mario bros and etc created by jin saotome (artist)

He's a real Shy Guy

They stalk the plains of dreamwold Subcon cloaked in red and wearing pale masks. Every step of their weighted boots brings these walking nightmares closer to their goal, whatever that is... It's Shy Guy from the world of Super Mario like you've never seen him before! Shy Guy was made using the mask from the pvc character, DCU Desaad body, Mezco Spirit hands, and SOTA Guile boots. His chaingun was made from a HoM Iron Man weapon and Spawn Interlink 6 gatling cannon.

Here's Bezzalair's original drawing that I found on the net and used for my control art. She did an awesome job!

  • Comments
  • Dario58030 said:
    Well,that's gonna use a $#%&load of ammo quickly.

    He don't need ammo, he has scizors (I Dunno how to wright it)

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