twilight sparkle (friendship is magic and etc) created by kevinsano
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  • This post was flagged for deletion by Catachan. Reason: oops this apparently was already posted.

    It was? Where? What postnumber?

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  • 451kitkat said:
    ....i... Uh...
    Im not one to judge... But...
    ...its well writen?

    There's numerous grammatical errors, like "Now your probably wondering" and missing commas and such.

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  • I'm going to save this so I can read it every time I feel bad about myself. I don't care if it's fake, I KNOW there are people like this.

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  • Sepulchhrator said:
    Not often do I find myself truly speechless. This has to be a joke. There's just no way...

    i know,the stupidity of it is just unbelievable that I'm surprised my head didn't explode from a critical aneurysm.

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  • They edited out the part where he asks if Kevinsano and friends and can just "Keel over and die." See the reason this person had this extra request was because the man who sent this message was, in fact, Michael Rosen.

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  • kagemitsu said:

    i know,the stupidity of it is just unbelievable that I'm surprised my head didn't explode from a critical aneurysm.

    You succeeded at making your will save.

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  • CraX said:

    Wait nevermind, actually bothered to read it and lol'd hard

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  • Essay post warning! skip to bottom if you decide TL;DR

    He states at the end of the fifth paragraph that "If it makes me happy and it doesn't hurt anyone then where's the problem?", but what he doesn't realize is that by requesting that kevinsano stop commissioning the Twilight Sparkle porn on his birthdays, he is hurting both kevinsano and others who enjoy them. Also, if it's something only done on his birthdays, then it is something special to him.

    Furthermore, his argument is logically flawed in claiming that by commissioning Twilight Sparkle in such sexual acts, kevinsano wishes to do so to her IRL. This is not, by reason, true. Many of the patrons and frequenters of e621 enjoy viewing and masturbating to feral-esque porn, but that does not mean they all want to go and sodomize their dogs.

    In conclusion, or if you decided TL;DR, if he (the creator of the letter) doesn't like the porn being produced, he should just ignore it.

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  • Lesolan said:
    What if this was actually a really overly elaborate reverse psychology to get more porn like that...?

    I'm going to pretend it's this not only to make myself feel better about society as a whole, but also because it's a fucking awesome idea.

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  • Ischi_Vezon said:
    They edited out the part where he asks if Kevinsano and friends and can just "Keel over and die." See the reason this person had this extra request was because the man who sent this message was, in fact, Michael Rosen.


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  • I don't know what's worse the brain cells this guy wasted writing in this or the brain cells I waisted reading this.

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  • At first i laughted, but then i felt very sad. How alienated and unhappy this man have to be to "fell in love" with fictional character?

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