unnamed character created by rabbitinafoxden
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Anon asked: "New scenario idea, an insanely wealthy family of preys living together in a large mansion with a single pred maid who occasionally eats one when no one is looking. Her maid’s uniform and height difference hiding her squirming belly, and Excuses like “she left to study biology” the preys are none the wiser"

Here it is with chemicalcrux chemicalcrux's X-Ray tool!

And without the cutaway!

Being the live-in maid to a large family of mice had its perks.

At first, Micah had been hesitant to take the position. Would she really be comfortable in a house full of mice? And why would they be comfortable with a maid more than twice their size? Didn't they know what cats do to mice?

But the amount of money they offered had overcome any worries, and her large size had actually proven a boon to her work. It was easier to clean the higher, hard-to-reach corners when your ears brush the ceiling, and she could move most of their furniture by herself. And the family had been more accepting than she expected, greeting her happily when they passed her in the halls and furnishing her with a large room, more than big enough for her to stretch out in, even if she had to duck under doorframes in most of the house.

And of course, that didn't take into account the free food.

Micah was dwelling on that thought, reaching up to dust off the top of a bookshelf, when she heard a small, high-pitched voice from behind her. "Excuse me, Miss?"

Micah jumped, her head almost hitting the ceiling, before turning to see who had addressed her. It was, of course, a mouse, a female wearing jeans and a pink tank top.

Micah wracked her brain for a moment, trying to place her face and voice. "Hi, um... Andy, right? Short for Andrea?"

The little mouse's perked up. "That's right! I can't believe how well you remember our names. I swear, there are so many of us, even Mom doesn't know who we all are."

Micah smiled. Like many prey families, these mice were... prolific breeders, to say the least. "Don't give me so much credit. I'd say I'm right maybe one out of four attempts."

"Well, at least you make an effort! Anyway, I wanted to ask: have you seen my sister anywhere? She's from the litter before me, pretty petite, fur color similar to mine?"

Micah froze. She felt the fur on her tail rising and willed it to stay down. No need to worry yet: there was no evidence this mouse suspected anything. "Why do you ask?" She tried her best to keep her voice level.

"I just haven't seen her for a few days."

"Didn't she leave for college? Studying... biology, right?"

Andy's ears drooped just the tiniest bit. "Aww, already? I thought that wasn't for another week! She could have at least said goodbye!"

Micah let out a long breath and felt her muscles relaxing. "I guess maybe she wanted to get a head start on getting set up in a new town."

"Yeah, I guess so. Well, thank you, anyway! Maybe I'll see if I can call her -- if I can find somewhere private to make a call." She stuck out her tongue in mock annoyance, then turned to leave.

Micah watched her go, taking in the small mouse's swaying hips and long tail. She felt her mouth start to water.

"Um, wait a minute," Micah said.

One of Andy's large ears turned to face her, before the mouse turned her upper body to look back. "Yes?"

"Maybe you could swing by my room tonight when you try to make that call. You know, for privacy."

Andy's eyes widened. "Really? I thought you didn't like anyone in your room!"

"I'll make an exception this time. Just don't tell anyone, okay? Otherwise we'll end up with a room full of mice. This way, you can... get in touch with your sister in private."

Andy grinned. "Sounds great! Thank you so much. See you tonight!" She turned and practically skipped off down the hall.

Micah smiled to herself as she turned back to her work. "Yeah, see you tonight," she said under her breath, running her tongue across her muzzle. Then she placed a hand on her stomach, giving a firm pat to a bulge that wasn't really visible under the apron of her uniform. She was pleased to feel a weak kick in response.

"You hear that?" Micah said. "Your sister misses you. Well, you two will get to be reunited tonight."

Micah felt another kick, but she ignored it as she returned to her work.

She hadn't applied for this job with the intention of preying on the mice that lived here. She had just realized that, in these huge prey families, no one really noticed the occasional disappearance here and there. There were lots of preds out there in the world, after all, and you never knew when one might snap up a little mouse. And Micah was so good at her job, and got along so well with everyone; why would they ever suspect her?

Yes, being the live-in maid to a large family of mice had its perks.

A fun anon request that I ended up writing a whole little story for! I thought this came out pretty good, but I don't think I'll make this into a recurring character -- she's too similar in theme to Cannibun (a predator living amongst prey who think she's harmless.)

Ask me questions on my Curious Cat! Feel free to ask questions to either me or one of my characters.
If you're so inclined, I'd much appreciate it if you'd buy me a coffee!

  • Comments
  • I'm not sure why, but I'm thinking of a Bloodborne boss fight. That giant cat probably has a really scary second form. And she probably could have a really powerful swing attack that will take a huge chunk of the little mouse's health.

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