nintendo and etc created by theowlette
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"You fucking cow!"

Bulda was suddenly wishing she hadn't made her escape so preemptively. But she'd seen the opportunity, her reigns not tied properly enough to the hitching post of her stall, and just bolted for it! The other Pokegirls in the barn were still there, but the way Bulda saw it, if she could get the authorities back here to this sicko's perv farm, she could save them all AND get that Tauros locked up forever!

Unfortunately for her, there were now several issues with her plan. One, she had obviously been seen hoofing it for the hills, no pun intended. Two, she was still completely strapped up in her pony gear, meaning her hands were still trapped in the armbinder, her feet crammed into the hoof boots, her body squeezed in a harness, and her speech and vision moderately inhibited by the bit gag harness and blinders. Three... she had NO idea where she even was. As she looked around, she saw that there was no familiar landmarks. She'd never been out beyond the training pasture before. She'd never once considered that after her initial kidnap, she'd been taken too far away from her home city. But as she looked around, seeing nothing but rolling countryside or thick woodlands, she was beginning to realize the gravity of her situation. Perhaps her thinking would have been made easier if it weren't for the fucking vibrator currently shoved up inside her. It had been supposed to help calm her down. Help her find peace with being in a stall when not training. And now it was just buzzing away, trying to distract her. Well, Bulda wouldn't let it. Grunting in annoyance, she set back into a spring, trying to get as far away from this place as possible.

"He's going to catch you."

"No he won't!"

"If you turn yourself in, he might go easy on you."

"Fuck RIGHT off with that! I am not going back there!"

"Why? You were well cared for. Got to go at it with the other girls whenever you wanted. You were fed, groomed, didn't have to worry about rent or any of that stuff."

"... I SAID FUCK OFF!!!"

Bulda groaned inwardly at her thoughts as she ran. Had that guy's training and brainwashing really been getting to her that badly...!?
She had to get out of here! No one was there willingly! That Tauros was obsessed with turning his pokegirl farm into something bigger, and if Bulda had anything to say about it, it was getting a wrecking ball to it as soon as possible.

Bulda hadn't been paying attention during her flight for freedom, but she saw she was getting near the treeline. If she could get in there, she could hide and wait until the Tauros gave up looking for her. Then she could get out of this gear, and go looking for...
Bulda cocked her head. Did she hear a motor?
Sure enough, as she turned her head, she managed to catch sight of a quad bike zipping across the grasslands heading right for her. Bulda let out a yell of panic as she turned tail, resuming her run. She had to make it! She HAD to!!

Her breasts were bouncing like crazy, her body covered in sweat, her ragged breathing huffing through the bit. She wasn't out of shape by any means, but the way the gear had her bound meant nearly double the usual physical exertion use for such a rapid run. But she could do this! She could hear the motor closing in. Almost there! She heard the Tauros shouting her name. That stupid fucking name he'd given her. Pepper, he called her. Because he liked her kick. Oh she'd show him a fucking kick if he got close. Why was the vibrator still going!? How much battery did it have!? Maybe she should just giv u- NO SHE NEEDED TO GET OUT OF HE-


A lasso went down over her head, tightening around her neck, and the quad bike screeched to a stop as the Tauros dismounted the vehicle, holding his end of the lasso nice and tight.

"Pepper, you wild unbroken bitch...!" The Tauros snapped as he yanked on the rope. Bulda braced herself, but the hoof boots just didn't give much traction.
"And here I thought you were actually getting better!"

"Ngghoh! Lengheh gnho!" Bulda demanded from around her bit, thrashing her head side to side as she dug her feet into the ground. And all the while the vibrator just kept going, wracking her body with wave upon wave of arousal.

"C'moon now, Pepper. Don't make me get rough with you." The Tauros growled, now starting to wind the rope about his arm as he slowly advanced towards the Blaziken. Bulda was still trying to get free though, thrashing every which way. Something had to give. Her gear, the rope, the Tauros. She couldn't let this happen! She didn't want this life!!! SHE WANTED TO BE FREE!!!

Unfortunately for her, the Tauros suddenly switched tactics. He let go of the rope, Bulda's own backwards resistance causing her to fall onto her back. The Tauros was on her in seconds, pinning her to the ground as he wrestled her into submission. Bulda shouted and screamed in rage, trying to headbutt him. Kick him. Cause him any sort of harm. Show him she could and would fight him! But he was too skilled for her, and after several minutes of letting her tire herself out, Bulda soon collapsed into a huffing heap. It took her a bit to realize in the struggle, she'd climaxed from the vibrator. Probably why she was suddenly feeling so tired...

"Y'know Pepper..." The Tauros huffed. "I'm starting to think a work horse life ain't for you."

