aniu and balto (universal studios and etc) created by prince-vulpine
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  • My default assumption is that a sizeable group of viewers are into this, and I try and apply it to any given picture. Sure, it gives me no information, but it makes me happy and that's all it matters :)

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  • calico_fox said:
    My default assumption is that a sizeable group of viewers are into this, and I try and apply it to any given picture. Sure, it gives me no information, but it makes me happy and that's all it matters :)

    Incest in porn is an interesting study in this, because it's... not clear how true this is? The prevalence of incest/"pseudo-incest" in porn, I.E. incest cleaned up for legal reasons ("step-bro, I'm stuck!"), underwent a massive spike in observably recent history. That seemingly stereotypical statement didn't exist a decade ago. The concept was hardly alien but it was WAY more niche.

    As the scuttlebutt goes, a major executive in the porn industry has a GIGANTIC incest kink, and started directing a bunch more of it into production. This then saturated the market enough that it appeared that there was a significant spike in demand, because it was so overwhelmingly prevalent, and thus more was produced, creating a feedback loop.

    Whether that story is true or not, however, the observable giant spike from being a previously niche kink creates questions. Are people ACTUALLY into incest as a kink? Or is it just that SO MUCH of porn nowadays has incest slash pseudo-incest as a kink that it paints damn near everything with varying shades of the same color, so it LOOKS like the kink is more widespread than it is? OR, has the sudden prevalence of this porn created a broader awakening/acceptance of the kink where it didn't previously exist? Studying trends like this is going to be extremely difficult because of the social taboos at basically every level, and in particular the various unique and not-always-obvious harm and abuse vectors that intertwine around actual incest.

    Regardless, I really don't want to disregard or ignore comments that dislike things, because it's just as important of a viewpoint for purposes of this kind of information. Unless it's clearly someone just trying to be a contrarian asshole, but like, we know what that looks like at this point, right? I'd sure hope so.

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  • duracell said:
    has the sudden prevalence of this porn created a broader awakening/acceptance

    is widely accepted porn even a kink anymore?

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  • namefuckname said:
    This would be 1000x hotter without the incest

    hey, that's cool, everyone has their likes and dislikes. to me, incest in porn is hot because its just one of those "so bad that its hot". if you dislike a kink, btw, you can blacklist it on the site to not see it. its ok to let people enjoy unsavory kinks in adult spaces

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  • redwsl1 said:
    is widely accepted porn even a kink anymore?

    Well, even setting aside the question of how widely accepted it is, you're still talking about a subcategory with specific conditions, which qualifies as a kink. It's also one that's fundamentally illegal, or at least features stringent legal conditions on being allowed on both regional and national levels, and while the viability and ethicality of trying to morally police personal pleasure etc. is its own kettle of fish, it can be safely stated that it is not the societal norm or baseline, and thus qualifies as a kink.

    And for incest specifically, of course, it's not just a moral-police question, there's also extensive harm potential that many other kinks don't have, though we don't need to get into all the nitty gritty details on that here and bring down the atmosphere. Most people here probably know or can guess most of 'em anyway.

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