created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • FlairPhoenix said:
    Who ever did this should die. Who in their right mind would fuck up their dog's eyesight? I think Michael Vick did it.

    O so someone puts glasses on there dog for a funny pic and shall die? go back to china you communist! they eat cats and dogs D=<

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  • KeshaFox said:
    glasses on a dog mean its people. you can safely fuck it.

    Nuuuu...that makes it a FURRY! now you can safely fuck it :D

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  • FlairPhoenix said:
    Who ever did this should die. Who in their right mind would fuck up their dog's eyesight? I think Michael Vick did it.

    And to safely answer this if you want to come and talk shit to me come visit me, this is my dog and for your information there was no lenses in it as well if you were smart enough to notice no glare. But hey you're an idiot!

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  • FoxDevil333 said:
    Totally Photoshoped :D

    seriously? i knew people didnt trust most things, BUT THIS!!
    what is so unbelievable about someone putting glasses on a dog? seriously, do you have any trust at all?
    seriously, i like saying seriously.

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  • FlairPhoenix said:
    Who ever did this should die. Who in their right mind would fuck up their dog's eyesight? I think Michael Vick did it.

    You are so very very wrong

    On topic:
    If that's a corgi, GOOD GOD HOW MUCH DID YOU FEED HIM

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  • FlairPhoenix said:
    Who ever did this should die. Who in their right mind would fuck up their dog's eyesight? I think Michael Vick did it.

    well erm.. when you consider that a person wearing glasses actually with lenses in them when they do not need a prescription for probably an hour or more everyday, for years would probably have little or no effect whatsoever (and I should know I wear glasses 24/7, and you never get a prescription that is 100% accurate)

    and on another note... smell is far more important to most dog breeds then sight anyway. so losing they're sense of sight would not neccessarily be the end (I have cousins with a half blind half deaf and slightly mad dog) for a dog especially one with an owner.

    what your saying is complete crap.

    >>OR in (relatively) short:

    your just another idiot who doesn't use their brain when commenting on anythning to do with animals, and calls it abuse.
    the same kind of person who would complain about testing potent life - saving medications on pigs, even though if we didn't do that we would likely be suffering intensely.
    The same kind of person who actually WOULD NOT CARE IF THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO A HUMAN, the pinnacle of LIFE, INTELLIGENCE and CONSCIOUSNESS on the planet,which most people who care about animals would argue is why we have to protect them.
    and another interesting fact about humans, THEY ARE YOUR OWN SPECIES, putting animals in front of them, is like putting friends before a loving family.

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  • I absolutely love it when people go ballistic over a single comment. I also love how you people actually think I care about what they say.

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  • FlairPhoenix said:
    I absolutely love it when people go ballistic over a single comment. I also love how you people actually think I care about what they say.

    only ever stupid comments. I'll congratulate you when you win a darwin award.

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  • LakayiaDemonWolf said:
    Nu my Corgi belongs in my lap eating my dorrittos like he always does -.-;;;

    That explains why he's so fat.

    Seriously, he's not supposed to weigh more than 25-30 pounds.

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  • therabbidwanker said:
    only ever stupid comments. I'll congratulate you when you win a darwin award.

    ha :P

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  • Pixelation lines up, photo is real.

    EinTheCorgi said:
    that dog belongs in awesome town!

    Tank, pick up your weapon and stop admiring pack-a-punch and corgis.

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  • therabbidwanker said:
    well erm.. when you consider that a person wearing glasses actually with lenses in them when they do not need a prescription for probably an hour or more everyday, for years would probably have little or no effect whatsoever (and I should know I wear glasses 24/7, and you never get a prescription that is 100% accurate)

    and on another note... smell is far more important to most dog breeds then sight anyway. so losing they're sense of sight would not neccessarily be the end (I have cousins with a half blind half deaf and slightly mad dog) for a dog especially one with an owner.

    what your saying is complete crap.

    >>OR in (relatively) short:

    your just another idiot who doesn't use their brain when commenting on anythning to do with animals, and calls it abuse.
    the same kind of person who would complain about testing potent life - saving medications on pigs, even though if we didn't do that we would likely be suffering intensely.
    The same kind of person who actually WOULD NOT CARE IF THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO A HUMAN, the pinnacle of LIFE, INTELLIGENCE and CONSCIOUSNESS on the planet,which most people who care about animals would argue is why we have to protect them.
    and another interesting fact about humans, THEY ARE YOUR OWN SPECIES, putting animals in front of them, is like putting friends before a loving family.

    It's gotten worse now. They now spew false facts while giving questionable sources.

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