doom, kwill, and zigs (pokemon mystery dungeon and etc) created by infinitydoom
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Snow And IRON - P41

From source:

“Hey Princess, you awake?”

The Princess rolled over in her bed before giving her bleary eyed response, “Barely, what is it Vee?”

“You have a Visitor!”

“I don’t think that’s a very believable prank, Vee. It’s been ages since my last visit. Who would come all the way here to see me in the middle of the night?”

“It’s your brother…”

The Princess let out a sigh, “Yeah that tracks, send him in…”

The Quilava entered the dimly lit bedroom and began to speak as the Princess lit a candle. “Hey Cyndra, I’m sorry it’s been a while-” The Brother stopped as he finally caught a glimpse of his sister illuminated in the flame of the candle. “Oh sis, you look…”

“You don’t have to mince words Kwill, I know I look like shit”

“I didn’t mean it like that, I just… What happened since the last time I was here?”

“Same thing that’s been happening for a while. I’m dying Kwill, it just gets faster as it goes along…”

“I-I don’t know what the right thing is to say right now…” The Quilava said, dejected.

“To your credit, I’m not sure there IS a right thing to say.”

A silence between the siblings.

“I’m sure you’ll meet Arceus. I think you’re a really good person… And I’m sure you’ll spend the whole time just asking questions for some book” The Brother said nervously.

“I’m not sure I want to meet him. He did a pretty shitty job with this world. And I think I only have one question…”

“Heh, what are you talking about? Would you rather spend eternity in the Null of The Gate.”

“You know, Giratina has only been seen as an evil deity in modern times! And that ‘Null’ place you're talking about might very well be the link to other worlds!”

“Oh more history. I’ll be sure to but in a good word for you with The Gate after you bore me to death”

The siblings chuckle, settling into a banter they were more comfortable with.

The brother spoke again, “So is that your plan, ride the Null till you end up in the human world?”

“I can’t deny it’s something I’d want to see. What do you think their world is like, Kwill?”

The Quilava beamed forward in his explanation, “With all those amazing humans there. It must be a paradise! A perfect and free utopia that can create the exceptional heroes they send here!”

And with that the breath was taken out of the room. The Princess’s momentary energy blanketed with the exhaustion of reality. “You know, I can’t agree with that. But part of me hopes it’s true.”

“I didn’t mean to…” The Brother attempts to apologize.

“No it’s fine, It’s a nice thought. And maybe it would finally answer my sole question I have for the gods.” The Princess rolled back in bed. “Why the fuck did they think it was a good idea to send them here”


Woops, was definitely supposed to post that story last week.

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Thanks to subscriber Sakura_The_Star

  • Comments
  • (I apologize in advance, sorry)

    ~Come on Kwilly, let’s get silly.
    If you want, Zig, take a swig.
    Alright Doom, get them a room.~

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  • Kwill seems as surprised by the idea as Zigs.

    The Quilava beamed forward in his explanation, “With all those amazing humans there. It must be a paradise! A perfect and free utopia that can create the exceptional heroes they send here!”

    Yyyeahhhh... about that...

    “Why the fuck did they think it was a good idea to send them here”

    Clearly, they should have sent an e621 user. Because then, after our man saves the world, they would spend the rest of their days happily screwing their Pokemon partner. (As opposed to bringing about a soul-crushing, socially stratified dystopia...)

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  • butdoesitrunlinux said:

    Clearly, they should have sent an e621 user. Because then, after our man saves the world, they would spend the rest of their days happily screwing their Pokemon partner. (As opposed to bringing about a soul-crushing, socially stratified dystopia...)

    Either way, people would probably be getting raped anyways. The true solution is for the mons to solve their own damn problems lol.

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  • sinwit said:
    Either way, people would probably be getting raped anyways. The true solution is for the mons to solve their own damn problems lol.

    Well, our guy could say, "Rape is bad, mmmkay?"

    Though on a more serious note, it's likely oversimplifying to say the Pokemon world was all flowers and happiness before the humans came. Rather than introduce it themselves, the humans probably amplified some existing dark strain in Pokemon society to the point that it took over everything.

    It would be interesting to see what the humans did that led to this. I'll bet they didn't have any malevolent intentions, even... more like, they introduced some ideas that, while conventional and "common sense" to humans, had repercussions to which they were themselves blind.

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  • butdoesitrunlinux said:
    Well, our guy could say, "Rape is bad, mmmkay?"

    Though on a more serious note, it's likely oversimplifying to say the Pokemon world was all flowers and happiness before the humans came. Rather than introduce it themselves, the humans probably amplified some existing dark strain in Pokemon society to the point that it took over everything.