Bulda said nothing, jut glaring murder into the Pokemon's eyes. It wasn't for anyone! A wild Ponyta or Rapidash maybe, but not for her! A fucking intelligent Pokemon!

"No... I'm thinkin'... we switch you over to the milking barn."

Bulda blinked, the sentence registering in her head.

"... nghoh... nghoh!"

"You'd love the girls there. Plus, just layin around all day and letting the machine work you. Will have to start givin' you some growth hormones. Get those tits of yours nice n large.

"Ynghou fghuhker!" Bulda screamed, starting her thrashing again. But there wasn't near enough energy this time. The Tauros stood, grabbing Bolda and marching her over to the quad bike. Taking the lasso, he tied it to the back of the vehicle.

"Yeah, seems like a good plan. No more drills. No more hard work. Just you layin on one of my machines, lettin the suckers work those hooters. Don't you worry though, got some fun toys on it to make things more interestin' for ya." He winked as he started up the vehicle. With a whir, it lurched forward at a moderate pace, Bulda having to set off at a jog to keep up. She'd failed. Yeah, it seemed like the work horse days were behind her. But now? It looked like the only thing she'd be giving this freak was her milk. She looked down at her chest with nervous eyes. Growth hormones? She was already big as is? How much bigger would they even get!? It looked like she was due to find out...

Bulda let out a frustrated growl, her body once again pressing itself against the cold hard steel about her form. It had been a day now sense she’d tried to escape the Tauros captivity, and he’d made good on his promise from then. As soon as they got back she was tranqued, passing out hard before she could even try to resist it, and by the time she came to she was locked in one of the many milking stalls this crazy bitch had within his barn.

She gave another passing look to the stall next to her, an actual Miltank, from the looks of it. Probably how he kept his elicit craziness under raps, she remembered a few rapidashes out in the fields as well. The miltank was already moaning and groaning, having been worked through her morning milking and onto the afternoon’s. Her breasts...well lets just say even with the limited view, Bulda could still see the girth of them. Long tubes connected down from the ceiling, winding a good few times before planting itself into the poor creature's mouth. It's where the food was pushed in, all mushy and tasteless, but also where the drugs were administered. Growth hormones.

Bulda shuddered at the thought of them. Normally one could easily last for a good few months on a single dosage of those, if this were a normal barn. But this guy, noooo this guy did it daily. Every afternoon, on the dot, before you got your lunch, you’d get your dosage. Kept your breasts always full, always growing, and if you had to many...kept the cow subservient. Any resistance and he’d just leave them without a milking for a day. Bulda had heard the screams even from out in the fields of a few of them, begging for it by the setting of the sun, with how full sour and pressured their overworking breasts felt.

And now, it looked like she was slated to join them.

She gave another firm buck, tugging at the metal holding her arms tight behind her back, thrusting her feet this way and that against the metal cuffs holding them in place. But it was no use, she hardly even heard a creak from the contraption, and she groaned as her beak bit and chomped and worked at the tube that had been shoved within it. She wouldn’t give into this, she would not have this! Being a workhorse was one thing, she was at least doing something there, but this?!? She was NOT some cow to be molested and bred! She was Bulda! A fucking powerful Blaziken! She would NOT let him treat her like thi-.

“GOODDD afternooon Pepper! Hope that night of rest got you a little more agreeable.” She heard the bit to upbeat voice of the Tauros behind her, and without missing a beat she retorted.

“FmfRAgf Oefrmfff” she grumbled, the Blaziken feeling a swat to her rear end making her grmff and growl as his powerful hand left a stinging mark against her backside as he walked in front of her.

“Still got that spice, mffff I love it.” He laughed, as Bulda just gave him the strongest of death glares she could muster, as he just gave her a smirk.

“Relaaaxxx hun, there is nothing you can do about this now. You decided to try and break away, escape alll the lovely luxuries that I afforded you as my prized work horse.” his hand reached out, cupping one of her open breasts and beginning to fondle it, the blaziken grrmffing and growling even more as she struggled vainly within the metal restraints, glaring but beginning to blush as he worked and fondled her orbs so effortlessly as he spoke.

“But now, thanks to your actions, I need to make sure you don’t ever get any funny ideas like that again. So from prized work horse to prized milking cow, im sure your milk will have that same level of kick that you do.” he smirked with a wink, giving her breasts a good smack as she let out a yelping groan, but continued to glare and drag her talons what little she could against the ground.

“FMrafing BIFEAMRF!” she yelled at him, but he just chuckled, moving out of her view to start to work the panel that controlled the various aspects of this machine.

