ramiel (robocough) created by deceased bunny (artist)
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  • vaxei said:
    robotabs bottom left

    Gotta love that they went with the robotabs too, definitely not everyone knows about them. Hell not a lot of people even know about dxm

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  • i10miata said:
    Gotta love that they went with the robotabs too, definitely not everyone knows about them. Hell not a lot of people even know about dxm

    hey, at least It's not copius amounts of benadryl. that shit in high doses is terrifying.

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  • zane_xavier said:
    I might be wrong, but it looks like a bar tap...?

    It's a whipped cream dispenser, or a whippet cracker. It's a tool to do N2O using whipped cream chargers, that's what the little blue crayon looking things are strewn about.

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  • Dang, I love the atmosphere in this. It captures an almost somber, personal vibe. It's just a bunny throwing up drugs in the bath tub, yet the emotions it makes me feel leave me needing to express how pretty and well made this is! 💙

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  • acinonyx_jubatus said:
    so why is that not a good idea? I have zero experience with drugs.

    you get either sleepy, less sensory aware or lose control, all three can lead to bad things

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