    It would be interesting to see what the humans did that led to this. I'll bet they didn't have any malevolent intentions, even... more like, they introduced some ideas that, while conventional and "common sense" to humans, had repercussions to which they were themselves blind.

    Well as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions

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  • butdoesitrunlinux said:
    Well, our guy could say, "Rape is bad, mmmkay?"

    Though on a more serious note, it's likely oversimplifying to say the Pokemon world was all flowers and happiness before the humans came. Rather than introduce it themselves, the humans probably amplified some existing dark strain in Pokemon society to the point that it took over everything.

    It would be interesting to see what the humans did that led to this. I'll bet they didn't have any malevolent intentions, even... more like, they introduced some ideas that, while conventional and "common sense" to humans, had repercussions to which they were themselves blind.

    My reasoning on why everything went to shit was pushing technological advancement too quickly taking in mind this is dungeon so cooperation was key to living and forces many parties to either "get along or die" but with the ideas and inventions humans brought along it made living too much easier and not everyone will not be on par with the upkeep and anyone less moral will be quick to take advantage on it. The humans by giving far too much of a leap it created a power vaccum for thoes quick on the intake and see how it can be abused, monopolized, and twisted, for,their own benefit. since there was no hard learned lessons from the failiures in the trying for a better life or a better way, there are no ideas being questioned on practicality, just simply ....progress. like a cheater on a test the cheater only recieved the answers but they will never fully understanding the why and how and remain stagnant being blind with the instant gratification with already having the end results and rewards. they now have to backtrack to step 1 and pretty much no one is going to want to waste time doing just that why wait if you can have now. And as our world goes as of power and abusable loopholes corruption sets quickly and the mons being so new were now seeing on an acellerated level the bloodshed and violence the humans in that era have gone through and the mons with no lessons on "what can go wrong if we do this" literally no history to act as a reference on whats the best way to get the best outcome they will remain stagnate in the era they have set them in for a very very long time untill it all burns and are forced to start from step 1 and learn from the suffering and mistakes of their predecessors

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  • blue_5397 said:
    My reasoning on why everything went to shit was pushing technological advancement too quickly taking in mind this is dungeon so cooperation was key to living and forces many parties to either "get along or die" but with the ideas and inventions humans brought along it made living too much easier and not everyone will not be on par with the upkeep and anyone less moral will be quick to take advantage on it. The humans by giving far too much of a leap it created a power vaccum for thoes quick on the intake and see how it can be abused, monopolized, and twisted, for,their own benefit. since there was no hard learned lessons from the failiures in the trying for a better life or a better way, there are no ideas being questioned on practicality, just simply ....progress. like a cheater on a test the cheater only recieved the answers but they will never fully understanding the why and how and remain stagnant being blind with the instant gratification with already having the end results and rewards. they now have to backtrack to step 1 and pretty much no one is going to want to waste time doing just that why wait if you can have now. And as our world goes as of power and abusable loopholes corruption sets quickly and the mons being so new were now seeing on an acellerated level the bloodshed and violence the humans in that era have gone through and the mons with no lessons on "what can go wrong if we do this" literally no history to act as a reference on whats the best way to get the best outcome they will remain stagnate in the era they have set them in for a very very long time untill it all burns and are forced to start from step 1 and learn from the suffering and mistakes of their predecessors

    So in other words, the humans should have followed the Prime Directive from Star Trek :-]

    Those are the lines that I was thinking along, too. The humans think they're doing Pokemon a favor, but because the latter lack centuries/millennia of history and perspective that the humans already have, and don't have the option of adapting incrementally to the new ways, they walk right into repeating all the mistakes we made under the same circumstances. A major case of unintended consequences.

    Depicting that kind of fall would be incredibly complex (there are a lot of subtleties to it) and I don't expect we'll ever see it in comic form. But Infinitydoom has already shown at least one human-turned-Pokemon as being rather high-minded, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the backstory he's going with. I think the expectation of the Iron King being this villainous character who taught Pokemon how to be cruel to each other will be soundly subverted...

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  • butdoesitrunlinux said:

    Depicting that kind of fall would be incredibly complex (there are a lot of subtleties to it) and I don't expect we'll ever see it in comic form. But Infinitydoom has already shown at least one human-turned-Pokemon as being rather high-minded, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the backstory he's going with. I think the expectation of the Iron King being this villainous character who taught Pokemon how to be cruel to each other will be soundly subverted...

    I'd be okay with the Iron King being an overarching villain in this series.

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  • One day I’d like to see breel asking for close quarters combat advice so she can prove herself to her brother

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