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Detention Time

Filly's dad sent her to school naked today. She didn't like it but she just can't say no to daddy~.
It was embarrassing enough walking around the halls with no clothes on, but when she arrived in class her teacher wasn't having any of it.

"If you are fine flaunting your body like that then you should have no problem putting on a show for class!"

So he picked her up, deciding the best punishment would be some nice rapes!

Poor Filly. She's gonna be sore all day after that. But at least it was fun for the class! =3 :L

  • Comments
  • hellcat7 said:
    That's... Rape cub porn...

    Well no shit, one more tag to blacklist

    Nobody cares dude. Just blacklist it and move on. You're not an airline, you don't need to announce your departure.

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  • robman34 said:
    Nobody cares dude. Just blacklist it and move on. You're not an airline, you don't need to announce your departure.

    hellcat7 may be an airline artificial intelligence, one can never be so sure.

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  • I feel so fucking bad for her this generally makes me sad I don't know why :( and the crying tho :

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