homeless dog created by ponporio
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Homeless Dog recounts a fun story from her past.

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  • 88miker said:
    Dang, I wonder what happened to her friend.

    That and where her older brother is too, and why she isn’t with either of them.


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  • abirdthatpierceshell said:
    Suit guy got to her too in his quest to ruin Homeless Dog's entire life.

    "It was me Homeless dog, I told your friend to make up that story so that you'd have this happy moment just so I can yoink it right back!

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  • ipissedinhumidifier said:
    Found suit guy's alt

    saltedpills said:
    We know its you suit dude

    No, of course not!

    This is the account of someone who wears a Hawaiian shirt and socks with sandals, not of some shrewd, shadowy and honestly quite good looking Suit wearing fellow!

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  • solenoid4lyf said:
    No, of course not!

    This is the account of someone who wears a Hawaiian shirt and socks with sandals, not of some shrewd, shadowy and honestly quite good looking Suit wearing fellow!

    Damn, he's right. No way someone wearing socks and sandals would lie.

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  • eclipse_the_moon said:
    The story was cute. to bad it was brought up in one of the most awkward ways possible😅

    If having a conversation while having paid for sex is the most awkward way you can think of your life has been way nicer than most.

    I mean as an adult stuck in any household appliance comes right to mind.

    Sex is a thing that normally happens.
    Paying people for sex also not that uncommon.
    But if you as an adult found yourself in a dryer and were unable to egress the dryer and then you were telling me about ditching school. That's just awkward for everyone.

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  • jumpcard said:
    If having a conversation while having paid for sex is the most awkward way you can think of your life has been way nicer than most.

    I mean as an adult stuck in any household appliance comes right to mind.

    Sex is a thing that normally happens.
    Paying people for sex also not that uncommon.
    But if you as an adult found yourself in a dryer and were unable to egress the dryer and then you were telling me about ditching school. That's just awkward for everyone.

    *two people having paid sex*
    -So what do you think about the situation in Ukraine?

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  • endor-7th said:
    *two people having paid sex*
    -So what do you think about the situation in Ukraine?

    It's not like I'm asking them to wax poetic about geopolitics while they are having an orgasm just while we are going through the motions.

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  • jumpcard said:
    It's not like I'm asking them to wax poetic about geopolitics while they are having an orgasm just while we are going through the motions.

    True, though I just thought that scenario is still funny.

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  • endor-7th said:
    *two people having paid sex*
    -So what do you think about the situation in Ukraine?

    MEANWHILE, in an alternative universe

    -You know, I always thought the funny mustache guy was kinda hot...

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  • I've been really digging the art style ponporio went with for this comic (don't know if that's the right word for what I mean.)

    Like how in this and the last page, you have the happy memory spoken and playing in the foreground, yet in the background is the noises of the bed written in that scratchy, capital letter style.
    It's like, even though she right now has this happy memory as the focus of her thoughts, the terrifying reality of what is happening is still there in the background, still happening.

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