esix (the cheese grater image and etc) created by ratte
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you knew it was going to happen

pls support my stuff so I can afford vet bills and other bills and the rest of existing:

  • Comments
  • amadanus said:
    It's good that they don't know.

    well they certainly can find out easy enough... and heyyy kids there's still arcives of the photo floating around some on the deleted works page itself so if you get curious... nightmare fuel is but a search away~

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  • A distinct lack of freshly-grated cheese on that s'ghetti, despite the giant grater. Hope they find some parm somewhere preferably not in someone's ass.

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  • Ratte

    Former Staff

    seymourachalmers said:
    When you notice that this image (along with the cheese grater) made it to the frontpage of e6 as a mascot image
    post #648818

    This was a commission for Bad-Dragon specifically for that purpose, just like my previous two holiday homepage illustrations.

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  • silentkiddo said:
    The original artist requested takedown, he just no longer wanted the work to be seen.
    A shame.

    You say a shame, I say the original artist not wanting to be associated with a really disturbing (and also weird as hell) image they made when they were younger.

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  • this triggered some major PTSD moments. Getting some vietnam flashbacks but it's the cheese grater

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  • benjiboyo said:
    So, what DID happen to the original post?

    The artist issued a takdown of it stating "No one needs to see that shit anymore" or something lol, they apparently were not very proud of the art they made over a decade before and tried to get it all removed from the internet (it was all very much the same as the cheese grater pic).

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  • The legend lives on. What a GRATE time to be alive, and how just nice it is to have collective trauma about the infamous shredder something we can look back on and laugh about.

    Oh god it's grating on my mind plz send help

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  • forcedaccount said:
    *Opens site*
    *Furrows brow*
    "I hate that I know this reference."

    GOD PLEASE EXPLAIN. i need to see this shit. my eyes want to burn my brain want to suffering my soul want to die. no matter what i want to know reason of all this hype

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  • some_furry said:
    Why did you have to remind me of this nightmare fuel of a post?

    Can you describe me the grater image? I don't feel like seeing hell. Ronnie Mcnutt has ruined the Internet enough for me.

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  • It's a raccoon having a cheese grater shoved up their ass like a dildo
    Just a smol bit of gore and blood, not too bad compared to some other stuff,
    Now if you want some truly traumatic stuff, try e254e
    I warn you tho, if you do search their work up
    It's your fault not mine

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