joe and larry (grindr) created by nanoff
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  • Comments
  • mikaelo3o said:
    Shallow guys like that are just one reason "dating" apps are a fucking joke.

    Incredibly shit take, you either post a real picture or keep it blank.
    Posting fake/misleading pictures is bad no matter what and will never end well.

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  • If someone is looking for love on a dating app they got bigger problems, they epitomize the worst in everything about people and yes judging someone based on their looks is exceptionally shallow- it seems like these apps are used more for hookups than actually looking for a partner in many cases - I think if all you are looking to do is get off then that speaks volumes in and of its self - it tells me you are sad person unable to actually have meaningful relationships.

    That said - I agree you should always be honest about who you are - why would you want to deceive unless it was from a headspace of lack?

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  • And this asshole made him shave his lovely beard! 🤬🤬! I really hope he can find someone who just wants to be with him for him.

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  • mikaelo3o said:
    Shallow guys like that are just one reason "dating" apps are a fucking joke.

    Okay sure, "people should be less shallow about physical appearance" is an argument I agree with, and abstractly most people would.

    It's weird that that's your takeaway though from a nanoff comic about Joe catfishing young men.

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  • So sad. I guess people do this out of hopelessness. Joe could work out to look better, but does that solve the problem? Isn’t that just “for looks”? I guess sex is one thing and a relationship is another, but idk man. I can only imagine being a 50+ SINGLE guy on these apps. How else do you find people nowadays? Sounds like a lonely hell.

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  • From one lonely motherfucker to another, Joe you NEED to stop this. Learn to love yourself and be comfortable in your own skin before you wanna love and rub another's skin. I hope he gets a comic of his own where he gets to find love.

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  • God damnit. If I knew a guy like Joe I'd be all over him. Smart, Mechanically gifted, Sweet, Sexy and as hairy as him I'd die happy

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