jeannine created by securipun
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  • Comments
  • So a naked Siberian Tiger lady, with huge juggers, jumps on top of you. Do you:

    A) Scream and Cry
    B) Enjoy the Workout
    C) Pretend not to know what's going on as you look away nervously

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  • basteal said:
    So a naked Siberian Tiger lady, with huge juggers, jumps on top of you. Do you:

    A) Scream and Cry
    B) Enjoy the Workout
    C) Pretend not to know what's going on as you look away nervously

    You neglected option D) All of the above

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  • basteal said:
    So a naked Siberian Tiger lady, with huge juggers, jumps on top of you. Do you:

    A) Scream and Cry
    B) Enjoy the Workout
    C) Pretend not to know what's going on as you look away nervously

    I'm sometimes the shy boi so I pic C

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  • HA I’m to chubby to have this ever happen but that’s why I work out to get thinner but not to thin gotta protect that virginity

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  • adderkop said:
    Great art but I hope you won't start with the woke stuff. I would personally prefer if it just said female instead of that pronouns bs.

    ...ok? I don't care about what you 'personally prefer' I should use regarding pronouns in my art, I made this for my own sake, I'll do what I want with it.


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  • batabii_ said:
    They have a point. If it wasn't clear what gender she is just by looking, there might be a reason to list pronouns. But with a character like this it just comes off as pretentious. It would be like me introducing myself as "Hello, I'm white".

    You're commenting on a reference sheet. As in, a sheet of information for use as reference. So yes, if I made a reference sheet for a white character, I would have zero qualms about labelling their race on a reference sheet. Because that is the exact purpose of a reference sheet.

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  • batabii_ said:
    They have a point. If it wasn't clear what gender she is just by looking, there might be a reason to list pronouns. But with a character like this it just comes off as pretentious. It would be like me introducing myself as "Hello, I'm white".

    Very bold of you to assume that someone is female just because of how they look. Your perspective is exactly why people choose to make their pronouns known. Just because someone has a body that LOOKS female, that doesn't necessarily mean that they IDENTITY as female.

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  • peepeeslurper said:
    I mean , it is kinda weird of you to use such a pronounce. It's like you need other's to know that she/her are the same description for a female. What's next? His/him?

    You realize EVERYONE has pronouns right?
    It’s an essential category of word for conversation. And part of every known language.

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  • adderkop said:
    Great art but I hope you won't start with the woke stuff. I would personally prefer if it just said female instead of that pronouns bs.

    Boy, if you think pronouns are tough, wait till you hear about verbs.

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  • peepeeslurper said:
    Why does every comment that disagree's or is slightly critical of Securipun get downvoted regardless if it's good or bad, while his comments get upvotes even if they're operate on the same 50/50 scale?

    They're devoid of any context regarding pronouns, gender identity, and gender expression in the current day - several years behind relevant discussion on the matter - so most people would rather not bother. They are easily dismissed. For posterity, I'll try to explain it. I get wordy a lot but I'll do my best.

    The Inherent Politic/"wokeness" of having pronouns on a ref sheet for a character - even if they look like what you would expect given their pronouns - is merely the acknowledgement of the inverse; the acknowledgement that pronouns don't have to be (and probably shouldn't be) a given, in the wake of androgynous people and people who may present in a way that subverts the expectation of their identity (someone who looks male to you but identifies otherwise, etc.)

    Adding pronouns to a pretty slim amount of introduction makes it regular to see someone whose identity doesn't have to align with what they may look like. Language is adapting slightly to a more contemporary means of expression, and if pronouns being a point of direct reference is confusing or even upsetting, I imagine you don't see this value in it. Despite your lack of perspective, that value is real.

    You're invited to better process it, but plenty of people have done so to a point where this conversation of "why even have pronouns" is exhausting and dated to them. Making your own efforts to listen and read to what has already been said can be tricky, but you'll be bettering yourself in developing that ability to discern credible discussion and put your own foot forward in learning.

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  • batabii_ said:
    That's...irrelevant? Species, age, height,etc aren't always readily apparently by looking. The point of a reference sheet isn't to point out the blatantly obvious from the drawings. For example, this sketch isn't colored, so pointing out her eye color would be helpful.

    You're really missing the point. This isn't a case of "they look like a she/her but they aren't. She looks female, she is female, so why do we need to be informed of her pronouns when they are literally the default? My assumtion is 100% correct in this case, so that's not the issue at all.

    The point is to disconnect pronouns and gender identity from pre-existing gender roles and norms, to a point where "this character goes by she/her" is never in any case obvious. The ideal conclusion is to make asking someone's pronouns as normal as their name or nickname - to forego initial assumptions. Someone may "obviously" look like the appropriate pronouns are she/her, and this may be true...or it may not be. That awkward subversion of an initial expectation, that women and men look specific ways, is avoided entirely without its presence and assumptions. The point and goal is the phasing out of an unnecessary and cumbersome "default."

    If I have any respect for myself and my time this will be my last contribution to the conversation.

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  • you are all getting extremely out of hand with this shit by the way

    I am allowed to do literally whatever I like with the artwork I produce for my own self. I could draw the character as a Tiger but say she's a Doberman, I could say that this character is 746 years old with nothing to imply it, and I could say that this character is actually 3ft4" despite very obviously not being so. It literally does not (or at the very least shouldn't) matter to anybody in this thread, so that's why it's fuckin weird when I do something as innocent as put the phrase, "she/her" on a character's ref sheet and people jump in going, "Well why not use female instead of this 'woke' she/her bs" or calling me pretentious or some shit as if you think you have valid input over the innocuous shit I do with my own work.

    Please for the love of god touch some grass and you will realise that some random guy on the internet deciding to use gender pronouns on their fictional tiger anthro character is not an issue that warrants this much fucking back and forth, jesus christ.

    peepeeslurper said:
    Why does every comment that disagree's or is slightly critical of Securipun get downvoted regardless if it's good or bad, while his comments get upvotes even if they're operate on the same 50/50 scale?

    also it's because i'm cool and everybody knows it

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  • Very funny that the same kind of person who complains about muh agendas and muh politic in porn are frothing at the mouth over a widely used form of language that takes up less space than her muzzle

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  • peepeeslurper said:
    Why does every comment that disagree's or is slightly critical of Securipun get downvoted regardless if it's good or bad, while his comments get upvotes even if they're operate on the same 50/50 scale?

    Because it's the content creator, of course that's going to happen.

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