jayden, sebastien, and serah created by black-kitten
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  • You try to do something nice for someone.

    I'm back on predictions, I'm going to hold up the idea that Keith taking a long time to get home is him taking a moment to chill and think rationally about this. C'mon, BK, you went for the obvious car crash. Prove me wrong. Don't stop the wholesome by having their dad come home roaring drunk.

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  • Introducing: The Waiting Game.

    4/5 Reviewers say they almost died of boredom!!!

    Now offering the Boredgames and TV DLCs, both for free!!!*

    *Just pay a small fee of your whole day. :)

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  • sylamorase said:
    You try to do something nice for someone.

    I'm back on predictions, I'm going to hold up the idea that Keith taking a long time to get home is him taking a moment to chill and think rationally about this. C'mon, BK, you went for the obvious car crash. Prove me wrong. Don't stop the wholesome by having their dad come home roaring drunk.

    Honestly, agreed to an extent, but at the same time, BK is a masterful artist who I’m sure could certainly direct the story through that kind of plot “twist.” I’m just along for the ride, eager to see what’s next. ^-^

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  • sylamorase said:
    You try to do something nice for someone.

    I'm back on predictions, I'm going to hold up the idea that Keith taking a long time to get home is him taking a moment to chill and think rationally about this. C'mon, BK, you went for the obvious car crash. Prove me wrong. Don't stop the wholesome by having their dad come home roaring drunk.

    My theory is that Keith is visiting his wife’s grave while trying to figure out what to do about this situation.

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  • cyclone said:
    My theory is that Keith is visiting his wife’s grave while trying to figure out what to do about this situation.

    That’s been on my thoughts as well. Looking back on the conversation he had with Seb, when dropping him off at school, and then looking at the old pictures in the truck visor…

    I really think he loved Bethany (mom). He’s dazed and confused right now.

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  • cyclone said:
    My theory is that Keith is visiting his wife’s grave while trying to figure out what to do about this situation.

    It does look as though Keith’s left her on Read. So this kind of scenario may not be very farfetched. He could very well be confused as to what to do, given what he’s discovered about Serah and Seb.

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  • I appreciate that Jayden is actually sticking around and trying to help them, even if it ends up as just trying to meditate, rather than going "Not my problem; good luck" and taking off. Hopefully Keith comes back with a level head, and she can help him maintain that.

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  • cyclone said:
    My theory is that Keith is visiting his wife’s grave while trying to figure out what to do about this situation.

    She's dead? Where can I find that?

    Edit: Never mind. I went back and I didn't notice the car on my first read.


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  • sylamorase said:
    You try to do something nice for someone.

    I'm back on predictions, I'm going to hold up the idea that Keith taking a long time to get home is him taking a moment to chill and think rationally about this. C'mon, BK, you went for the obvious car crash. Prove me wrong. Don't stop the wholesome by having their dad come home roaring drunk.

    I don't know, him coming home drunk can be a way to let him speak freely from his heart and could reveal some mystery from the past for us. It certainly would be a harsh and unpleasant act in the story, but it could surely endure some drama.
    In the end Keith could have and emotional breakdown followed by a bonding moment with his kids. And of course a stern discussion on Sunday Morning.

    This comic series has been great so far and I'm 99% sure BK cannot f*** this up, in whichever direction the plot will go from here. I'll certainly stay till the end of the road.

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  • cyclone said:
    My theory is that Keith is visiting his wife’s grave while trying to figure out what to do about this situation.

    Damn, I didn’t even consider that. It’s a strong possibility.

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  • While the probably obvious option is Keith is trying to find a solution at the bottom of a glass I'm leaning more Keith is at Bethany's grave talking it out with her as to what's happening with their kids searching for how to respond.

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  • All the people that are hoping everything turns out okay are silly. Modern medial is obsessed with tragedy and destruction. Has been for YEARS. Shock sells, for some reason. Even Tale of Tails spend weeks setting up this wonderful tender moment with a reformed school bully just to have the main Protagonist murder any entire innocent village for the shock value. Keith is probably out hammering his liver into submission so that he can die running another stop sign, and getting T-boned by another truck so that the little love birds have go feel responsible.

    Now, before yall pound this post with down votes, consider this. I can't be disappointed by what happens next. I can't be hurt or upset. Only pleasantly surprised.


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  • somerandomghoul said:
    All the people that are hoping everything turns out okay are silly. Modern medial is obsessed with tragedy and destruction. Has been for YEARS. Shock sells, for some reason. Even Tale of Tails spend weeks setting up this wonderful tender moment with a reformed school bully just to have the main Protagonist murder any entire innocent village for the shock value. Keith is probably out hammering his liver into submission so that he can die running another stop sign, and getting T-boned by another truck so that the little love birds have go feel responsible.

    Now, before yall pound this post with down votes, consider this. I can't be disappointed by what happens next. I can't be hurt or upset. Only pleasantly surprised.

