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Parent: post #52872 (learn more) show »

The Ultimate Orgy

A parody of "The Ultimate Showdown" ... but in THIS version, the combatants make love, not war.

Contains loads of hot, x-rated sex. You have been warned. If you can watch it all the way to the end without turning gay, you get a prize.

"Best. Spoof. Ever." - Tom Fulp, 08/09/06 08:13 (NG PM system)

Finally a .webm version of post #52872

Tagging took way too long than it should've. Even added the new additional tags and old tags that the (original) parent post #52872 doesn't have. Including characters as well. I added well over 50 but lost count at 32. - I have bound to have missed other tags.

Also, I think the artist has changed their name over the years to NotSafeForWork because that's what it is now on Newgrounds.

  • Comments
  • The internet was a different place back then. People can't just find stuff funny anymore from the amount of downvotes this is gettin.

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  • anonymouse747 said:
    I remember the first time I saw this was 2010 so about 12-13 years old

    No, it's a bit older than that!!! I first saw it on newgrounds while binge watching RAB lol. I think that was around 2005 or so.

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  • Legit, why the downvotes?

    Edit: wew yeah, downvote this comment instead of adressing it. Im just asking why the downvotes on this obvious (and classic) shitpost when things with more "questionable" and controversial tags get upvoted up the ass.
    Are we having so many newfriends in the fandom who do not know the original?


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  • Amazing what measly 12 years do... back then it was upvoted as a great parody of a great animation and now its getting down voted ^^'

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  • seikenseiken said:
    Amazing what measly 12 years do... back then it was upvoted as a great parody of a great animation and now its getting down voted ^^'

    I'm concerned that if people reupload the original now they would think it's a parody of this masterpiece. :V

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  • caesarczarson said:
    Legit, why the downvotes?

    Edit: wew yeah, downvote this comment instead of adressing it. Im just asking why the downvotes on this obvious (and classic) shitpost when things with more "questionable" and controversial tags get upvoted up the ass.
    Are we having so many newfriends in the fandom who do not know the original?

    I know the original and never found this that funny, and obviously I'm not alone. There's nothing deeper to the downvotes, just some people don't find this kind of humor funny.

    It's also the kind of thing that, because of the content, probably showed up for a lot of people who were just looking for porn. Even the people who did have a giggle at this in middle school probably don't really care for it when they're looking for fap material.

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  • how is this being down voted!? this used to be the JAM in the 2000S to play in cod lobby's with shitty mics on max volume.

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  • Good lord I'd just about forgotten this existed. I was almost free. Almost but not quite. Yeah, this was way back in the late 2000's IIRC. Wild.

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  • Honestly surprised at how much this is getting trashed with downvotes. I didn't know about this before, but I thought it was pretty funny.

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  • I'm legit laughing so hard at the video itself, the negative comments and the amount of dislikes the video is getting.

    This is why I love this site.

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  • What in the ronald mcdonald chicken mcdiddly fuck did i just have the greatest pleasure/displeasure of viewing

    ill take your entire fucking stock

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  • Jeez. A piece of history right here. I remember this being a thing back when I was in school. Also, who flagged this as real-life pornography?

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  • blodhgarm92 said:
    Jeez. A piece of history right here. I remember this being a thing back when I was in school. Also, who flagged this as real-life pornography?

    Well after seeing that I downloaded it, so I can view this master piece forever.

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  • Talk about a real blast from the past. Didn't even know the original flash version was also on here. A certified piece of internet history right here.

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  • chocolatesaltyballs said:
    oh god the nostalgia. what is this, 13 years old now?

    24 years old now do to the old pioneering website for animators to win a award for best animation. the website was during the early 2000’s. I was very young back then.

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  • I may be at one of the cusp years of being a zoomer but shit like this makes me feel like a millennial lmao why you gotta ruin my childhood make me nostalgic this morning

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  • A sad sign to see how far we have fallen as a people, that this beautiful shit post from the old days is hung up so low. I love it!

