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  • I know basically nothing about wow, but I'm totally game for more dragon ladies.

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  • r95 said:
    I know basically nothing about wow, but I'm totally game for more dragon ladies.

    Unfortunately the artwork is going to be the only place you'll see obviously female Dracthyr in dragon form; Blizzard decided the actual dragon form will be gender-neutral, but looking more like a skinny male than anything else. The human form can be female, but the dragon form will not.

    Honestly, I think this is just them being lazy. Given the modifications they did to the human form, reusing existing races and adding horns and scales and such, it seems like they didn't want to do additional work. Same thing happened for Demon Hunters. The class required so much modification to the base models that they restricted it to just two.

    And to top it off, the Dracthyr dragon form uses a recycled female Worgen skeleton, rather than its own unique rig.


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  • drakkenfyre said:
    Unfortunately the artwork is going to be the only place you'll see obviously female Dracthyr in dragon form; Blizzard decided the actual dragon form will be gender-neutral, but looking more like a skinny male than anything else. The human form will be female, but the dragon form will not.

    Honestly, I think this is just them being lazy. Given the modifications they did to the human form, reusing existing races and adding horns and scales and such, it seems like they didn't want to do additional work. Same thing happened for Demon Hunters. The class required so much modification to the base models that they restricted it to just two.

    And to top it off, the Dracthyr dragon form uses a recycled female Worgen skeleton, rather than its own unique rig.

    Dragons aren’t sexually dimorphic in WoW. That’s always been true.

    Demon Hunters are restricted because they’re explicitly only elves in lore.

    Reusing skeletons is just smart game design.

    You’ve got bad takes.

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  • chattehumide said:
    Dragons aren’t sexually dimorphic in WoW. That’s always been true.

    This is literally not true. There are female dragons with tits in the game. They've been around since vanilla and are still used today. There's even art of them on this site.

    Educate yourself:

    post #939253

    Here's one in vanilla with breasts.

    Here's an official sketch circa vanilla that shows them with breasts.

    And here's official artwork from Hearthstone of another with breasts.

    post #2737184

    Now tell me again how sexual dimorphism doesn't exist in WarCraft dragons.

    Demon Hunters are restricted because they’re explicitly only elves in lore.

    Also wrong. There is absolutely no restriction on who or what can be Demon Hunters. The only requirement is the dedication and the willingness to sacrifice everything to fight them, as you'll become an outcast due to the Fel magic slowly changing you due to exposure. THAT is the original lore on Demon Hunters. Then Blizzard decided to invoke Rule of Cool and make them literally slurp a demon's soul down and that's what causes the physical changes. The playable DHs were given the backstory of being the Illidari, the group that Illidan himself trained, which only consisted of elves. This was the excuse used so they only had to do the necessary remodeling on two races rather than all of them, as the amount of work required, which included a set of all new skeletal animations and a demon form, was almost as much work as doing a new race entirely. So they used a backstory to restrict the playable DHs to two races. This does NOT preclude every other race in the lore, which explicitly stated anyone could become one.

    Reusing skeletons is just smart game design.

    It is if it's an NPC race or minor character. NOT a brand new race that's the headliner for a new expansion. Then it's just lazy AF. The wings look like they're the the DH Metemorphasis rig, and the body itself is the female Worgen one, as I said. They've used parts of existing skeletons to create new playable races before, in fact the female Worgen's lower body/legs are a modified female Draenei's, since both are digitigrade creatures, but reusing the skeleton wholesale and slapping on another rig from another existing race (the wings) and then doing minor mesh work and retexturing on both models, for a new race that is the headlining feature of the expansion is incredibly lazy. Especially for one that's as unique and out of the box as Dracthyr.

    You’ve got bad takes.

    I've got franchise knowledge that goes back further than just the last three expansions, unlike you apparently. Here's a bit of advice: Don't start lore arguments with people who've been playing the franchise since it started 27 years ago, long before it even became an MMO, if all you're familiar with is the last few expansions.

    Edit: Your downvotes amuses me because they're a tactic admission that you can't accept you were wrong when presented with literal evidence from Blizzard itself.

    Also, fun fact: I still like Blizzard, I'm not a hater. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to call them out on lazy stuff like blatantly recycling skeletons/rigs wholesale for new races.


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  • drakkenfyre said:
    A long list of factual points

    I'm gonna nerd my way in as well, but I agree with most of your points except one: Dracthyr dragon form are using a modified female Demon Hunter metamorphosis skeleton rig (Which was then reused for Kil'Jaeden during Legion. And also reused for the recently introduced incubus.), not the female worgen one. This is mostly noticeable when you compare some of their respective animations, their unnarmed melee being the most obvious of the lot.


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  • cyborg_mark_vi said:
    I'm gonna nerd my way in as well, but I agree with most of your points except one: Dracthyr dragon form are using a modified female Demon Hunter metamorphosis skeleton rig (Which was then reused for Kil'Jaeden during Legion. And also reused for the recently introduced incubus.), not the female worgen one. This is mostly noticeable when you compare some of their respective animations, their unnarmed melee being the most obvious of the lot.

    Skeletons don't have to be reused wholesale, they can mix and match them. And that's what they did with the Dracthyr. They reused the female Worgen pelvis and legs, because they were already digitigrade. They did the same thing to female Worgen: They used the female Draenei pelvis/legs and modified them. In fact if you took the pre-model revamp skeleton and looked at it in a modeling program you could see the connection point used for the female Draenei tail on the Worgen skeleton. All three races are digitigrade so naturally Blizzard will be as lazy as possible and save themselves as much work as they can.

    The rest of the model might be mixed and matched parts from other things but the waist-down is definitely modified female Worgen. In the reveal trailer using the early models I recognized the Worgen animations. Wouldn't surprise me if to make their tail they slapped the Draenei one back on and modified it.

    Also, I hadn't been back to this comment section for awhile. It's hilarious how both my comments are downvoted even more to hell by others for saying dragons are sexually dimorphic in WoW, complete with proof. But that's the internet for you. "I'm butthurt my opinion is contradicted by your proof. Downvote!"

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