“I do think I’ll miss your attitude once this all is said and done though. This isn’t my favorite way to break in the new stock. But you’ve forced my hand. Just know that every hour in here could have been an hour working out there, honing that fine muscular body of yours. But you had to go and try and leave before you were ready. So now…” He almost sounded, sad, which was, rather interesting for Bulda to hear. She herself almost began to feel bad for it, with the way he was saying his words, and the bit of conditioning he had put her through making her feel like a bad bad pony. But she shook the feeling away quickly, no, no she had done the right thing. If she had made it this sicko would be behind bars, his ‘stock’ would be back to lives that they deserved. And she wouldn’t be hearing that fateful click as the Tauros finished all of his settings, and Bulda began to squirm as she saw the gelatinous chemicals begin to work their way down the tude toward her forced open beak.

“, you will just have to be another addition to my exotic milk production. I know you’ll be a bestseller.” He gave a bit of a snicker at the last part, the Tauros walking back into view as he sat against one of the walls. She continued to glare at him for a little bit, but as the chemical concoction worked its way down the tube, her eyes began to slowly stop staring at him, and start to fixate on that. She began to squirm, and kick, her feet grinding against the ground as her arms strained heavily against the metal bars. No, no she wouldn’t become a milking cow, she wouldn’t have this, this, this BITCH couldn’t win like this!

“FURMFFFFFM, MFERFM, NRNFORMFFF! BMFIRFMFFFF!” She started to scream, the Tauros just giving her a smirk.

“Never get tired of watching the first feeding...I think yours is going to be my favorite for a long time Pepper.” he snickered, the blaziken just giving him a firm hard glare, before her eyes fixated back on the goop making its way down the tube. It was almost half way now, sifting, slorping, flowing its way down. She knew this sicko had it like this so he’d get the most amount of a show possible, but she wasn’t having it! She would not let this happen, she would NOT let him win! But she couldn’t break free, no matter how her arms twisted, how her body jerked. All that happened was her breasts flopped in front of this smiling Tauros’ face, her muscles tensed and relaxed in a constant strained attempt at motion. She screamed at him, curse after curse, her body doing everything it could to move. But the sludge just kept flowing forward, closer, and closer, down the tube, gaining speed as more of it entered. She watched it advance, down, almost to her beak. In one final desperate attempt at resistance, she slammed her tongue what little she could up against the tube, and locked her throat, trying to stop the sludge from going any further. She could taste it now, all those chemicals, trying to rush by. She sputtered and held it, the Tauros actually raising an eyebrow at her as Bulda glared daggers into him. Her body fully tense, every part of her screaming as she strained as hard as she could.

But the Tauros just gave her a smile, and walked over to the tip of her beak.

“Ohh honey, that’s not how it goes, you're supposed to swallow. Here, let me help.” he said calmly, as if talking to a calf getting its first drops of milk. It made her sick, she was seething with rage. She couldn’t even scream at him for fear of letting this flood through, but as she glared, her eyes went wide as two of his strong fingers, pressed against the air holes of her beak.

She jerked, she shuddered, she bucked and strained. H-he was going to force her to try and breath it?!? He was that committed to making this happen?!? Her eyes were already seeing stars, she couldn’t get a breath in anymore, and her constant desperate shifting drained her already limited oxygen supply in seconds. She tried to growl, tried to swear, but her eyes began to lose focus, she couldn’t, she couldn’t hold this forever! But her arms were burning, her chest, her legs now. She felt it all throughout her form, she needed air. Her throat was on fire now, trying to hold this all back, the pressure building as more and more of the chemical tried to force its way down the tubes.

“Come on Pepper, that’s enough. Be a good girl and take your medicine.” The Tauros said, in an almost soothing voice. But that just set Bulda on fire even more. She was not Pepper, she was BULDA! She was strong, she was a fighter, she would not let this, this, this BITCH have his way like this. But his other hand was on her chest, groping her boob, squeezing her tit. He wanted to distract her, he wanted her to give in. She wouldn’t, she couldn’t! But her mind, it was starting to burn too. Things were getting hazy, her body locking up, the burn almost completely encasing her. She was on fire, her whole body, burning, she needed air, she needed out, she needed… she needed...she…

It was then, the burning suddenly started to swell. It started in Bulda’s core, she felt she might just be passing out at first, but then it began to grow. It swelled, and swelled, and swelled! It took over the pain, and started to explode out around her body! A sudden gust of air flowed into her beak, she sucked it in, feeling a trickle of the chemicals flowing down her throat as she gulped down needed air. Her eyes fluttering open to see the Tauros a few steps back, staring at her in fear. The burning feeling stretched, it grew, it flowed into her arms, her legs, her neck, her head. Her mind cleared as her whole form lit up with light, and for the first time in a few months, a genuine smile spread across her face. And she let a bit of the flow get shoved down her throat, in order to state around the tube.

“GemrFff Reddgiii Biffmfef.”

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