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Flurry Heart's stomach drops faster than the guillotine blade that separates her from her precious cock and balls. Down they slide into the fiery gullet of Queen Umbra waiting to devour her delicious horse meat, to cook it to perfection. As if this moment couldn't get any worse, her own mother, Princess Cadence, reveals herself from behind the curtains, insinuating something the poor filly can't believe she's hearing!

A sponsored continuation of my cock dog series. This was paid for by someone that liked the idea enough so if you want to see me, DM and be ready to pay for it b/c I'm not going to.

  • Comments
  • speeder said:
    Go to therapy, stop drawing, and get help asap. before you hurt someone.

    Did my make-believe art hurt your fee-fees? Bc that's about the only thing I'm hurting right now.

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