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This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:

  • [DELETION] Paysite/commercial content - abadbird -
  • Comments
  • brainless_femboy said:
    WHY IS CP ALLOWED ON THIS SITE, HOW FUCKING MENTALLY ILL DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO THINK; "Hmmmmm yes, allowing child Pornography on this site is okay" NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!!!
    Jesus Christ, how is this site still up to begin with????

    There is the blacklist otherwise, it works well, I test with what I do not like and so I do not need to indignant on content that bothers me

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  • brainless_femboy said:
    Yeah there's a blacklist but that doesn't make it okay to have CP on this site, because well it's child porn
    What I think they should do is do what Rule 34 does and remove anything that sexualizes children, this content is literally how pedophiles get off to children legally because for some god awful reason this is technically legal!!

    Edit: For the people who disliked my other comment, the police should check their hard drives, just saying

    Lol another list that doesn't understand that a PICTURE has no age...

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  • brainless_femboy said:
    WHY IS CP ALLOWED ON THIS SITE, HOW FUCKING MENTALLY ILL DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO THINK; "Hmmmmm yes, allowing child Pornography on this site is okay" NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!!!
    Jesus Christ, how is this site still up to begin with????

    Probably slightly less than you have to be to think "This drawing of fake characters is the same are real people"?
    Just a guess.

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  • brainless_femboy said:
    WHY IS CP ALLOWED ON THIS SITE, HOW FUCKING MENTALLY ILL DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO THINK; "Hmmmmm yes, allowing child Pornography on this site is okay" NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!!!
    Jesus Christ, how is this site still up to begin with????

    It is actually quite baffling that someone will go out of their way to be outraged over images like these after having been on the site for months, on a site that has existed for over a decade with the same policy.

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  • emmentaler said:
    It is actually quite baffling that someone will go out of their way to be outraged over images like these after having been on the site for months, on a site that has existed for over a decade with the same policy.

    I hesitated to write him the same thing and I notice that he does not assume, he hid his comments

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  • brainless_femboy said:
    WHY IS CP ALLOWED ON THIS SITE, HOW FUCKING MENTALLY ILL DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO THINK; "Hmmmmm yes, allowing child Pornography on this site is okay" NO IT FUCKING ISN'T!!!
    Jesus Christ, how is this site still up to begin with????

    I may well be in the wrong for thinking this, and I'm certainly biased on the topic because I rather like the majority of cub/child art on here, but as long as it keeps people from doing the things depicted in the art irl, I say its better to have it left alone, in many ways the art acts as a stopgap for many people, myself included, like how spicy food is a crutch for people getting off a nicotine addiction, it prevents "cravings"

    Updated by Rainbow Dash

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