immediately halted her attempt to shake the spooge off her boot as a dribble of clear liquid splashed off her forearm from above. The splattered droplets that hit her face were unnervingly warm and had a solid, oily smell.


The nape of Vivian's neck bristled as a rash of goosebumps broke out across her forearms. Her primal instincts suddenly bolted to the surface in alarm, clashing heads with her stubborn pride. The unthinking part of her ancestral memory knew Vivian shouldn't stick around.

'Shit... Something is up on the ceiling.'

'Drip, Drip, Drip.'

However, like a compass following a Magnaton, Vivian's head slowly tilted towards the ceiling. The memory of her x-transceiver nudged her mind, but she was too caught up in her morbid curiosity to pay heed. Something was fidgeting up on the ceiling. As it moved, it revealed a flash of red carapace, and hope flickered in Vivian's chest.

'Is... that the Yanma?'


Before Vivian could confirm the figure's identity, a long red and green appendage whipped out, flinging the door shut behind her. With her means of escape cut off, she should've reacted. Either to find another way out of the apartment or to activate one of the pokéballs on her thigh belt. Instead, she was frozen like a Dearling in headlights, gawping dumbly up at the thing hanging from the ceiling.

"Geovanni's balls..."

It wasn't a pokémon, at least not entirely. Instead of the Yanma Vivian had expected, a terrible aberration of human and bug pokémon skittered unnaturally across the ceiling. It was belly down, back pressed against the plaster, punching handholds into the drywall with its hands and feet. It squirmed its lithe, muscular body as it chittered excitedly, the high-pitched chirps hurting Vivian's ears.

Most of its body was covered in smooth plates of scarlet insectile carapace jointed with muscular weaves of pink membrane. Its forearms were adorned with aggressive spikes, yet the brawny arms and legs had an uncanny grace to their brisk movements. A quartet of large glimmering gossamer wings had been pinned between the ceiling and the monster's backside.

In addition to its other limbs, a long, sensuous tail extended from its backside. The tip ended in wickedly sharp, bident-like claspers with a deep furrow between them. As the prehensile appendage stirred the air restlessly, it leaked a stream of fresh slime from the opening that splattered down from above.

The only parts not protected by the segmented armour were the abdomen, chest, groin, and face, which revealed sweat-drenched, dark beige skin. In defiance of Vivian's limited knowledge of pokémon biology, the monster was equipped with a complete set of female reproductive organs. It had both a darkly flushed vulva as well as a pair of large pendulous breasts supported by an organic corset reminiscent of the interlocking legs of a bug pokémon.

But the freak's body wasn't what had unnerved Vivian. When she glimpsed the creature's face, she was struck with terrible recognition. Vivian's heart was stuck in her throat as she tried to process the human-like features leering down at her.

"It can't be that's..."

The monster's face could've easily been mistaken for a young woman if a somewhat tomboyish one. The thick, angular eyebrows and sharp eyes gave her a vigorous and bold countenance. The creature also had a scruffy grey mane, complimented by a plucky black and orange headband reminiscent of a Tepig's ear.

It was a face to which anyone in the region could attach a name. After all, it had graced the covers of magazines, trading cards and TV screens.


Vivian still couldn't believe her eyes.

'This town's damn gym leader! This can not be real. I have got to be dreaming.'

However, the mutant's face was warped like its body. Sharp red horns and pointed chitinous ears poked through the hair. Combined with the creature's now vivid emerald irises, the girl had an eerie, nay demonic presence.

'There was nothing in the briefing about Bea living in this apartment! What is the distortion has happened to her. Yanma, don't do this!'

At that moment, Vivian and Bea's eyes locked. The mutant's irises and pupils pulsed unnaturally, the verdant green growing stronger as if glowing from within with an unearthly vitality. There was a deep, bone-etched hunger there that Vivian couldn't look away from; as she gazed into the bright orbs, she could almost swear that her soul was at risk of being devoured. The bug/human hybrid's lips curled away as they matched stares, revealing a small, enigmatic smile. And then It spoke.

"Hiya, burglar girl~."


As the burglar was distracted by the pulped egg glued to her boot, Bea crept along the ceiling quickly, jittery. She knew she was on the cusp of losing control. Bea felt feverish, her blood running so hot that a layer of sweat was threatening to drip from her breasts and abs. Yet she didn't feel afraid, no, that was wrong. The terror had become her euphoria. The anxious fluttering sensation in Bea's guts had been cranked up to a buzzing storm of razor-winged Beedrill, exhilarating her.

'This is all moving so fast. We haven't even swapped names yet, and I'm stalking her! What's a name? Name? Bea! No, that's my name, stupid. Tail's feeling warm and fuzzy, making my thoughts stupid again. I'm getting all wet just at the thought of laying a few fat ones in... NO!'

The thundering of Bea's twined hearts desynced in dismay as she felt the base of her tail clench. The length of her tail throbbed intensely, muscles stretching and contracting as the prongs at the tip shifted, gaping her genital slit. Bea moaned silently as a hot stream of her tail's fluids splurted from the opening, the juices dripping onto the green-haired girl's forearm. Bea froze, her eyes darting in a panic, her confused jumble of emotions and instincts flailing in a panic.

'Crap! Stupid, useless tail! This is bad. I want to curl up and die. Wait, why do I even care? She's a burglar! Mine. I just need to offload a few eggs in her so that I can think straight. Lay Shit! She's looking up. NOW!"

Bea finally let go. It was blissful to allow her body to act instinctually, like her brain was being engulfed by the opaque, soothing steam of a volcanic sauna. Bea's tail reacted as if it already knew what to do, whipping around and slamming the door to her apartment closed. With the prey's escape cut off, Bea chittered gleefully, the notes on the edge of ultrasonic. She scampered forward, eager to get her first peek at the prey's face.

The shortish girl recoiled in shock, tilting her head upward to stare in horror at Bea. Her irises were the same deep green as the evenly square-cut curtains of hair flowing down each side of her face. They were accompanied by a sharp nose and nimble mouth on a canvas of pale, unblemished skin. Bea nearly squealed in joy as a searing bolt of infatuation pierced her chest.

'Oh, Arceus. She's so adorable! We have the same eye colour now! It must be fate! I'm so lucky. Claim her! Fill her. Get a grip, Bea! You're acting like a soppy high schooler. Wait, what's that on her shit...?'

For a moment, Bea's eyes shift to the prey's modest chest. A capital letter R had been inscribed there in bright red. Instantly, Bea's eyes forcefully flinched away, glass needles stabbing at her optic nerves and the back of her head. Memoires that were best forgotten. There were better things to look at, namely the girl's cute face. The undiminished pulsating heat in Bea's loins certainly agreed with that.

'I can't take my eyes off her. MY Mate. This feeling... it's making it hard to breathe... It's love, right? I thought heartache was just romantic claptrap. Gods, my tail's leaking like a faucet. I'm just the worst. She's still staring at me! What do I do? What do I say? TAKE HER NOW! SHE BELONGS TO ME!'

Bea smiled nervously, her canines hungrily digging into her lower lips. Her muscles tightened, the predator getting ready to pouch.

"H-hiya, burglar girl~."

  • Comments
  • I'm still working on Bea's perspective for this page, but I thought I might as well post what I have so far. Bea's perspective bit is added. I hope you enjoy it!


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