blueberry created by bitfly
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Well well, it's that time of year once again - Happy Skunktember, everybody!~

For this year I wanted to do something a little special, but before getting into that I should clarify; yes, I did teach myself 3D modeling, and yes I did use this newfound knowledge for more shameless butt content. Because I felt like if there were ever any subject matter that deserved to be my muse for my first real 3D project, it'd have to be a certain skunk who'd revel in having his booty rendered in 3D~

That's all fine and good, but what's more - I'm offering this model for sale! If you'd like to have your own 3D Blueberry to satisfy your sultry skunk butt-related needs, or even if you'd like to 3D printer your own Blueberry figurine, please have a gander at the link below:

(I would definitely like to personally produce and offer actual physical figures of this model - and, if I make more, others - in the future, but at present I lack the resources for such things. Here's hoping, though!)

Once again, a very happy Skunktember to you all~

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