jacket and lyra created by bitterstrawberries
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And that'll be it for now. Updates are on Sunday. This comic has been fun to draw so far since I've been experimenting with a simpler coloring style with it. Hope you enjoy the rest of it as it comes out.

None of the characters have name yet. I sort of have a sequel in mind and will need names by that time, so, when that happens, I'll come back and update the names for E621.

You can support me on Patreon, or with a Paypal tip! <3



  • Comments
  • chrissi1990 said:
    Gay roosters - that's a funny twist... Now I'm even more looking forward to updates...

    you know..

    Its MORE COMMON in teh real world then you think.. and across Species to

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  • XD oh crap im blind didn't even see it was Rooster on Rooster 😂😂😂 seems tho like ms hen is going to take a ride on the knot side tho

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  • chrissi1990 said:
    Gay roosters - that's a funny twist... Now I'm even more looking forward to updates...

    snowie said:
    you know..

    Its MORE COMMON in teh real world then you think.. and across Species to

    I’ve been told this can be a common phenomenon in sheep husbandry. Around 1 in 5 male sheep seem to prefer bangin other boy sheep to actually makin babies. It’s fairly easy to tell on account of how livestock breeders chalk the bellies of their studs with different colors, and come breeding season there’s always rams with chalked up behinds, and sometimes that’s the only place you’ll find some rams’ marks.

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  • anonomenclature said:
    livestock breeders chalk the bellies of their studs with different colors, and come breeding season there’s always rams with chalked up behinds, and sometimes that’s the only place you’ll find some rams’ marks.

    Why do some ppl put chalk on rams?

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  • polishonion said:
    Why do some ppl put chalk on rams?

    It’s to keep track of which rams breed which ewes, and whether they were successful. Mostly to keep track of both reproductive health and parentage.
    If a ram chalks up a bunch of ewes during mating season, but none of them get pregnant, it’s possible there’s something wrong with his pipes. Same if a ewe is mated by multiple rams but never conceives. Sort of an early warning system for health issues that affect reproduction.
    And of course, if you’re breeding animals, you want to make sure you’re keeping track of who everybody’s sire and dam are, to prevent issues down the line.

    Also, it’s entirely possible that a ewe just doesn’t like a ram, or a ram just doesn’t like a ewe, and the absence of chalk during a season when animals are looking for literally any excuse to shag lets a farmer know that a ram and ewe may just not be compatible. Shuffling them around from paddock to paddock not only improves the likelihood of mating, but will probably make both animals happier with company they actually like.

    Course, like I said, sometimes it turns out that a specific ram has very specific tastes that are not prone to producing offspring of any kind. It’s likely that’s true of most animals capable of sexual selection, but the practice of chalking provides a body of evidence and makes that fact about rams pretty much universal knowledge among shepherds.


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  • I love how I find this one panel joke the hottest thing in this comic lmao. It's a pretty nice comic all around tho.

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