nintendo and etc created by miji

I - The Magician

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  • I recognise the symbols for water and earth here (the chalice on the table and the tabletop's pentacle design), but where's air (traditionally swords) and fire (staves)?

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  • Bongani said:
    I recognise the symbols for water and earth here (the chalice on the table and the tabletop's pentacle design), but where's air (traditionally swords) and fire (staves)?

    humm i remembered of the Baphomet because of hand positions and also by the fact that he have a goat face and the pentagram on the table it is near your waist ... am I correct?

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  • FrankenStein said:
    humm i remembered of the Baphomet because of hand positions and also by the fact that he have a goat face and the pentagram on the table it is near your waist ... am I correct?

    No, the pentagram is a representation of the element of Earth. I'm asking where Air (swords) and Fire (staves) are.

    The Devil is an entirely different arcanum (XV).

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  • The Magician. The first of the numbered Arcana and alternately known as the Juggler or Il Bagatello/Il Bagatto, it is the lowest of the trumps in most tarot games, but at the same time worth a large amount of points. It often depicts a magus, street magician (from which its name in the Tarot of Marseille, La Bateleur (fr:"The Charlatan") is derived) or similar "magical" humanoid. In most cartomancy-focused decks, the Magician carries the representations of all four elements - the staves which kindle fire, the chalices which hold water, the swords which make the air sing, and the pentacles which come from the earth. In the R-W deck and all decks based on it, the Magician points to both sky and earth - "As above, so below." A lemniscate appears over his head.

    In cartomancy, a Magician in the upright position represents a teacher or someone who brings out the latent ability in a person. A reverse Magician represents a con man, charlatan, or bad influence - essentially, someone who's only interested in using the querent for his own personal gain.


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