mythology created by dipingxiangtr.d
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YCH:“hanging 50 characters” open

Dragons looting everywhere

Captured many slaves

This time they decided to hanging At the same time 50 slaves

They will appreciate the 50 personal matter

At the same time dance of death and orgasm

This is a spectacular scene


YCH:"hanging 50 characters" open

I've painted a lot of people At the same time hanging

This is my previous YCH:

[Hanging 17: 1-8
Hanging 17: 9-11
Hanging 17: 11-13
Hanging 17: 13-15
Hanging 17: 15-17
Image Compiled by FK2169: post #3987395 post #3987395]

Final At the same time hanging 17 people

Now I want while hanging 50 characters

This is a long-term YCH

Can be added at any time

ych is line

Better than before painting

Only 7USD

You can be a location

Any gender,


Starting at 1

Because the picture length limit

50 characters can not be in a painting

I will be divided into 10 page

Every page I'll draw five characters

Each page add a free extra Dragon

This is a standard place hanging → here ←

But do not worry

I would draw a "hanging wall" → here ←

I will continue to put characters on the wall

Finalize hanging 50 characters

Only 7USD

Everyone will help me complete it ^ ^

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