veka sendenhorst created by dtstat
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[From DTStat's old Tumblr:]
Veka Sendenhorst if she theoretically decided to abandon mercenary work. This could have been because of a talking down by an experienced mercenary or a run in with any form of high grade enforcement or assassination unit. Machines do not receive any form of basic income so she would have to seek real employment.

Most likely she would work for the Tri-Atmo corporation formed out of the prewar European Union, since they are not as discriminatory towards machines. Veka would have to work a“mock” job since it is not likely for her to be an actual part of any corporation. Mock jobs are any job that can be replaced by machines but aren’t since customers feel much better interacting with human employees. These jobs may involve anything from customer service to low level security.

Most of this work is relatively easy and not taken particularly seriously by either the employer or employee. These jobs exists generally to form office comradery and earn extra income on top of the already considerable basic. Depending on the job however if they employer had a personal distaste for an employee they could make their job more difficult. This would likely happen to Veka since not many are too fond of thinking machines. A human employee could leave at any time and live comfortably off basic income. Veka does not have that luxury.

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