slate created by cfoxblu
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  • I want you to know, that I was extremely frustrated with myself because I was having a really REALLY hard time drawing my characters, so I decided to on this website to look at kobold references. It is this image that cheered me up, out of all the cute, funny, or stupid kobold shenanigans, this post made me laugh, and made me feel better. Thank you so much.

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  • spucythepervykobold said:
    I want you to know, that I was extremely frustrated with myself because I was having a really REALLY hard time drawing my characters, so I decided to on this website to look at kobold references. It is this image that cheered me up, out of all the cute, funny, or stupid kobold shenanigans, this post made me laugh, and made me feel better. Thank you so much.

    This took ages to see, but thanks! :)

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