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  • Comments
  • Haha, everything about this picture is just hilarious.

    A bunch of jolly looking fursuiters in front of the banner of the Third Reich. It's one bar, hasidic jew, and black guy away from a terrible joke!

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  • Seriously peoples, see the display case in the lower right? How about the reflection of an antique phone on the display cover on the left flag. Obviously some kind of museum

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  • webreakn said:
    Those are just furries at a museum (if you look at the lower right)

    Oh noes! The butt-hurt furries downvoted your comment! Quick take this vial of "Fuck Off" before it spreads!

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  • The irony here is Hitler would have had Furries let alone gay ones killed off, this whole Nazi fur thing is such a silly concept. If this is Furries at a Museum they are still trying to show that being a Nazi was cool from the way they were posing here.

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  • Its not ironic or whatever, Its just proving you and ur THeories about national socialists, spreaded by Media wrong.

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  • The symbol of fascism: it is a large bundle of sticks, known as a "faggot." That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the symbol of fascism is a faggot!

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  • thephox1982 said:
    If this is Furries at a Museum they are still trying to show that being a Nazi was cool from the way they were posing here.

    Haha, oh that is funny. Considering almost any group of guys will do this just for the joke fur suit or not lol.

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  • Forgive me for asking.. but what does Hitler have to do with furries? I know that Hitler hated gay people

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  • Jaroslaw said:
    Forgive me for asking.. but what does Hitler have to do with furries? I know that Hitler hated gay people

    and not me but most of the rest of furries are gay, from what i see here, FA, DA and other fur sites, i guess he would order to kill us all furs for being furs if he was still alive

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  • rabbito said:
    and not me but most of the rest of furries are gay, from what i see here, FA, DA and other fur sites, i guess he would order to kill us all furs for being furs if he was still alive

    in that case, this is hilarious.

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  • wow, people are so quick to judge... based on the fact that the one on the left is Laminated in a picture frame, and that the one in the center of the picture has a ton of fold marks and stains, i would be guessing that these are war souvenirs ...... but, thats just me.

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  • nikkolaus said:
    wow, people are so quick to judge... based on the fact that the one on the left is Laminated in a picture frame, and that the one in the center of the picture has a ton of fold marks and stains, i would be guessing that these are war souvenirs ...... but, thats just me.

    It's highly improbable that that is the case. It is much more likely that these furries did not fully understand the irony and hypocrisy of what they're doing.

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  • Wow! This is amazing!!!

    Am I'm not talking about the post...

    I'm talking about how many downvotes this thing has! Thats gotta be an E621 world record of horrible posting!!! Or is there another?

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  • webreakn said:
    Those are just furries at a museum (if you look at the lower right)

    What kind of museum has crappy residential-home style windows like that, and tacky drapes?
    Better yet,what museum would let a bunch of people wearing fursuits run around?
    They could be al-Qaeda underneath there for all we know.

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  • Garzhad said:
    What kind of museum has crappy residential-home style windows like that, and tacky drapes?
    Better yet,what museum would let a bunch of people wearing fursuits run around?
    They could be al-Qaeda underneath there for all we know.

    Nazi Al-Qaeda Furs... now I've seen everything o .o

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  • Lynclops said:
    Nazi Al-Qaeda Furs... now I've seen everything o .o

    Hey, Hitler Did like Islam more. Easier to make it's adherents kill people you don't like in the name of Jihad. No such provisions in touchy-feeling Christianity. Would have made his job easier.

    "According to Speer, Hitler stated in private, "The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?""

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  • NSFW said:
    I am just wondering what FBI will think about this. lolz

    Um... In America, Nazism isn't exactly illegal. It's a legitimate political party and interest. A problem ONLY arises when a Neo-Nazi (or Modern Nazi) decides to commit actual hate crimes, such as murder. There are, however, countries where it's 100% illegal. Why did I choose America to talk about? Well, you mentioned the FBI, which is strictly an American government organization, granted that there are others like it in other countries but other names.

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  • Peekaboo said:
    Wasn't the Nazis goals to pretty much exterminate people like this?

    You're guess on that is as good as mine, all I remember is they killed anyone who wasn't white, had blonde hair, and had blue eyes, and also they killed homosexuals. But most furries are straight, so if these guys are straight, they could get a free pass, but still look a bit ridiculous wearing such outfits. I've honestly seen better furry costumes on season 7 of Face-Off.

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  • aren't they just visiting a museum? what's so wrong with that? i see nothing to imply they are Nazis themselves.

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  • webreakn said:
    Those are just furries at a museum (if you look at the lower right)

    Either that or they are such Nazis that they take great care of their memorabilia.

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  • Ignorance is with everyone who downvoted this. This isn't their flags or their room, it's a museum! Jesus Christ people...

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  • AllenC said:
    Seriously peoples, see the display case in the lower right? How about the reflection of an antique phone on the display cover on the left flag. Obviously some kind of museum

    webreakn said:
    Those are just furries at a museum (if you look at the lower right)

    I am so relieved that I know this now and if anyone ever brings up this photo in the middle of an argument I am going to point that out

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  • falord said:
    Their slogan must be "Yiff Hitler"


    ...adolf yiffler

    thank you for coming to my ted talk
    (please note this is a joke and im not a nazi, thanks for not misunderstanding)

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