hiro, minami, and taiki created by piporete
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Keiko and Jin (Comic 56)

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  • So, out of all the characters present in this story I feel like I can safely say that I like pretty much all of them to some degree but I cannot stand the deer guy.

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  • mistermanueh said:

    My thoughts exactly. There are real virgins out here struggling and dude is trying to split hairs over "what counts." Be thankful!😀
    Most guys in his position would be happy to get laid period.
    Then again, most guys in his position wouldn't have "Sweet home Alabama" options. πŸ₯΄πŸ€£

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  • For the new people tuning into the comic: I think in this universe, incest is a lot more common and accepted

    It's not just the dad after all!

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  • So, you're saying some of your friends know you fuck your sisters, but don't wanna make her your gf because you know she's your sister?

    What kinda of Alabama is this where having sex with your siblings is just a "siblings bonding"?

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  • fairhart said:
    Well that's canonical now lol

    Well, looks like incest is a social norm in this world, and isn't regarded as anything strange. Fascinating really if you think about it, what kind of circumstances led to that?

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  • I just have to add, that for some deer species incest is actually common, and due to the nature of this comic taking a lot of methods/personality traits/instincts/etc from their normal feral form, that it almost makes sense for that to be casual for him. At least in the context portrayed. Just my two cents

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  • nyetenue said:
    My thoughts exactly. There are real virgins out here struggling and dude is trying to split hairs over "what counts." Be thankful!😀
    Most guys in his position would be happy to get laid period.
    Then again, most guys in his position wouldn't have "Sweet home Alabama" options. πŸ₯΄πŸ€£

    Yeah it's like the whole Mariatornet and let them eat cake moment.

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  • it appears casual incest is the norm in this universe. i suppose i could have gathered that from some of the other art.
    i guess if piporette wants these characters to derive more behavioral traits from their animal originators. it seems to be rather accepted in this society

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  • Love the quality of work plus cuteness but the pop up sex is a bit. Maybe it's a mood thing or i'm aging out of the need for "surprise sex. idk

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  • pro_nown said:
    it appears casual incest is the norm in this universe. i suppose i could have gathered that from some of the other art.
    i guess if piporette wants these characters to derive more behavioral traits from their animal originators. it seems to be rather accepted in this society

    That's actually a good logical explanation.

    Dna and genetics ending up to allow it.

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  • Minami looks like she wants to have venison for lunch. Could the deer have awakened her predatory instincts with his idiocy? Kinda looks like it!

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  • ares_the_great said:
    I just have to add, that for some deer species incest is actually common, and due to the nature of this comic taking a lot of methods/personality traits/instincts/etc from their normal feral form, that it almost makes sense for that to be casual for him. At least in the context portrayed. Just my two cents

    Yeah, the logic behind it makes sense, it doesn't detract from the story if there is a believable reason.


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  • I wnated to post this a long time ago :

    rnewhall said:
    so everyone is ok with fucking family?

    They not mere humans with animal features it is clear they are true anthromorphic animals. And within nature Not only there is no girfriend (except for certain apes) but you can have bunny, lemminsg & co going icnest all day long.

    They are rare species like wolves where the heirarchy of the pakc structure around breeding male and female avoid incest. BUt Incest is mostly a human concept. Because oru species play with our gene instea dof just reading them.

    @Gravity Jack so they gonna have an incest pride? I mean IRL. Have your ead the last chapter of Shedding inhibitions?


    But the mod came and censored..... And re-reading myself now I find what I written lame.

    The thing is, i incest is forbidden almost everywhere it is not ust because of genetics. It is because of Mimetic.
    Most advanced culture have devlopped what we call monogammic exogammy.
    Wich is represnet by the myth of tristan and Yseult. To seek someone foreign, completly different from you and make it family is what we call true mad love.

    It doesn't exist in primitive culture they are no secret lovers hidden in the closet within the borroros tribes, because they are not any closet, but no lover at all either.

    So in a sens getting aid with hsi sister but trying to find taht true love isn't bad thing. The fact the autor decided to have one of the other characters shawn.. Ha no Shaun? How is it spelled.. Scuzi I do'nt speak english realy well, What is the word for scold/humiliating someone at the same time?

    Well it show that the autor while not being on the level of the dude who write Shedding inhibition (because eh created this complexe character on the first place) is kinda on the too casual side of thing, well that annoy me.

    Because you know I believe what is posted here and read will have an influence on society because this thing is getting bigger and bigger you know..... And cultural battle, norm and mroal battle are fought through art.

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  • justafluffyguymore said:
    Ok, I know that incest between lions is normal so i get the jokes with the dad, but deers have incest between them too?

    It's possible if highly unlikely. The reason being that when a young buck reaches sexual maturity, he's kicked out of his mother's herd and he becomes a wandering buck. These bucks are chased out of the vicinity of his mother, sisters, and aunts to prevent inbreeding. In the case of Taiki and his sisters, they're anthros so staying with family until maturity (graduating from school) could allow those situations to occur.

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  • I love the look on Minami's face in the last panel. She seems to be thinking, "Dude, I ought to slap the snot out of you."

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