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From the source

Happy Cow (+story)

By Volatus , posted Apr 23, 2023 03:11 PM Anxious Rat

Mr. Anzinger guided the shareholders through the well-lit hallway of the “Happy Cow” Corporation’s main facility. They were major investors crucial for the company’s growth, as the middle-aged man knew. Though, with the current return on investment, he had little worry about maintaining their satisfaction.

It was a simple infotainment tour for the company’s most prominent financial supporters. They won’t be shocked by what they see. So Mr. Anzinger had little reason for headaches. Still, he was required to convince them that the internal workings of this business stayed internal.

An operation like this generated vast profits, and the product enjoyed popularity among the population. The caveat was that the method of gathering belonged to the knowledge most people didn’t desire to possess. Like most animal-based products, people consume them in large quantities, but they despise knowing how the animals were treated in the process.

Fortunately, they were all businesspeople. The challenge wasn’t to bullshit them to believe he had some animals happily giving their produce in here. No, they had to be satisfied that he could sway the public continuously. They had to be convinced that “Happy Cow” would not generate bad press regarding slavery or animal ethics.

“The gallery is the best place to observe our facility; if you’d be so kind as to follow me, you will have an outstanding view of our livestock and farmhands.” Mr. Anzinger announced before passing through a final door that opened up to a large bridge beneath the ceiling of the complex’s heart. The uuuhs and aaahs of the investors were music in his ears.

And indeed, the sight was one to behold. A dozen anthropomorphic Rats ran around, clothed in nothing but their chastity belts around their waists. Like busy bees, they tended to the 162 spheres, each the size of a big washing machine. Two feet, a tail, two hands, a pair of enormous balls, and an equally enormous shaft stuck out of each orb. All of those body parts clearly belonged to Rat-kind as well.

“The main hall is where all the Cows reside, and our farmhands tend to them. Watch there-” Mr. Anzinger proclaimed and pointed toward a Rat approaching a sphere close to their vantage point. “-here, you can witness a milking. As our slogan promises: “Rat-produce from happy Rats, milked by happy Rats.”

They all observed silently while the chastised Rat wrapped his small hands around the massive shaft of the big-balled Rat trapped in a huge orb and began to move them up and down. It took mere seconds for the pent-up Rat to discharge into the bucket below his organ. But the farmhand maintained the pace and squeezed more semen out. Orgasm after orgasm filled the bucket. The time between each climax increased perceptibly. Eventually, with a bucket filled to the brim, the Rat took it and emptied it into a container close by. A noteworthy amount of semen spilled onto the floor during the procedure.

“100 % hand milked! None of those inhuman milking machines torturing the poor animals day in and day out while squeezing each last drop from the poor beasts. We keep the Rat’s health in mind and are proud of it.”

“You say happy, but the Rat just milked appears a bit—distressed.” An elderly woman asked. Yet despite her remark, without discernable concern or sympathy in her voice.

And indeed, the milked Rat rubbed with his tail over his balls while his hands clawed at the metal sphere and his feet curled up, trying fruitlessly to get hold of anything. All the while, his member still leaked copious amounts of semen despite not receiving any more attention.

“The process fatigues a Cow regardless of the care you put into them. But I assure you the animal will recover and is granted three days of rest before it is siphoned again.”

“I see. Every Cow gets milked on a three-day cycle?”

“Yes, about ten milkings a month. We ascertained this to result in the purest produce. A difference one tastes! At the end of our tour, I invite you to taste-test freshly milked produce by our very own Cows and compare it to the highest quality machine-milked semen from a competitor. You can experience the difference between the two firsthand. Our product truly deserves the term delicacy! Hence, our semen fetches triple the price compared to machine milked Rat semen. Tasty as well, no doubt, but no comparison to our high-quality treat!”

“Are Cows ever permitted outside their orb?” A younger man asked.

“Of course not, Mister. When a Cow enters our service, they are kept in the holding spheres until released. Which is not before they perish.”

“Is that save from an animal health point of view?” he asked.

“Absolutely, much safer than outside. Their bodily needs are taken care of. In fact, they don’t even have to breathe or chew their food themselves. Both are pumped into the lungs and stomach, respectively. You see the tubes that lead into the spheres. Further, machines handle their bladder and bowel emptying. An enema pumps their guts full with liquid for 8 hours, then sits for 8 hours before being drained for another 8 hours, then repeats. We discerned that the procedure is most beneficial to their health. We are a young company with 58 years of experience, but no Cow has had to be replaced yet.”

Another woman asked: “The size of their—mhmm—udders suggests that these are laboratory-bred Rats. What other enhancement did your company add?”

