created by lenexwants

Silly wolf. You fell asleep while play-banding drunk again. I'd say to be more careful next time, but that ship has sailed with your poor dead manhood.

  • Comments
  • So what's the story behind this? Poor little canine afraid his balls are gonna get purple and fall off?~

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  • Legati said:
    So what's the story behind this? Poor little canine afraid his balls are gonna get purple and fall off?~

    Nah, mostly a reaction to the pain. His dick & balls are already FUBAR.

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  • Actually, the penis is one of the most resilient parts of the body when it comes to cutting off circulation. there may be some nerve damage, but his dick will still function as... you know, a penis. Maybe a bit number, but still fully functional. Don't know about the testicles though, depends how long he was asleep.

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  • Peekaboo said:
    Nah, mostly a reaction to the pain. His dick & balls are already FUBAR.

    PizzaPal said:
    Actually, the penis is one of the most resilient parts of the body when it comes to cutting off circulation. there may be some nerve damage, but his dick will still function as... you know, a penis. Maybe a bit number, but still fully functional. Don't know about the testicles though, depends how long he was asleep.

    From what I've heard from the artist's story he would have been banded long enough for both the penis and testicles to be completely dead which would mean he wouldn't be in any pain . . . well any physical pain anyway.
    From my own experience the penis would stop hurting after an hour and 45 minutes. After 2 hours it's pretty much dead. It can still become erect after a month of "healing" but it will be completely numb and without testicles he won't be getting any kind of erection without serious prostate stimulation. As for how long the testicles would take to become numb temporarily/permanently or to stop functioning, i don't know as i don't band my testicles.

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  • sinshadowfox said:
    As for how long the testicles would take to become numb temporarily/permanently or to stop functioning, i don't know as i don't band my testicles.

    It should be noted, im not sure how the difference is from goats to humans, but, back when I was a kid, I remember that my grandparents would tie their balls with twine to get them to castrate then. It would take days, about four or five before they were dead and unable to recover.
    As far as the penis tho, it could take several hours before you even have nerve damage from the lack of blood flow, but that’s not the same for every single person.
    At least that’s what I garner from medical study.
    Some can lose blood flow for two hours and suffer permanent nerve implications, some can go 8, it all highly depends on the person.
    Same can be said for limbs such as fingers aswell.
    This also stands for how well the blood is cut.
    It can be very difficult to fully cut the blood Supply.
    Even if they only have a little flow. The tissue can survive.
    In most cases though they haven’t actually cut the supply.
    The pain in the genitals would be near unbearable, making it highly unlikely to fall asleep through that much pain even if your a drunken mess.
    That’s even just to say if the supply is even really cut.
    Body parts are resilient, though it’s common that most damage occurs within 4 hours for most people if fully disconnected from blood.


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