morissa and serah created by black-kitten
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  • Comments
  • Oh dear the foreboding expression on Morissa's face has me at the edge of my seat for the next page. The little details in her shift in deanor like her shrunken pupils just gives me chills like something big is coming! I can't wait to find out more about their mother and how she plays into Thursday's debacle! Wonderful work!

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  • Black Kitten… hooks me in with the sex on Monday. Then give everyone a character and personality, makes them enjoyable. And now here I am, waiting patiently for the story and only getting droplets at a time.

    I love/hate how true the saying it-
    “I read porn for the plot.”

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  • blazeosirus415 said:
    For the final and one hundredth time...

    From artist himself: Serah is NOT and will NEVER be pregnant.

    Strange, how I feel both disappointed, and relieved, to hear that...

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  • Either:
    Morissa just realized (or assumed) something
    Someone just came into the room - possibly after hearing some of the conversation.

    Why the hell are there tags fot "Bovid" (cows) an "Caprine" (goats)? Morissa is a SHEEP, they are OVINES.

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  • Sarah is probably crying, she's a teenager in a very complex relationship she probably doesn't know exactly how she feels. There is definitely some kind of emotional damage here.

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  • anselmblackheart said:
    Now imagine this for five fucking years, including multiple attempts to coerce, bribe, or cajole both BK and I into adding it.

    Way to stick to your guns. This is y'all's story, your vision, and a damn fine one at that. Ain't a thing anyone else can do to change that, no matter how hard they push.

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  • kalixvi said:
    Sarah is probably crying, she's a teenager in a very complex relationship she probably doesn't know exactly how she feels. There is definitely some kind of emotional damage here.

    Yes my thoughts exactly. And, with the photo she found of the (last) family outing…, it’s obviously exasperated those feelings connected to Seb.

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  • I bet she is about to confront her if I remember correctly Serah was looking at a picture of her in the treehouse and she got a very suspicious look on her face

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  • malborne said:
    I bet she is about to confront her if I remember correctly Serah was looking at a picture of her in the treehouse and she got a very suspicious look on her face


    Because she’s just nervous. It even says on her character bio that it “doesnt take much to get her wool ruffled.”

    rafemt said:
    Why the hell are there tags fot "Bovid" (cows) an "Caprine" (goats)? Morissa is a SHEEP, they are OVINES.

    According to Wikipedia
    “Bovidae includes three of the five domesticated mammals whose use has spread outside their original ranges, namely cattle, sheep, and goats. Dairy products such as milk, butter, and cheese are manufactured largely from domestic cattle. Bovids are also raised for their leather, meat, and wool.”

    edward3468 said:
    well thats disappointing

    This has been here since before Thursday so stop bothering BK and Anselm

    luwolfsfell said:
    .... Did you count that your self ?!

    Yea I was bored :/

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  • "...BOTH our sakes..."!!! I've said it before and no one seems to acknowledge or agree - Morissa wants Seb for HERSELF! Refer to the pic at the treehouse of her peeking at Seb when he was naked in the lake. The looks of disappointment on the last page. Serah realizes this now and is probably giving Morissa a HUGE 'dirty look' in that last panel, hence the reaction on Morissa's face! A friendship strained or possibly just ended, adding more to the story. But then again, maybe I'm off base and Serah is just crying.


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  • rafemt said:
    Morissa just realized (or assumed) something
    Someone just came into the room - possibly after hearing some of the conversation.

    Why the hell are there tags fot "Bovid" (cows) an "Caprine" (goats)? Morissa is a SHEEP, they are OVINES.

    My thoughts are that "she just realized something"...meaning, the expression on Serah's face was of empathy toward her. Seb's sister recognized in that photo that Morrisa feels the same for him, and the reason she doesn't want to admit love for him is because she doesn't want to hurt her friend.

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  • i think Serah's just crying. but i wonder: everyone here (myself included) is assuming that Serah's upset that Morissa wants Seb for herself. but if i recall correctly, its the Mouse girl we've seen who actually seems to have feelings for Seb. on top of that, my main wonder is what if the picture she removed and glared at was a family photo? maybe she's thinking of her parents. she CLEARLY does not care for her father, but i dont think we know what she thinks of her mom. maybe seeing such a picture made her think "fuck, what would mom think". maybe she was thinking about her Father, and Morrisa's whole "hes not abusive, right/just be careful" talk made her start worrying what if Seb turns out like their dad- in whatever capacity made her dislike the poor guy so much...

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  • anselmblackheart said:
    Now imagine this for five fucking years, including multiple attempts to coerce, bribe, or cajole both BK and I into adding it.

    As some one else said, thank you for sticking with it.

    If the passion isn’t there, the end result will suffer and everyone loses in the end.

    You guys are doing an amazing job. Thanks again.

