sora (xbox game studios and etc) created by tartii
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  • yeah, why would you pay 500 dollar/euro for a box that can't play second hand games or games you lent from others. or a box which you have to log in every 24 hours or else it doesn't work. or a box that comes with a camera which needs to be placed in the centre of your motherf*cking living room. Or a box that comes with a ''motion tv control'' function which only works in the USA.

    I'm telling you, playstation 4 has already won the console war, even before it's release.

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  • Mhmmm, 100% agree, so the new xbox is a new gen, with better graphics, its less powerfull than the PS4, whats the point in shiny graphics with all the other bad things that come with it?

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  • They announced that they WILL allow used games to be played. That's a little relief. However I really like my Wii U :I just waiting on some big release like the new SSB and Pikmin 3

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  • Seth_McClane said:

    Microsoft went bats**t insane.

    Sony nuked Microsoft from orbit.

    Then, Nintendo strolled by and pissed on the ashes.


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  • Ziggy_Zerda said:
    They announced that they WILL allow used games to be played. That's a little relief. However I really like my Wii U :I just waiting on some big release like the new SSB and Pikmin 3

    Great stuff coming this year and next. X is looking really interesting.

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  • ...As much as I support this picture, it would likely make a little more sense...if Kingdom Hearts wasn't evidently coming to Xbox One...

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  • Xbox one sucks major balls. Microsoft have always been idiots. It's a wonder that they're rich.

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