nintendo and etc created by koielacanth

Hope nobody thinks im obssesed with this cat, i just enjoying doing stuff to certain Pokemon.

Also, this was the original drawing from the last one as my friends dont like sexy gore :c
Honestly i could do more but i see this stuff a little taboo specially with Pokemon characters. See ya soon~

  • Comments
  • Why are there always so many downvotes on gore? There's dozens of weird tags on this site, like diapers. Hell, most people still think furries in general are wierd. If you hate gore, blood, pain, or impalement you can block all those tags. Gore isn't my thing either, but it's at least drawn well here.

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  • cheesetest1000 said:
    Why are there always so many downvotes on gore? There's dozens of weird tags on this site, like diapers. Hell, most people still think furries in general are wierd. If you hate gore, blood, pain, or impalement you can block all those tags. Gore isn't my thing either, but it's at least drawn well here.

    I tend to think their plan is to shame people out of enjoying gore art. Why else would anyone continually go to pictures they know they'll dislike? It has to be deliberate.

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  • cheesetest1000 said:
    Why are there always so many downvotes on gore? There's dozens of weird tags on this site, like diapers. Hell, most people still think furries in general are wierd. If you hate gore, blood, pain, or impalement you can block all those tags. Gore isn't my thing either, but it's at least drawn well here.

    people like complaining more than enjoying

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