nintendo and etc created by miji

X - Wheel of Fortune

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  • FlamingSoul said:
    I'd like to buy a vowel. An "E", please.


    Joking aside, the concept of a (spiritual) wheel of fortune predates the game show.

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  • The Wheel of Fortune. The tenth trump and major arcana. The iconography is generally straightforward - a literal wheel of fate upon which a soul's fate is decided. R-W and depictions based off of same show one entity (a Lucario here) ascending the wheel and another (Seviper) descending, representing how mercurial luck is. The wheel is often watched over by an female entity in an Egyptian headdress, sometimes a sphinx (the Luxio here).

    The Wheel of Fortune is rather straightforward to interpret, as it has one meaning only: Luck. Upright and reversed have the results you'd expect (good and bad luck, respectively).

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