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  • alphahb said:
    Black Kitten… hooks me in with the sex on Monday. Then give everyone a character and personality, makes them enjoyable. And now here I am, waiting patiently for the story and only getting droplets at a time.

    I love/hate how true the saying it-
    “I read porn for the plot.”

    Or I came for the porn and stayed for the plot?

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  • omega36 said:
    i think Serah's just crying. but i wonder: everyone here (myself included) is assuming that Serah's upset that Morissa wants Seb for herself. but if i recall correctly, its the Mouse girl we've seen who actually seems to have feelings for Seb. on top of that, my main wonder is what if the picture she removed and glared at was a family photo? maybe she's thinking of her parents. she CLEARLY does not care for her father, but i dont think we know what she thinks of her mom. maybe seeing such a picture made her think "fuck, what would mom think". maybe she was thinking about her Father, and Morrisa's whole "hes not abusive, right/just be careful" talk made her start worrying what if Seb turns out like their dad- in whatever capacity made her dislike the poor guy so much...

    I never thought of that. Well said!

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  • ambius said:
    My thoughts are that "she just realized something"...meaning, the expression on Serah's face was of empathy toward her. Seb's sister recognized in that photo that Morrisa feels the same for him, and the reason she doesn't want to admit love for him is because she doesn't want to hurt her friend.

    Maybe we're coming at this with the wrong ideas. Maybe Serah has something else, maybe something really bad bothering her, not directly related to her loving Seb. Maybe she's just really depressed - the kind of depression that makes you want to kill yourself. That might have been what happened to their mother, and she's worried that it's happening to her now. In other circumstances, she might try to get help, but she's afraid it would involve revealing their relationship and destroying Seb's life in the process.

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  • salemcripple said:
    Doesn't anyone here go to any other sites than just e621? If they did, they'd know the answer to all of this already. This site is always so super far behind on comics.

    What sites are updated faster?

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  • kalixvi said:
    Sarah is probably crying, she's a teenager in a very complex relationship she probably doesn't know exactly how she feels. There is definitely some kind of emotional damage here.

    Or, maybe she’s feeling pressed by Morrisa, and Serah’s pissed.

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  • shunka_warakin said:
    God, when will you people catch on?
    It's a surprise twist ending. Sebastien gets pregnant.

    Woah woah woah, spoilers! Can't believe you just ruined it for everyone smh

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  • In fact, what worries me is that this relationship has no possibility of a future.
    Whether it's about Seb and Serah's father, who certainly won't receive this very well, or about their social life, which isn't going to be easy if they assume an incestuous relationship.
    If they were independent of anything or anyone, it would be difficult for them to be brothers.

    No matter how much they like each other, they can never assume this relationship in front of other people without consequences. And Serah could be feeling it.
    It seems like a dead end and that's really sad when you see the size of the abyss ahead.

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  • semyonov said:
    What sites are updated faster?

    I personally go to [removed]. Usually 2 or more pages ahead of E621. Currently only one page on this comic.

    Updated by Millcore

    User received a record for the contents of this message.
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  • salemcripple said:
    I personally go to [removed]. Usually 2 or more pages ahead of E621. Currently only one page on this comic.

    Ain't that the site where it pirates and steals art from the artist's Patreon and some such?

    Updated by Millcore

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  • wanderling said:
    Next page both of them doing the Dinosaur!

    cliffhangers are the perfect time to transition back to the previous plot. last we left off with Keith and Seb: "your mother..." Hah, gottem.

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  • skulblakka said:
    Every. God-damn. Page.

    Yeah no joke, every damn page, and then you get the people arguing that "it's totally possible", although it seems pretty clear at this point that Black Kitten's intentions are to not end up like the other comics that have gone down that path.

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  • ambius said:
    My thoughts are that "she just realized something"...meaning, the expression on Serah's face was of empathy toward her. Seb's sister recognized in that photo that Morrisa feels the same for him, and the reason she doesn't want to admit love for him is because she doesn't want to hurt her friend.

    The picture she glared at was the one of her family in the last page of Thursday Morning, in the last panel.

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  • ambius said:
    My thoughts are that "she just realized something"...meaning, the expression on Serah's face was of empathy toward her. Seb's sister recognized in that photo that Morrisa feels the same for him, and the reason she doesn't want to admit love for him is because she doesn't want to hurt her friend.

    The picture she glared at was the one of her family in the last page of Thursday Morning, in the last panel.

    ambius said:
    My thoughts are that "she just realized something"...meaning, the expression on Serah's face was of empathy toward her. Seb's sister recognized in that photo that Morrisa feels the same for him, and the reason she doesn't want to admit love for him is because she doesn't want to hurt her friend.

    That's not what she realized. The pic that she took from the wall was the pic on the last panel of the last page of Thursday Mornings, or their family having a cookout.

