maugh'thalosk (dungeons and dragons and etc) created by lin fluffydragon
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Red Invaders - by HeatSeekerDiin ( )

I don't know how this happened, I just kept writing until the words stopped. This LOVELY picture was made by the wonderful linfluffydragon featuring my icy lad, my spicy lad, and the grabbable little runt of a red getting sandwiched who belongs to draite . Read ahead at your own risk, it is very very horny. I think, idk I dunno how I wrote this.

A dragon's lair is more than merely their home, it is their fortress, and any aged dragon who has settled knows well to ward their lair to at least detect intruders. Some use alarm spells, others use magical dragon eyes, and even more use what can only be called minions. I myself, along with conventional means of entry prevention and detection when I'm away, use my own natural abilities to take note of would-be thieves and sneaks. My connection to the mist produced by my presence in the region allows me to feel those that touch it, so long as I too am in the mist. Lo and behold one day I feel the unmistakable talons of a dragon poking around the entrance to my lair. They were not large in size compared to myself; young I expected, slow and cautious. The kobolds had been moving around in the area but nothing felt amiss with them, making their way as normal; an invisible dragon. A metallic would make themselves known, a dragon wanting direct conflict would be brazen and loud, this was a sneak-thief of a wyrm, and that could not stand without justice. Dismissing the kobold champion, I went forward, taking on a mist form and moving along the vapors myself towards the interloper who had made their way to a side branch of one of the internal springs. There was nothing to see, their steps so stealthy and calculated that it seldom disturbed the low-hanging mist. They were good, but perhaps merely expecting me to be a simple white dragon, could not expect my own prowess. Though faint, apparently also masked by their stealthy charms, there was a familiar scent clinging to them I could not quite make out. Drifting my formless mass in front of their path, I waited a moment before materializing back to my true form, striking my open foreclaw to the base of their throat, lifting and slamming their back to the wall in a pin with a single instance of movement with only the faintest of yelps in return. Left standing upright on their hind legs, the defeated charms lost their magic and faded revealing to my utmost surprise a little red dragon. Their visage and scent laid bare they were clearly an adult male, and despite their size still had the rugged durability expected of their age. A runt of a red, it seems, sneaking into my lair. Ice traveled from my hindclaws to theirs to encase theirs as I quickly grabbed a wrist and brought it up to their neck to join a collar of frost formed from my grasping claw to at least momentarily shackle them to the wall. Before I could properly draw breath to question their purpose, they spoke up with a too-smug grin. "Took you long enough to notice, though that's to be expected from a wyrm who relies on little grovelers to protect their hoard." I couldn't help but jump at him for the remark, threatening fang and claw, pushing him harder against the wall. The male merely looked down at his own predicament, returning to my gaze with defiant arrogance. "And normally one introduces themselves before tying another up." Something was not right here, his voice was too smarmy, his words aiming to grate and irritate, and the racing of his heart was not that of fear but of something else. He wanted this, he wanted to be caught, but why . "Identify yourself, wyrmling , so I know whom I sentence for this intrusion and slander." I commanded, putting as much venom as I could muster in the demeaning call of age.
"What, you're going to judge me?"
"And give proper punishment, which you seem to make worse with every word."
"AND issue punishments? HA! I bet the best you got is softer than your dainty little snowclaws-"
"PERHAPS-" I growled, closing a claw around his snout, shutting his words and tilting his head up to expose the plates of his neck. "- I should handle you in a way your breed understands." I pressed the tip of my other foreclaw to his neck, slowly dragging down the length of it, jumping down from one plate to the next with a audible tink. "Direct." Tink. "Loud." Tink. "Aggressive." Tink. "Physical." Tink. My mind, thinking to my knowledge of reds and their habits finally came to a possible conclusion. Seeking to put it to the test, I leaned in, letting my deep gravely voice rumble in the frills of his ears. "Intimate~." Tink. "Dominating." Tink. "And seeing you put in your right, proper place beneath me~" I ended with a the planting of my palm on his chest, pressuring him once again against the wall. Each of those final words elicited a reaction from the little red, as repressed as he tried to be about it. Paired with the racing heart and growing scent of lust from the shove, my thoughts were entirely confirmed. This "thief" is merely a submissive male, coaxing the typical red mating habit in their own little way. With a long exhale, letting the icy vapor of my breath brush against the warmth of his scales, I aggressively pull his muzzle down to lock eyes with me again. "You've clearly forfeited your right to counsel and reprieve, runt ." My hindclaw kicked the little one's tail against the wall and slid it to the outside of his legs. With my other foreclaw, I grabbed and yanked his tail upward. A faint shiver was felt through the red, and a muffled indignant moan huffed between my grip. Preparing to cast a mesmerizing stare, I leaned in speaking deeper and deeper. "So I can get straight to filling you with EVERYTHING I hav-" Crashing, roars, and movement raced through the other side of my lair, stopping me in my tracks. The stomping through the mist revealed an unfortunately all too familiar signature. With a sigh I look back at the small bound red. "Do you happen to know Ryxmaugendeem?" His eyes shot open and shortly after mine joined him. That familiar scent marking the little one, I could tell that it was not his after taking in the rest of his body. "Wings of our ancestors! You steal from him too?? The hells you come HERE for?! Well, I don't know your history but you're his to kill now." With a final press against the red scales to coat them in even more binding ice, I backed up and waited for the new arrival. As expected and albeit dramatically Ryxmaugendeem slid into view, his claws digging cuts into the ground. Lacking his dragonslayer claws, he was evidently not here on hostile business. With an annoyed sigh I began. "Ryx, you better not have eaten any of the petisse. Just take the thief an-"
"Maugh'thalosk! There's my FAVORITE toy!" He strode over, completely ignoring my presence. I could ALREADY smell lust upon him which was growing ever more as he approached and took in the sight. "You almost look good against a wall. Those tiny haunches couldn't handle a REAL dragon so you fled to smaller pastures, hm?" Both my retort to the second-hand offense and Maugh'thalosk's sassy response were cut off by Ryxmaugendeem forcefully grabbing the smaller red's chest and pressing close to him. "Don't worry little ember , I'll never let you forget how GOOD IT FEELS!" With one arm he wrenched the smaller red out of the binds, whirled around, and slammed him through the beginnings of a stone statue I was forming for a dragonstone golem. The pressure of his hold continued to bear down on Maugh'thalosk on the stump of a platform and shattered remains of my work.