“Very well observed! And as you undoubtedly know, it would be illegal to declare them as animals if they weren’t out of a test tube. The laws enacted in 2193 after the United Marsian and Terran Empire had conquered their home planet gave Rat people limited citizen rights but explicitly excluded laboratory-bred bodies of their species. Which can be either declared an animal or a free worker. Our farmhands are all free workers.”

The woman chuckled. “I always considered it curious to call them free workers, granted their very lack of the same. However, their further enhancements?”

“Free, as in they don’t require to be paid, but you presumably know that. I agree the term is quite ironic. However, their enlarged genitals aside, which is a reaction to the drug that enhances the libido and semen production of their bodies, the only other alteration they’ve gone through is the lengthening of their lifespan. The 40 years a Rat usually lives are just so pathetic. Compare that to humanity’s average of 350 years we have accomplished. And constant breakthroughs in life span exceeding treatments are achieved. However, at least in theory, our Rats should live more than thrice their normal lifespan. We didn’t see the demand for further enhancements. After all, we desired to create a natural product; too many genetic modifications would taint it.”

“I’m curious,” asked a tall, middle-aged woman: “Their tails can surely reach their shaft. How did you solve the issue with what I speculate would be an undesirable self-milking?”

“That is indeed a matter we had to solve. So far, we haven’t had an animal that did not attempt self-milking. And unfortunately, a new Cow will go through that process once. As our only solution is to discipline the Cow to prevent further incidents.”

“Discipline, how exactly?”

“We don’t enjoy harming our livestock, but the animal in question has their udder treated with a cattleprod for an hour. That’s the initial punishment to get across that their penis is off-limit. Next, their tail will be numbed and stunned with a drug. It wears off slowly over a year. They are more mindful of how they use it afterward. Ultimately it is a gift from us to choose not to immobilize it with the rest of its body inside the orb. But the illusion of being able to manipulate and experience the outside affects the animal’s brain greatly and thus raises the yield quality. Lastly, they won’t be milked for 30 days to let things sink in. Going longer without orgasm would cause fatal damage to the animal. More than a month without ejaculation results in their organs failing. The drug we inject to maintain their milk output must be emptied by a climax regularly. A month is the most before toxic buildups damage the Cow.”

“Can you tell us more about the drug Mr. Anzinger?”

“Of course, Ms. Wuest. The medication boosts a Cow’s natural production of semen. This invokes renewed growth of the genitals regardless of the animal’s age. Their genetic alterations permit their bodies to endure the drug and its effects. While the growth is nothing but an aftereffect with no practical use, I may say, it is quite pleasant to look at.” Several guests nodded. “The growth never stops, but after an initial growth spurt, it slows significantly to maybe 1 - 2 millimeters per year [0.04 - 0.08 inches]. The drug also heightens their appetite to copulate. In fact, there is likely little else on their small animal brains. A craving we can’t, unfortunately, absolve them of. It would be a waste of valuable produce. Further, their sensitivity to touch multiplies by magnitudes. Hence why our Cows are capable of ejaculating quickly and often. However, we have to limit the number of consecutive orgasms. The buckets our farmhands wield are exactly that size for a reason. One filling is what a Cow takes without having a heart attack. More consecutive climaxes might lead to an unfortunate death.”

“What is actually inside those orbs? The Rat aside, of course.”

“It’s a semi-viscous liquid that restrains their movement wholly but does not constrain the slow expansion of their chest due to breathing or the swelling of their belly from food intake. The liquid also invigorates and maintains their muscle and skin so they remain healthy animals.”

“Are the Rats prepared somehow before they are put into the spheres?”

“The only preparation they go through is a permanent removal of their fur to ensure contact with the liquid inside.”

“Are there any concerns about the behavior of the farmhands? How do you ascertain their continued servitude?”

“We have a straightforward and mundane solution for that. It upholds their loyalty and eager servitude. The chastity belts hold the secret. You see, the opening for peeing is connected to a hollow sound that penetrates deep into the urethra. A hatch at the end of the sound only opens when they connect to one of the receptacles scattered throughout the facility. In other words, if they want to pee, this building is the sole place on the planet where it is possible. The same goes for defecation; a tube penetrates deep into the anus. A hatch at its end only opens when connected. This has the additional positive effect that we can regulate how often they pee and defecate. After all, that is time they are not working. Peeing is twice a day and defecation every other day.”

“Indeed, an uncomplicated but efficient resolution Mr. Anzinger. I applaud this. If a farmhand ends up being lazy, what is your verdict there? I assume they have quotas to meet.”

“They indeed have to, Mr. Staubing. Farmhands are required to milk, groom the animals, and scrub the facility. All activities are linked to quotas. Not achieving quotas results in revoking their urination privilege for two days. That is for first-time offenders. The second time their defecation privilege is removed for a week. The third time they will have to endure the capsule.”