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  • It truly disgust me how pussified some of you have become, so entitled to your little safe spaces and content with your fart/cum inflation porn. yet rage so hard about this blast to the past. If it wasn't for early day new grounds and other limited factors contributing together you wouldn't be able to openly enjoy what you have today. This was a true reminder of why I got into art in the first place and I'm happy this lives on in some cultured individuals.

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  • Holy duck I love you! This is the funniest porn can get without being horny Olaf! Quite impressive XD
    Edit: as f not olaf, I'm just keeping it because it's funny


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  • Kids these days...
    You wrap your hands with a grip hard enough to turn coal to diamond while gatekeeping e6 from any humor in the same vain.

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  • Well I mean. Eh. It’s opinionated. And I just don’t think sex = funny. I think true effort must be put in.

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  • heyitsyomama said:
    What in the flying freak is this?
    Art obviously

    This is a piece of history. That animation is probably older than some of the users of this website

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  • wonder why super old classic is so hated xd. would the haters hate the Ultimate showdown too (original)

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  • A timeless classic

    npc9000 said:
    Well I mean. Eh. It’s opinionated. And I just don’t think sex = funny. I think true effort must be put in.

    You sure you're not just overthinking it?

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  • npc9000 said:
    Well I mean. Eh. It’s opinionated. And I just don’t think sex = funny. I think true effort must be put in.

    The thing is that true effort was put in

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  • I remember this video already being on e621 15 years ago
    It had so many upvotes back then.

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  • This is... Possible the worst thing I've ever seen on this website. There's 1 other contender but at least it doesn't have scat. Just an excessive amount of cum

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  • -7
  • I found this on discord a while ago and I have been humming the song since I don't know why I find it so catchy that its stuck in my head but the song is art and the animation makes it funnier

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  • So i was looking at Xenomorph 'art' and i saw this downvoted almost 400 votes. I thought death disturbing content maybe?
    clicked on it paused to read comments beofre watching nothing added up amused but confused so i had to watch.

    I just hope my mother finds this as hilarious as i did :D

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  • Ahh, that old newgrounds dirivative.
    I haven seen that since High SchoolXD
    Like, mid 2000s, or so.
    That, & the Cat Dance& the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny.

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  • gay_gote69420 said:
    I found this on discord a while ago and I have been humming the song since I don't know why I find it so catchy that its stuck in my head but the song is art and the animation makes it funnier

    The song is a parody of The Ultimate Showdown by Neil Cicirega/Lemon Demon.

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  • As onw who has seen thr classic i can cheerfully state that this made me laugh harder than the original 11/10 would cum again

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  • Devisidev said:
    This is... Possible the worst thing I've ever seen on this website. There's 1 other contender but at least it doesn't have scat. Just an excessive amount of cum

    that just proves you didn't watch it

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  • Whoever tagged this I tip my hat to you. I shall sing the songs of your praise in Sovengarde.

    I saw this so many years ago on Newgrounds. This and Phuckemon. I enjoy them both. Oddly enough I believe this is voted positively on Newgrounds. Shocked that it isn't on here. I'm not shocked I'm getting jokes and references that I didn't back then.


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  • at the time of this comment the downvotes are... 666! the number of the beast! Hell and fire was spawned to be released!

    (thought I'd make a musical reference in a post about a music reference)

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  • I am absolutely bewildered that someone with the talent to make this thought it was a worthwhile use of time and yet I respect the effort. It's also something I never expected to see again in my life, and certainly not in this form.

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  • Hi first time watching I was laughing my ass off not sure why all the down votes but haters listen up find the strongest drugs you can and come back and watch I bet you will change your mind real fast this is gold pure gold and more people must convey the message that hey it's the internet why not? Nobody gives a shit so why should we? If this video is 12 fucking years old then it's no longer copyrighted so fuck it show it and the artist some appreciation this must have took so fucking long to draw and the ammount of frames animation is fucken hard man. You try it then fucking down votes until the enjoy the fucking slave labor of an animation this is❤

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  • I am super surprised this is so downvoted. Like Tom Fulp and most of Newgrounds were so impressed with the quality of this and how quickly it took for this parody to come out after the original. It was as front-paged as it could be for something so NSFW. It is pretty clever for like clearly low-brow humour. It does what it does well, it's not meant to be genius.

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