"TIAMAT'S BASTARD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND WHY HERE !? I yelled, ready to conjure freezing sleet and loosing icy breath, only to have my own aggression caught in my throat. The two were just writhing, Ryx grinding his emerging shaft against the rear of Maugh who's own need already lay throbbing against the belly plates of the bigger red. The squirms of the little meant nothing to the bigger who pinned wrists and clamped neck plates. Just as all of this force and handling of the bigger fail to quell the shit-talk of the little, some still aimed at me! I was filled with confusion, fury, rage, and innate dominating urge. With hate gritted teeth I stamped to the front side of Maugh'thalosk who again looked up at me with those defiant purple eyes. Drawing in all pent up aggression, pent up lust, and the earlier goal of issuing a "punishment" my cock slid free from my slit, the trapped precum pouring onto the ground. And just as he opened his maw to speak more drivel. "Skyyy and stooone!" I lifted myself and planted a claw onto Ryx's back for even more leverage. "Shuuut the FUCK UP!" With a forceful ramming thrust a pushed my length into his maw. The arching of his neck and gag of his throat did nothing to stop my press, slamming in the initial insert until my slit lay flush and spread against his snout.

"Theeeere you go~ Fucking idiot." Ryxmaugendeem mumbled with the entirety of Maugh'thalosk's neck in his clinching jaws, his own barbed tip already prodding and spreading the soft rim flesh of the pinned runt. It was only after a head-kissing clinch that he pressed forward, an audible pop ringing out as the ass yielded to the throbbing flesh. The little one squirmed harder, writhed, arched and quaked but neither of us held back. I myself couldn't help but let out more aggression, a hard throat bulging pounding between each full stop. "YOU STUPID. FUCKING. SNARKY. INSOLENT. BRAT. CAUSING. SUCH. A MESS!" I normally am far more caring about my mating, but after all of the madness that occurred in such a short time, this felt good . Deserved. I devolved to merely growling my aggravation and hate into the thrusts, but my hate could not compare to the absolute ravaging fury of Ryx. It was relentless destruction, I could feel the shock of his thrusts in my cock through the little one's body. Despite my own burning anger, I could not help but look down and ask. "Ryx, are you sure you shouldn't take it easy on the little one? I don't know what he did to you but perhaps you shouldn't break him ? As if to spite my concern, he trusted harder and faster, little did I know that could be possible. Looking down even further however, even with my obscured view I could tell Maug was LOVING this, whimpers, moans, chest clinching convulsions of pleasure, legs spread wide, throat milking with swallows, every claw curling and tail even coiling with the other red. Reds... Fucking reds.... The time eventually caught up with us and climax called. Powerful slit-deep slams from Ryxmaugendeem as he filled Maugh'thalosk's rear, the volume and tight clinching trying to push him out causing the seed to shoot back out even as he's still plugged. The suffocating hold of my entire length in the little red's throat as I smeared my slit against his snout, trying to grind even more into him as pulse after pulse floods his heated swallowing throat. At some point it seems even our shared toy got off, cock half erect yet still throbbing against his own belly. And, in typical red dragon fashion, all returned to hating each other just as quickly as they began fucking each other. Ryx strode through the halls with a pep in his step and head held high, Maug walked with a quiver, a smug look at those a snuck past, loosened rear left hardly able to clinch leaving a trail of seed, WREAKING of sex and reptilian musk. And there I was, getting the most curious look from the newly established kobolds. This was going to be a... Fun to explain. And a fuck DOESN'T UN-BREAK MY STATUE....... Fucking reds. Just ask next time.

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