“The capsule? Sounds interesting.” A young woman chimed in.

“It, in fact, is quite the opposite, at least for the farmhand,” Mr. Anzinger laughed. “It is a sensory deprivation—let’s call it—sarcophagus, where they will be confined for an extended period of time. No movement possible, no light, nothing. They have to suffer that for a month. Every time they fail to fulfill their quota—that never happened—I might add—the time they would have to spend in the capsule increases by one month. So, two months for the next offense. Three after that, and so on. But as I said, we never had to take measures that drastic. Rarely does a farmhand fail its quota more than once. Revoking the pee privilege gets the message across usually.”

“This question might be unnecessary as I presume the answer is never. Though the chastity belt, does it get removed at any point? And a related question, can they acquire rewards for being particularly efficient and over-achieving their quotas?” Another young woman in a more casual dress asked. She looked like the previous girl. They were likely twins, but if by natural means or genetically engineered wasn’t discernable.

“Your suspicion is indeed accurate. Those chastity belts are not to be separated from their bodies. In fact, they are designed to prevent this from happening either by accident or deliberately. They do not bear a lock to be unlocked. Further, the alloy utilized is nigh indestructible. Dismantling it with force would kill the Rat in the process. Our farmhands are indeed stuck with their “clothing.”
For your other question, no reward system is implemented for them. Living without punishment by attaining the quotas appears adequate for a free worker. Commonly the treatment of Rats in other companies and domestic homes is harsher. I might add here that they aren’t even molested or maltreated by our employees. As long as they function within their parameters, they can live their free worker life undisturbed.”

Mr. Anzinger pointed at a Rat that was about to approach an animal. “And here you can see what I talked about. Watch this free worker and how he pets the swollen balls of that Cow. It’s an unproductive and futile act of sympathy. But we let it slip as long as he fulfills his quota. As you can see, we are very lenient with our farmhands. It remains “Happy Rats milked by happy Rats!” We treat these inferior creatures more than they deserve or get elsewhere.”

They watched together as the Rat caressed the Cow’s balls while the animal wrapped their tail around the farmhand’s wrist. Slowly the Cow pushed the Rat’s hand toward his throbbing leaking cock. The farmhand sank to his knees, put the bucket beneath the Cow’s member, and began milking. The first charge flowed quickly. The animal’s tail and hands signaled the relief it experienced. But the procedure, of course, continued. And slowly, the Rat’s body language changed from bliss to despair. That wasn’t to stop the farmhand. He continued relentlessly until the bucket was filled.

Then he stood up, gave the animal a few more pats on his now undoubtedly sore balls, and pressed one of the Cow’s feet with his hand goodbye before he departed. The animal kept rubbing his balls with his tail, with little doubt, crying tears unseen to the world.

“One wonders how jealous the farmhands must be, considering their cocks are denied permanently. Or did you do anything to staunch their libido, Mr. Anzinger?”

“No, we determined this as unnecessary. It doesn’t seem to affect their efficiency. And our company’s credo is to make things as natural as possible. That extends to our farmhands, no unnecessary drugs, medications, or surgeries.”

An old man asked: “I’m curious you talked about the Rat having to fulfill quotas for cleaning the animals and facility. By what means do they clean? Going by your credo, I assume they don’t use aggressive cleansers?”

“Oh, you are so very right, Mr. Lenz. They, in fact, don’t use any cleaning agent. They scrub and mop the Rats and facility solely by using their tongue. It is the most natural manner possible, as you certainly will agree. Watch there; the Rat over there just started grooming an animal.”

They watched the farmhand as he thoroughly licked the feet, balls, hands, and tail of a Rat. Lastly, he licked the Cow’s cock. Carefully to prevent the animal from discharging his load. Mr. Anzinger explained: “The livestock’s members are only cleaned shortly after a milking. Otherwise, an undesired ejaculation would be inevitable.” After the Cow was bathed, the farmhand commenced washing the orb the animal was trapped in. Lastly, he licked the surrounding floor. Mr. Anzinger chimed in: “It’s funny with all the spilled semen. This inevitably ensues during the milking process and the natural trickling discharge the Cows deal with. This farmhand consumed during wiping several thousand credits worth of produce. I doubt they value the treat they get here.” he laughed, and so did the guests.

“If you would now follow me to our lounge where our taste testing is prepared. As you are certainly curious about what delicious treat our farmhand just tasted. Oh, and no worries, unlike that fellow, you do not have to lick it from the floor.” The crowd laughs. “We serve it on oysters with a nice truffle topping. There is also a selection of wine prepared.”

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  • Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.
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  • Laszlo~The~Proto said:
    Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.


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