amon, bassel, and selene created by atrolux
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Bassel, the hero we deserve.
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Art @ Atrolux

Writing @ Carver

  • Comments
  • I think the situation my be due to being trans and being the certain gender category's like women's swimming, men's swimming and so on.

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  • vrayber said:
    I think the situation my be due to being trans and being the certain gender category's like women's swimming, men's swimming and so on.

    I'd like to second that, and point out there is no bulge on Bassel's reference page

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  • derpy_whooves said:
    Maybe it's an internal genitals sitch, so it's not visible due to such as he's reptilian

    I don't know. For the last six chapters we've had snakes with humanoid penises. Why start anatomically correct genitalia now?

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  • TBF, with less protruding equipment there, there's less drag which would naturally make him more streamlined, and potentially faster compared to less streamlined opponents.

    We're talking about a sport where IRL the competitors (of both sexes) even shave their legs to reduce as much drag as possible, so a dick and balls or a lack thereof would definitely be seen as significant enough to further question it.

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  • soarin_ftw said:
    On the topic of trans athletes: Male-born trans athletes (which Bassel is not) are the biggest problem. Males are simply built better for athletics, with stronger muscles and bones. Most female Olympians are beaten by high-school boys, let alone their Olympic counterparts. Here's the source:

    Meanwhile, Female-born trans athletes are at that same significant disadvantage, but it's somewhat mitigated by the fact they're taking drugs that would have their male competitors banned if they were caught taking. External testosterone is a performance-enhancing drug, which is currently banned in high-level competitions.

    this is trash transphobic pseudo-science. just read the comic.

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  • Meanwhile, Female-born trans athletes are at that same significant disadvantage, but it's somewhat mitigated by the fact they're taking drugs that would have their male competitors banned if they were caught taking

    I mean, yes, it is an unfair advantage for male competitors to take drugs to boost their performance, but it really shouldnt be if it is used to even the field of a trans men because they didn't choose to born that way
    The same goes for Male born trans ones, they take estrogen and so the playfield is even once again
    So I think it goes without saying that while men and women have a difference in physical strenght, it is 100% possible to even it out if they fell they are in the wrong competition
    What I am trying to say is that dont force yourself to be someone you dont fell comfortable being, drugs go brrr

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  • soarin_ftw said:
    If you hate yourself that much that you want to cut off your penis or create a fake one that will never work, you need to separate yourself from anyone actively encouraging you to do so, delete all of your social media accounts, and go to therapy. And not a therapist who will validate you and refer you to a surgeon, a good one who will actually ask you hard questions with hard answers.

    From what I know, it is more about feeling comfortable with their own body?
    Transitioning surgery would be like hormone therapy but more extreme and kinda permanent, but reiterating, I could be 100% wrong

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  • browser_history_195 said:
    this is trash transphobic pseudo-science. just read the comic.

    Actually it's just regular science. The site listed is just flat statistics, and testosterone IS forbidden as a performance enhancing drug.Facts aren't transphobic. We know that trans people go through a lot of difficulties in their lives, and suffer a lot of unfair treatment. But, if someone's medical circumstances might give them an unfair advantage in a high-level competition, then it has to be given proper consideration, regardless of anyone's stance about trans rights. It's not fair to automatically side against OR with someone just because they're trans.

    Yeah, I've realized I no longer fully agree here. I still advocate for objectivity over emotion, and want to see statistics before coming to a conclusion, but comparing the statistics of cis boys to cis women doesn't actually have anything to do with the performance of trans women.

    There are just so few studies on transgender athletes, I couldn't really find anything outside of articles about the trans athletics issue, rather than anything about actual performance. Then again, how was I supposed to get statistics if we can't see more trans people getting into sports in the first place?

    Leaving this here for posterity while acknowledging my mistake. And maybe also acknowledge that emotions DO matter after all, since it's actual people we're talking about, not numbers.


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  • drakkenfyre said:
    TBF, with less protruding equipment there, there's less drag which would naturally make him more streamlined, and potentially faster compared to less streamlined opponents.

    We're talking about a sport where IRL the competitors (of both sexes) even shave their legs to reduce as much drag as possible, so a dick and balls or a lack thereof would definitely be seen as significant enough to further question it.

