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The four sins of Cheri

Ok, maybe

The four sins of Dad

would be more appropriate. I had to do it. Sorry not sorry.

Happy new year.

bonus points if you can find each impreg drawing associated with each respective kid

  • Comments
  • First pregnancy 2670398

    Second pregnancy 2228147

    Third pregnancy 2480409

    Fourth pregnancy 2648193

    Second and third may be swapped, unsure.

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  • Joemama42069 said:
    First pregnancy 2670398

    Second pregnancy 2228147

    Third pregnancy 2480409

    Fourth pregnancy 2648193

    Second and third may be swapped, unsure.

    Actually, the fourth pregnancy would be 2868527.


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  • joemama42069 said:
    First pregnancy 2670398

    Second pregnancy 2228147

    Third pregnancy 2480409

    Fourth pregnancy 2648193

    Second and third may be swapped, unsure.

    Fourth should be 2868527

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  • doveen said:
    Family Maze.

    basically, Jules, Pippa, and Baxter are the offspring of Cheri and her dad. Mindy is the offspring of Baxter and Cheri.

    only in furry art can a family be incestuous and turn out fine. not sure how i feel.

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  • What's interesting is that Baxter is 7 years old and Cheri is 14, implying she got pregnant around 7 to have him.

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  • Xan151 said:

    Well, let's give it a try:

    post #2670398

    Oldest child, so gotta be the first pregnancy, which was explained in post #3036762, which is a continuation from the previously mentioned

    post #2228147

    Second oldest and since post #2370099 is a continuation of the previous one, but she already has a child in it, it's the most likely candidate

    post #2977698

    This was difficult, as there are a lot of creampie pictures of Cheri, but only this one shows an impregnation and the other children are covered already

    post #2868527

    Easiest one as she wasn't impregnated by her dad but by her own child

    Fun fact: Cheri first pregnancy happen when her 6 or 7 years old
    And Baxter first impregnate Cheri happen when his 6 or 7 years old
    What a beautiful family tradition

    If atrolux can draw Baxter and Jules double vaginal Cheri then I can die happy

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  • spyke-097 said:
    So Mindy is Cheri's daughter, grand-daughter and niece all at once? Try explaining that at a family reunion.

    It's just the norm in Alabama.

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  • tiagowo said:
    The family tree of an otp yone

    never thought i would see someone shitting on yone otps on e6 god bless league of legends

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  • storm_runner001 said:
    basically, Jules, Pippa, and Baxter are the offspring of Cheri and her dad. Mindy is the offspring of Baxter and Cheri.

    only in furry art can a family be incestuous and turn out fine. not sure how i feel.

    “Akhtually”, incest just means there is a higher “chance” for deleterious alleles. It’s not guaranteed they’ll come out messed up, just more likely. Even non-related couples get fucked up kids. Hell, how do you think early tribes dealt with a small gene pool? The more you know!

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  • Not enough incest family webs on this site, people’s Inbred Genealogy Deciphering majors are going to waste as we speak.

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  • opornator61 said:
    “Akhtually”, incest just means there is a higher “chance” for deleterious alleles. It’s not guaranteed they’ll come out messed up, just more likely. Even non-related couples get fucked up kids. Hell, how do you think early tribes dealt with a small gene pool? The more you know!

    It’s my understanding you can get away with it for one generation, after that things start to very rapidly go downhill.

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  • Opornator61 said:

    storm_runner001 said:basically, Jules, Pippa, and Baxter are the offspring of Cheri and her dad. Mindy is the offspring of Baxter and Cheri.only in furry art can a family be incestuous and turn out fine. not sure how i feel.

    “Akhtually”, incest just means there is a higher “chance” for deleterious alleles. It’s not guaranteed they’ll come out messed up, just more likely. Even non-related couples get fucked up kids. Hell, how do you think early tribes dealt with a small gene pool? The more you know!

    Sure, maybe for one, but the chances of getting more messed up offspring increase the more children you have.

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  • Reminds me of the Jeff Foxworthy joke, "If your family tree doesn't fork..."

    But damn that's hot in a really messed up way (one of the best ways) that she was not only knocked up by her dad but she actually got impregnated by her own incest son.

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  • unsafeforwork said:
    What did happen to the mom?

    Jesus Christ my eyes at this picture- but anyways I have a feeling that the mother probably divorced him but she didn’t take Cherri and… now a giant incestous fucking- holy shit of a family happens. Because of one GOD DAMN man.

    Either that- or she died and because of that the pedo that her dad is. Decided to take advantage of that

    Either both ways accidentally ending up with Baxter being his oldest son and giving her daughter a brother/son- holy shit thingy of a person- and then later in life maybe her dad forced Baxter to fuck her ending up with mindy- and- Jesus Christ-


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  • joemama42069 said:
    First pregnancy 2670398

    Second pregnancy 2228147

    Third pregnancy 2480409

    Fourth pregnancy 2648193

    Second and third may be swapped, unsure.

    Which one was with Baxter and Cheri, if there even was one

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  • Id be just as guilty as the father in knocking her up again and again. Course id also be guilty of doing the same to Pippa and Mindy when old enough

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  • There was a comic like this with gardevoir and ralts that I can’t seem to find anymore does anyone know the artist?

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