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  • Comments
  • joemother7712017 said:
    Good God, as a police department, how would you respond to this? Like, how do you approach that?

    I mean, in a world of furries, ruled by furry logic, it wouldn't be THAT shocking...

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  • joemother7712017 said:
    Good God, as a police department, how would you respond to this? Like, how do you approach that?

    in the furry world, the police, fire department, hospitals, etc. have been replaced by enviromental disaster response units.

    "911, where's the cum_flooding?"

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  • joemother7712017 said:
    Good God, as a police department, how would you respond to this? Like, how do you approach that?

    We have a code CFD331 What the hell does that even mean cum Flood detected 331 All units somebody get the sponger

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  • Hello, this is FNN (Furry News Network) (lol) and reports say th- mhm.. ok.. police reports say that a local school has been somehow flooded with cum
    Why and how the school was flooded with cum is uncertain.. but it might have something to do with the recent burglarary on a top secret facility
    We will keep you updated if anything happens, back to you jefferey

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  • Thinking about how, at 1:50, his balls got so big and heavy that he fell directly on them... and it apparently felt good enough to start leaking hose...

    Drash enjoys a little bit of ball-busting, confirmed?

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  • Imagine having 4 balls. Casually normal size. What an odd feeling in your pants. But, do it make extra horny? Or just more balls for no reason.

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