jakiel blacktusk created by sadnicole
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29 nights and 29 days of sex. The king accepted the blessings of his god, and allowed the diety to ravage him for nearly a month straight. The god taking a few forms, a few differing beings, often stretching the king from both ends at once. Flooding him with godly loads, planet-flooding blasts of cum that nonetheless magically packed into the king’s body! In the tower they mated, a purpose built one, atop a shallow but broad hill. The smooth grey tower was shaped as perhaps one could guess. 299 feet high… 90 feet wide… large domes at the base providing more temple space. Again, one could guess what these domes looked like~. Around the tower, on all sides, makeshift temples and shops and inns had sprung up. Made of wood and canvas, occasionally brick, sometimes mud. Towns brought to life in the middle of what was once a fertile meadow. Camps of thousands gathered, praying, waiting. Tens of thousands, even. For most of them, they had been there since the first night of mating. Others had straggled in during the 29 day sex period. All waiting for the end of it. Waiting after, for the promise of an orgy with Jakiel, the Great God… as well as King Jakiel, blessed be he, that who took upon himself the god’s very form… who took inside himself the god’s very sons and daughters.

It was now that time. The orgy was nigh. Many of the gathered worshippers had saved themselves for this moment. Others had not. But they all knew what was coming, and all were eager. Indeed, the crowd murmured outside. The noises of sex had abated completely, and it had been silent for about an hour. The sun was high, just past noon. The balcony doors were open. All around, they waited. Members of nearly every sentient species, from dragons to mice, from elves to humans, from orc barbarians to amazonian warriors… they waited to see their king.

He walked out onto the balcony. The warm sun glinted off his sweaty, messy body. His amulet shining… his body slathered in cum… his belly round, clearly full of godly seed! A source now of magial power, his pregnancy holding divine magics and able to store them in unfathomable amounts… A roar went up from the crowd, as they saw their king. The balcony had no railing, so as the king stood at the very edge, cradling his tummy, erect cock throbbing, all could see him quite well. The cheering didn’t abate. It went on, as the king nodded to his subjects, slowly waving. Then the cheering arose louder to an uneard of cacaphony. The god walked out behind the king! Thrice the king’s size, and growing… an enormous cock swung out over King Jakiel. Those tatted-with-gold godly balls swelled, pressing against the king’s back. That mighty godcock oozed pre, throbbing with an air-quaking pulse. The god rumbled, and his gaze swept across the crowd, his expression curious and amused. Thousands of women ovulated and orgasmed upon sight of him. Thousands of men swelled erect, shuddering. Those men and women of a more submissive demeanor felt themselves kneeling and prostrating, moaning his name.

In the sky around them, other forms of the great god began to appear. Shimmering into focus from the blue bright sky, wings flapping, gold flecked grey swirls of cloud whirling around as they apparated. Most of the god-bodies were in their minimum size… still of course 10+ feet tall, with a 29 inch penis. (Much like the king.) Still others arrived enormous, blotting out the sun with sizes of hundreds of feet. Others still swirled, this time in dragon form, their flights zippier and faster, with more wing flapping, opposed to the languid slow hovering downward that the main god forms provided. As dragon-form gods swooped dazzlingly over the gathered crowds, taur-form gods walked in from the sides. Trundling down the roads, stepping from the woods, appearing in tiny forms upon shoulders of surprised worshippers; for the taur form is the only form that could go quite small.

Despite the appearance of over one thousand forms of the Great God in their presence, the booming voice of the King cut clear, and loud, as he spoke:

“Gathered worshippers! The orgy shall begin soon. I ask only a few things, my blessed subjects. I request that all those with elephantine heritage of at least one-third come to me first… I ask that any sons and daughters of mine do not mate with me, your father, and accept the seed of the great god instead… and I ask that above all else, we keep in mind consensuality for all worshippers here.” The king, as he spoke, began to float into the air. His amulet glowing, his arms outstretched as he soared, stood on nothing, in open air. God Jakiel circled, the one atop the tower balcony growing a bit larger still, all the god’s cocks dripping precum, many subjects getting splashed in drippage. Some too got splashed by cum dripping from the King’s cock, AND his gaped butt…

“I have one last announcement… due to how horny I, your blessed king, and He, the divine lord Jakiel is… the orgy’s time shall be extended. 29 days has now become 29 months… and with that… shall the orgy begin!”

All the gods pointed their cocks skywards, and erupted orgasms. King Jak floated basking in it, glowing with magic. The crowd cheered loudly. As the gods all fired cum into the air, their cum rocketed out, up and up and up, gathering together into one mass of seed, forever shooting upwards, the cum-blast positioning, settling above the cock-shaped tower as if the temple was to nut forever! A flowing beacon of seed seeming to roil from the temple’s highest point. A fertile forest , bountiful with fruits, would grow for miles around the tower, as the cum would rain down in hypervirile and hyperfertile rain from time to time.

The orgy was extended multiple more times… until it was never officially decided to end.

The Fathers of All, King and God Jakiel, have indeed blessed their people ❤️


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