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  • maru89 said:
    18 pages and we are still in the safe category.

    If memory serves, it took many, many months for things to get started on Thursday.

    ...and, thinking about it now, the fact that no one seemed upset about it really speaks to the level of quality on display in the storytelling

    EDIT: Memory did, in fact, serve correctly. Thursday, page 1 was posted on 12/29/2019 and it started getting steamy on 6/28/2020. So, it took 5 months and 30 days (182 days) to get going.


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  • kodyfur said:
    Oh dear the foreboding expression on Morissa's face has me at the edge of my seat for the next page. The little details in her shift in deanor like her shrunken pupils just gives me chills like something big is coming! I can't wait to find out more about their mother and how she plays into Thursday's debacle! Wonderful work!

    Yep. It looks like Serah's got a "You wanna know I feel, Morissa? Do you really wanna know how I FUCKING feel?" look.

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  • dermetzger said:
    If memory serves, it took many, many months for things to get started on Thursday.

    ...and, thinking about it now, the fact that no one seemed upset about it really speaks to the level of quality on display in the storytelling

    EDIT: Memory did, in fact, serve correctly. Thursday, page 1 was posted on 12/29/2019 and it started getting steamy on 6/28/2020. So, it took 5 months and 30 days (182 days) to get going.

    Plus this chapter is going to be light on smut. It was a good point to kinda crunch a fair bit of story in a good amount of time, naturally occurring, and provide a bit of a breather space after how Thursday ended. Its not the end of the smut, but it is the most smut-less chapter.

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  • All these people jumping to pregnancy needs to do some research on the subject.

    That doesn't happen in less than a week. lol

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  • anselmblackheart said:
    Plus this chapter is going to be light on smut. It was a good point to kinda crunch a fair bit of story in a good amount of time, naturally occurring, and provide a bit of a breather space after how Thursday ended. Its not the end of the smut, but it is the most smut-less chapter.

    Hey, I'm perfectly fine with that. You two are at the wheel my dude, I'm just happy to be along for the ride.

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  • dermetzger said:
    Fuckin THANK YOU, OMG...

    Yeah, saying it does dick all for those people. They keep bringing it up. It's been posted again and again how it's been officially declared that it's never happening, and yet every page "SHE'S PREGNANT!"

    It's like zombies, but instead of "Brains... Brains..." it's "Preg...nant... Preg...nant..."

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  • So... reading this comment section was like torture, because of all the overthinking going on.
    My 5 cents on the topic (and the first time commenting on this comic):
    "For BOTH our sakes" probably just means, that Morissa wants her to speak her mind, because she wants to help her friend and that involves TALKING!

    And the last look on her face... think simple - She asks "just tell me how you FEEL" with the big capslock-emphasis on "feel" and then looks like she got hit by lightning. - The easy answer: She just realized that Serah is probably feeling nothing. Nothing at all. Which would be the worst.
    She did say "i didn't say that" after Morissa said "So you don't love him?" - And i believe it's as simple as she loves him like a brother, she was horny, she liked the sex and everything but now she doesn't even know if it's love or just being a horny teen.
    So with saying "feeling nothing", i mean that she isn't feeling what she thinks she should feel. And that's probably confusing the hell out of her.
    Which is thought way simpler than "She must have depression - maybe her mother killed herself and she's worried it's happening with her - Pregananant (for the twelvemillionth time, and it's still NO) - recognizing what Morissa feels.

    All of the above are valid thoughts, don't get me wrong. But it rattles my brain how nobody said the obvious things but instead directly jumped to the most complicated and theoretical things first. First of all we don't even know what happened to their mom, second of all i'm sure she still didn't catch on to Morissas feelings. If she did, she wouldn't have brought this up with her in the first place, because if she did know she must've known for a longer time, meaning even before the first sex with Seb. And trust me as a woman, you don't just tell your best friend of all time that you fuck her big crush, when you KNOW that she has feeling for him. Not unless you seriously want to hurt that person AND friendship, which Serah doesn't seem to be the person to do that, seeing how she crashed at Morissas place in a fragile emotional state.

    Also, correct me if i'm wrong but saying "she can't be pregnant" because it's only been 4 days... i'm pretty sure the artist said something about the days only being like chapter names, but not days in the same week. Like it could've been weeks already. (Really not sure so pls enlighten me if it's really supposed to be the same week, if Anselm or BK want to share - Also, even if it's multiple weeks... SHE'S STILL NOT PREGNANT. Artist and Anselm said themselves multiple times. Yes i'm repeating about 16 people above, but for my own sanity and the last few pages i think it's okay if we bring it up miltiple times aswell.)