    That's the biggest reason I want everything to turn out well for them, because things usually don't in reality, and even when they do we rarely hear about it. Yes tragedy sells, unfortunately.

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  • fudge said:
    It does look as though Keith’s left her on Read. So this kind of scenario may not be very farfetched. He could very well be confused as to what to do, given what he’s discovered about Serah and Seb.

    That or he's out getting drunk as drunk can be LoL... some people do that route when something like this happens because they want to forget it ever happened

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  • somerandomghoul said:
    All the people that are hoping everything turns out okay are silly. Modern medial is obsessed with tragedy and destruction. Has been for YEARS. Shock sells, for some reason. Even Tale of Tails spend weeks setting up this wonderful tender moment with a reformed school bully just to have the main Protagonist murder any entire innocent village for the shock value. Keith is probably out hammering his liver into submission so that he can die running another stop sign, and getting T-boned by another truck so that the little love birds have go feel responsible.

    Now, before yall pound this post with down votes, consider this. I can't be disappointed by what happens next. I can't be hurt or upset. Only pleasantly surprised.

    Yeah, shock sells, just look at anything on HBO for half a second. But the question here is, "who's buying this?" This comic is here, available for free. There's no point in pandering to the proles to drum up sales. Couple that with everyone in the comments wanting everything to turn out alright... Yeah, the views of modern media and their brain dead audiences don't fit here. If Mornings was going to go down that road, they would have done it before now.

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  • sylamorase said:
    Yeah, shock sells, just look at anything on HBO for half a second. But the question here is, "who's buying this?" This comic is here, available for free. There's no point in pandering to the proles to drum up sales. Couple that with everyone in the comments wanting everything to turn out alright... Yeah, the views of modern media and their brain dead audiences don't fit here. If Mornings was going to go down that road, they would have done it before now.

    Free now, it was crowd funed for ages til whatever service BK used changed their TOS, it was like right before Saturday so BK said "fuck it" and is just gonna finish it for free although, if you wanna support him, he's got a Patreon and Subscribstar (think that's how it's spelt) linked on his Inkbunny (image source)

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  • sylamorase said:
    You try to do something nice for someone.

    I'm back on predictions, I'm going to hold up the idea that Keith taking a long time to get home is him taking a moment to chill and think rationally about this. C'mon, BK, you went for the obvious car crash. Prove me wrong. Don't stop the wholesome by having their dad come home roaring drunk.

    I'd like to believe that even if he does come home drunk, he'd at least have the clarity to think he already lost their mother, the last thing he wants to feel responsible for is driving away his kids. They're all he has left (if you don't count Jayden)

    Also, iirc we have yet to have a scene with any of them at her gravesite. Keith might be there having an internal struggle with what to do...

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  • Wounder how long the wait. But most likely he got himself in a accident. Story feels like it's heading in that direction.

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  • somerandomghoul said:
    All the people that are hoping everything turns out okay are silly. Modern medial is obsessed with tragedy and destruction. Has been for YEARS. Shock sells, for some reason. Even Tale of Tails spend weeks setting up this wonderful tender moment with a reformed school bully just to have the main Protagonist murder any entire innocent village for the shock value. Keith is probably out hammering his liver into submission so that he can die running another stop sign, and getting T-boned by another truck so that the little love birds have go feel responsible.

    Now, before yall pound this post with down votes, consider this. I can't be disappointed by what happens next. I can't be hurt or upset. Only pleasantly surprised.

    now that's the sound of a critic one who isn't afraid. which is good

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  • rubberdiver said:
    They could have... i don't know... fucked all day? Birthcontrol doesn't seem to be an issue anyway :)

    I’m not sure Jayden would have appreciated/tolerated that for long. She might be open-minded, but no one wants to hang out while other people are off fuckin’.

    Besides, they’re waiting for Keith and that’d not the best way for him to find out. Which is ironic but here we are.

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  • It's 2023. Several major companies compete with each other to retain and monetize my short attention span. I have at my inmediate disposal not one, but many streaming services, each one with more content than I could consume in what's left of my life, with each series having more budget spent on them than I dare to imagine. The concept of TV as we knew it has been dead for quite a while, and waiting for the next chapter of a series feel so anachronic it's ridiculous.Yet here I am, each week logging in to see if the next page is out. Good job, Mr. Black-Kitten. Very good job.

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  • somerandomghoul said:
    All the people that are hoping everything turns out okay are silly. Modern medial is obsessed with tragedy and destruction. Has been for YEARS.

    Modern media?! You can go back to ancient Greece, and probably longer, to find tragedy esteemed as one of the two major dramatic genres (paired with comedy). You know, the happy and sad theater masks that date back farther than anybody bothered to document? Classic plays all end with a wedding (comedy) or everybody dying (tragedy)?

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