sea salt created by redrusker
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ᅠᅠ       Finally! The official Sea Salt information, remember: He is 19 years old in the last comic. In the standalone pics and the first comic Sea Salt is 17 years old.

  • Comments
  • share a lot in common stats, physique and clothing-wise... don't get laid on the reg, but oh well. such is life.

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  • DJ_KITKAT said:
    Because I really need to know how long and wide his penis is. Lol

    Some artists usually ask for such details. It helps get a better idea how to draw the character(s) traditionally / digitally. For some artists, details are key for making a good piece. Besides, this is a mature, adult ref sheet, so its to be expected.

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  • Jeroen said:
    No gay tag? The orientation is gay!

    What I mean is, you can see "orientation: gay" in the art, don't you have to tag that?

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  • Jeroen said:
    What I mean is, you can see "orientation: gay" in the art, don't you have to tag that?

    no, its tag what you see in the image, not tag what you see unless theres text.
    say you have an image with a circle, but in the center it says i am a square. what do you tag? circle, not square.

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  • So... Like I used the penis size on this chart for one of his other pictures >.> he is so not 5'6" he is really just 3'6".... so many lies.

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  • En_Colere said:
    share a lot in common stats, physique and clothing-wise... don't get laid on the reg, but oh well. such is life.

    I wish that I shared the physique, life would be much easier.

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  • Jeroen said:
    I wish that I shared the physique, life would be much easier.

    Being a skimpy 5'6" has its challenges, especially for males in chauvinist America >.<

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  • He is absolutely adorable, and his stats are wonderful too. It is nice to be able to check out reference sheets on the characters I enjoy.

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  • Gayfur said:
    I really want to know though. What year was he born?

    OK I think I figured it out since this was 4 years ago I am guessing he's 23 right now. So I think that Sea Salts full birthday is March 22nd 1994.

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