    On the topic of her seeing that family picture: Maybe she just doesn't want to be one of the reasons the family breaks apart entirely. Maybe she wants everything to stay how it is, even without her mom it's still a family. When Keith finds out, maybe that won't be the case anymore so she could be frightened of that thought.

    And another thing while i'm at it to write my first comment on this comic AND apparently a booksized one at that:
    Somebody brought it up (i think as a joke) on the last page of Sebs arc, where Keith says "Your Mother..." - The comment was something along the lines of "Maybe Keith and their mom where siblings ASWELL - joke or not, that is still something that could potentially be true. And if that were true, Serah would've felt or suspected something like that by now. (Pretty sure she's not stupid...)

    Like i said, every thought so far is completely valid and i don't mean it in an offensive way - It just bothered my how so many people jumped to conclusions that are still so much open and some big stretches too, that i felt the obvious explanations are not only left out of the conversation, but needed to be brought up.

    Thanks for reading my 5 cents, now go about your day. =D

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  • graham-wolf said:
    It's been literally 4 days since they had sex for the first time

    Ain't that how furries work though? Now if she involved 3 friends she would be fine because the sperm would kill each other in genocidal warfare. 3+ guys = safe. 1 guy and you're pregnant in like 7 seconds.

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  • sekriess said:
    Ain't that how furries work though? Now if she involved 3 friends she would be fine because the sperm would kill each other in genocidal warfare. 3+ guys = safe. 1 guy and you're pregnant in like 7 seconds.

    Wellll, technically it depends when you start the count.

    Also, in furry logic, when he cums, you become transparent so you can see it all happen, and during the afterglow there's a very large speech-bubble originating in your uterus showing your egg-cell getting it right in the membrane!

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  • ggdk said:
    Wellll, technically it depends when you start the count.

    Also, in furry logic, when he cums, you become transparent so you can see it all happen, and during the afterglow there's a very large speech-bubble originating in your uterus showing your egg-cell getting it right in the membrane!

    Don't forget the head of/entire penis penetrating the cervix and bathing their innards in cum like a lewd firehose.

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    Don't forget the head of/entire penis penetrating the cervix and bathing their innards in cum like a lewd firehose.

    Correct, everyone knows that women adore being punched in the cervix, just swooning at the idea of showing that little piece of anatomy who's boss by giving it a black-eye!

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  • Seb and Sarah found a forbidden love. They both know the risks of it. Still they want to pursue it. They were not the first and will not be the last. It looms throughout history in all races. Yet, they have something that most of us want dearly but have not. This artist/story line drew me in just because of the taboo subject. I long to see where BK takes this.

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  • alphahb said:
    Black Kitten… hooks me in with the sex on Monday. Then give everyone a character and personality, makes them enjoyable. And now here I am, waiting patiently for the story and only getting droplets at a time.

    I love/hate how true the saying it-
    “I read porn for the plot.”

    Porno use tohave a plot.

    Kyōfu joshikōkō: bōkō rinchi kyōshitsu. For instance, it a movie about sukeban, and the conflict between completly insane girlsgangs and the administrationwho try tor repress theM. Beware of toture and harsh corporal punishinement and even murder !
    Rapeandsuicide ae alsopart the show. And blood trafic.....

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  • kodyfur said:
    Oh dear the foreboding expression on Morissa's face has me at the edge of my seat for the next page. The little details in her shift in deanor like her shrunken pupils just gives me chills like something big is coming! I can't wait to find out more about their mother and how she plays into Thursday's debacle! Wonderful work!

    Still on the edge of your seat? Need a pillow for your butt? a drink? some cheetos? You good?

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  • skulblakka said:
    He posted that there is some delay because he has to deal with a family emergency.

    There's a site that will remain nameless where the next page of this was already posted a couple weeks ago, and I checked there to see if any new pages had been released but just not posted here yet, and a few people mentioned the emergency. No actual details, other than one person saying Black-Kitten had had a breakdown. I don't know if it's true, this is second (or third)-hand info, but that's what's been said.

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  • drakkenfyre said:
    There's a site that will remain nameless where the next page of this was already posted a couple weeks ago, and I checked there to see if any new pages had been released but just not posted here yet, and a few people mentioned the emergency. No actual details, other than one person saying Black-Kitten had had a breakdown. I don't know if it's true, this is second (or third)-hand info, but that's what's been said.

    I just love how someone did not respond for 2 weeks and everyone is making a myth about where he could be, and what happened to him.

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  • To clear up any mystery, BK had to help a family member who was having some rough issues mentally, and that's why he couldn't update. He posted that on his blog last week.

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  • atrueclashmain said:

    I just love how someone did not respond for 2 weeks and everyone is making a myth about where he could be, and what happened to him.

    From another comment he apparently posted that a family member was having mental issues. Maybe someone misconstrued that as BK himself? Regardless, I'm glad he's okay.

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