    Counterpoint, people don't swim naked (well, in that sort of event), so going from a bulge yes, but streamlined, to no bulge would be relatively minimal, particularly if it's not at literally world record levels

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  • jeweledlocust said:
    Some BS

    yeah facts aren't transphobic. But pulling some numbers out of your, or someone else's arse is not what counts as 'fact'.
    Go take your shapiro fucking talking points to 4chan

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  • soarin_ftw said:
    The pseudo-science here is people claiming that sex doesn't matter and that genders are interchangeable with zero difference. Being offended and using insults and buzz words doesn't make you right. Males and Females cannot ever be the same. Our bodies are built differently, for different purposes. I'm not irrationally afraid of trans people, I'm not afraid of them at all. But Women's Leagues exist because women simply can't compare with men in most sports. So we give them their own space to play in, so they actually have a chance to play at all. BOTH Williams sisters were beaten by a man ranked 203rd back in 1998, with a total of three points scored by the sisters. He even played their matches after a round of golf and two beers, and later said that he played like a 600-rank to keep the match interesting. Serena Williams HERSELF said that men's tennis is a "completely different sport. The men are a lot faster, they serve harder, they hit harder, it's just a different game."

    Being male in a women's league has advantages that don't go away by taking drugs. Larger physique, harder bones, stronger muscles. You're not gonna perfectly MtF transform like we see on a regular basis on this site by taking the right drugs. Lia Thomas went from 554th in men's 200 yard freestyle to 5th in women's. A difference that dramatic cannot be explained away with practice, time, and luck. It's because Thomas had significantly easier opponents.

    And, for the record, I don't hate all trans people. But I'm tired of being forced to pretend they're like every other person of the gender they try to portray themselves as. There's nothing wrong with being an effeminate man, or anything wrong with being a masculine woman. You don't need to chemically castrate yourself or have a doctor mutilate your body to be something you're not. Nobody asked to be born as they are, where they are, when they are. You didn't get a character creation screen at your birth, neither did anyone else. Everyone is doing the best with the hand they've been dealt. If you hate yourself that much that you want to cut off your penis or create a fake one that will never work, you need to separate yourself from anyone actively encouraging you to do so, delete all of your social media accounts, and go to therapy. And not a therapist who will validate you and refer you to a surgeon, a good one who will actually ask you hard questions with hard answers.

    I'm sorry but if you're talking about buzzwords, you're talking about 'chemical castration' a term made up by bigots to make the decision that trans people don't even necessarily have to take as trans people seem scarier than it actually is. 'Mutilation' is not an adequate term to refer to surgery. You don't see my mom complain she has a smaller lung because of life-saving surgery for her cancer. And that's still when I'm considering your point of view when you've made it clear that you do not care about professionals, you do not care about individuals' rights to their own bodies or identities, and you'd rather hide your motivations behind fairness in sports like there's not also just. huge differences in genetics in general, you actually even mention this specifically, 'Everyone is doing the best with the hand they've been dealt' I don't get why, in that case, you're only allowed to go against Spades or Hearts depending on what you're born as. It's like, scarily few steps removed from segregating by ethnicity but people are able to rationalize their thought process enough to tell themselves they're doing the right thing by reinforcing an already kinda fucked structure.

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  • ok but, isn't the whole stink with trans people in sports about trans *women* having an unfair advantage against cis ones?

    I'm pretty sure studies have been done which prove that argument doesn't really tread water but like, even if i'm totally wrong on that, bassel here is a trans man? meaning he would be at an unfair *dis*advantage?
    and yet clearly he's passed whatever performance test they had him do, otherwise he wouldn't be talking like that. by their own worldview they should be leaping to get someone ambitious and skilled enough to compensate for that

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  • oxian said:
    ok but, isn't the whole stink with trans people in sports about trans *women* having an unfair advantage against cis ones?

    I'm pretty sure studies have been done which prove that argument doesn't really tread water but like, even if i'm totally wrong on that, bassel here is a trans man? meaning he would be at an unfair *dis*advantage?
    and yet clearly he's passed whatever performance test they had him do, otherwise he wouldn't be talking like that. by their own worldview they should be leaping to get someone ambitious and skilled enough to compensate for that

    They don't think that hard, man.

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