apogee created by tinygaypirate
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just because I forgot to maintain the gallery here is one nude picture
im sorry again about that

  • Comments
  • xzar said:
    Don't worry, the wait was worth it.

    She is still the cutest Girl on this website <3

    By far the cutest. No contest.

    Also forgetting to maintain the gallery is fine. You got back to it eveantually, right?

    As for the art, goddamn that lighting is enough to make the artist in me moan~ oh yeah and the tattoos look great!

    If I were to specifically look for flaws, the only one in this entire piece I can think of is the inner thigh right at the hip where it does a curve inwards (as in towards the bones, not centerline) right at the top and it seems a bit too sharp. Only really on her left leg though, the right not as much.

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