fluttershy (friendship is magic and etc) created by dobroch and third-party edit
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  • Challenge completed. I would have finished it sooner but I wasn't happy with a plain ole' horse cock on Fluttershy. It needed to be.... Cuter...

    Dat butterfly. =3

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  • RNA said:
    Challenge completed. I would have finished it sooner but I wasn't happy with a plain ole' horse cock on Fluttershy. It needed to be.... Cuter...

    Dat butterfly. =3

    This. Is. Magnificient.
    The cutiemark just tops it. :3
    Very, very, very good job.

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  • CamKitty said:
    This is the first time I saw someone retaliate to the "Let's see you do better" thing lol

    I get sick of people using that as a come back. It's not even good logic. Are the judges at the Olympic games able to do any of the things figure skaters can? Well, some of them, sure, but not all of them. Point is, I sure as hell won't stand for it when I know damn well I can do better. As a result my reaction to xr1s was fairly straight forward. http://mlfw.info/f/9452/

    PS. I really don't have anything against the original editor and I only said what I said about the edit they did because as an artist constructive critic is the greatest gift someone can give you. It helps us improve and get better over time. The rest just blew out of proportions cause ponies... That's my excuse. Ponies. Also, I was bored.

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  • RNA said:
    I get sick of people using that as a come back. It's not even good logic. Are the judges at the Olympic games able to do any of the things figure skaters can? Well, some of them, sure, but not all of them. Point is, I sure as hell won't stand for it when I know damn well I can do better. As a result my reaction to xr1s was fairly straight forward. http://mlfw.info/f/9452/

    PS. I really don't have anything against the original editor and I only said what I said about the edit they did because as an artist constructive critic is the greatest gift someone can give you. It helps us improve and get better over time. The rest just blew out of proportions cause ponies... That's my excuse. Ponies. Also, I was bored.

    Magnificent edit friend, you can take my comment from the other pic and remove the sarcasm. :] I'm honored I could inspire you to create.

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  • N-Prophet said:
    there is a version of her only male??? ; _ ; it could be a nice Challenge for somewho! XD


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  • RNA said:
    FwP and xr1s, would you believe that as a result of all this, thus you share credit in it, this picture ended up in the top 32 posts for May 1st?

    Congrats, no drama, only approval. http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/9064/ XD

    i say we (me, RNA, xr1s) have done a great thing for the fandom. Where's mah wikifur entry?? Could i also haz privilidge? training has paid off well... :D

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