blizzard entertainment and etc created by luke mancini

A very awesome drawing of a Zerg Queen.

  • Comments
  • SIHK222 said:
    is that Hydralisk ?

    No. But neither is it a Queen like the description and Insane Dragon would have you believe. THAT is a Brood Mother.

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  • no Zagara is the new Queen of Blades

    Jacob said:
    No. But neither is it a Queen like the description and Insane Dragon would have you believe. THAT is a Brood Mother.

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  • FeronIpyries said:
    no Zagara is the new Queen of Blades

    What the FUCK are you on about? First, there IS NO new Queen of Blades. New Queen of the Swarm? That I can believe. But Queen of Blades was a title specifically for Kerrigan and Kerrigan alone. Secondly, even if you meant Queen of the Swarm, where the hell are you getting that notion from? Citation needed! Thirdly, what the hell does this have to do with Zagara? Just because that's what somebody tagged it, doesn't mean it's her. It could be ANY of the Brood Mothers. Fourthly, even if this IS Zagara, and even if she IS the new Queen of the Swarm, that doesn't change the fact she's a Brood Mother. It's a species, not a title.

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  • And fifthly, now that I've looked better at the in-game imagery for both Zerg strains, I realize this isn't even a Brood Mother at all. It is, as the description suggests, a Queen.

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  • SIHK222 said:
    the queen of blad is sarah kerrigan
    on the pic it's the queen of zerg and you can train it at the begin when you place a spawning pool i think
    new zerg spotlight : it's abathur

    I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure out what the hell you're trying to say...or what it has to do with anything I said.

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  • Jacob said:
    I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure out what the hell you're trying to say...or what it has to do with anything I said.

    Calm down, spastic.
    They were referring to this.

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  • EightyNine said:
    Calm down, spastic.
    They were referring to this.

    I'm perfectly calm. I was just saying that I barely understood the intended message of his/her post. And I know full well what a Queen is, thank you very much.

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  • EightyNine said:
    So the gratuitous ellipses was just you being a spaz.

    Dude, calm your tits. The ellipses were a way of saying "Hold on, processing..." If anyone's being a spazz here, it's you. What's it even matter to you, anyway?

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  • Jacob said:
    Dude, calm your tits. The ellipses were a way of saying "Hold on, processing..." If anyone's being a spazz here, it's you. What's it even matter to you, anyway?

    Come onto a picture just to spew at someone.
    Can't comprehend a basic point someone else makes.
    Spam ellipses. Aren't funny.

    Yeah, no. You're a spastic.

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  • Jacob said:
    What the FUCK are you on about? First, there IS NO new Queen of Blades. New Queen of the Swarm? That I can believe. But Queen of Blades was a title specifically for Kerrigan and Kerrigan alone. Secondly, even if you meant Queen of the Swarm, where the hell are you getting that notion from? Citation needed! Thirdly, what the hell does this have to do with Zagara? Just because that's what somebody tagged it, doesn't mean it's her. It could be ANY of the Brood Mothers. Fourthly, even if this IS Zagara, and even if she IS the new Queen of the Swarm, that doesn't change the fact she's a Brood Mother. It's a species, not a title.

    1) Calm down.

    2) Play SC2 and you will get to know that Zagara is the new queen over the whole Zerg Swarm since Kerrigan more or less becomes a goddess.

    3) And for your information all Zerg Brood Mothers are just Altered Queens, there are Six Strains of Queens. First one is the Arachnid the Feral strain, which was quickly changed to the second strain which we see in Starcraft 1 and Broodwars, the flying Queen, the third strain was an altered version of the feral arachnid form, which became the queen we see in SC2, fourth is the Swarm Queen which was altered to be just slightly better, fifth was the Brood Mother, but the Sixth is the Host Brood Mother, the one that Kerrigan implants into the Protoss, living inside her for a short time as a parasite before being able to become a fully fledged Brood Mother, downside to it, it follows one directive order.

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