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  • furrybronypervguy said:
    I guess you've never seen a Gay Pride parade before.

    I haven't to one before, but that doesn't invalidate my point.

    - They're supposed to be SFW. Kink wear/acts aren't SFW.
    - Children can attend, and typically do. However, this doesn't mean said children should see grown men being lead around in a leash, being borderline nude as they do so.
    - They're supposed to support image and sexuality positivity, NOT TO BE CONFUSED with sexual freedom/openness/
    - If people wear kink stuff at pride (as seen here), they'll think we're trying to normalize sex.
    - It gives LGBTQ+ deniers/haters/etc. material to use.
    - Generally EVERY mainstream LGBTQ+ parade/festival has offsite areas (both first and third party) for people to be sexual.

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  • aset4l8r said:
    I haven't to one before, but that doesn't invalidate my point.

    - They're supposed to be SFW. Kink wear/acts aren't SFW.
    - Children can attend, and typically do. However, this doesn't mean said children should see grown men being lead around in a leash, being borderline nude as they do so.
    - They're supposed to support image and sexuality positivity, NOT TO BE CONFUSED with sexual freedom/openness/
    - If people wear kink stuff at pride (as seen here), they'll think we're trying to normalize sex.
    - It gives LGBTQ+ deniers/haters/etc. material to use.
    - Generally EVERY mainstream LGBTQ+ parade/festival has offsite areas (both first and third party) for people to be sexual.

    While I agree that that's what *should* happen, *should* and *do* don't always line up. Real world is like that sometimes.

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  • aset4l8r said:
    Kink doesn't belong at pride. ❤️

    Kink doesn't belong in public restaurants or in the office either and yet e621 is filled with such works

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  • Y'all REALLY starting discourse over irl events on a fictional character drawing....???
    If you wanna point fingers, don't do it in a glasshouse when Y'all know furry cons are just as sexual...

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  • aset4l8r said:
    >has never attended a pride event
    >thinks pride parades are basically orgies
    >can't tell if elaborate troll or serious
    >typical "Will someone PLEASE think of the children!?" argument, used to marginalize non-straight people for decades
    >downvotes Pride themed pictures out of principle
    >believes that he's the authority on the subject on how LGBTQIA+ people should behave at their own events
    >makes all his arguments on a furry porn website out of all places

    Please buddy, stop, my sides hurt so much already. This is the funniest shit ever.

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  • aset4l8r said:
    I haven't to one before, but that doesn't invalidate my point.

    - They're supposed to be SFW. Kink wear/acts aren't SFW.
    - Children can attend, and typically do. However, this doesn't mean said children should see grown men being lead around in a leash, being borderline nude as they do so.
    - They're supposed to support image and sexuality positivity, NOT TO BE CONFUSED with sexual freedom/openness/
    - If people wear kink stuff at pride (as seen here), they'll think we're trying to normalize sex.
    - It gives LGBTQ+ deniers/haters/etc. material to use.
    - Generally EVERY mainstream LGBTQ+ parade/festival has offsite areas (both first and third party) for people to be sexual.

    - Life isn't a SFW/NSFW dichotomy.
    - It's up to parents to determine what their kids should be exposed to. On that note how is kink wear any worse than two piece swimsuits or thongs people wear at public beaches crawling with children? We also live in an era of the internet were Reddit 50/50 is a thing so I'm sure kids run the risk to being exposed to far worse things than people in BDSM gear.
    - Pretty sure sexual positivity and sexual openness are synonymous. People shouldn't be shamed for their kinks so long as all parties involved are consenting and of age of consent. Sex is also a part of the human experience and no duh should be normalized. Treating it as a taboo subject is a recipe for disaster.
    - Bigots be bigots. An LGBT+ person could cure cancer and they'll still hate them for who they are. Hell the last US President of the "Support The Troops Party" banned trans soldiers from serving openly in the military despite them debatably doing the most patriotic and righteous thing a person can do but Trans people bad yo. Point being we'll never win all bigots over so we may as well stop kowtowing for them and live our own lives the way we see fit. If LGBT+ people want to live a clean-cut heteronormative lifestyle more power to them but don't judge or talk down to people that choose not to live that lifestyle.
    -You're correct in your final point so not much to disagree with their.


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  • memesaredreams said:
    My thoughts exactly. If they really want equality, how about trying to go about their lives and stop pretending like sexual preference and gender is their entire fucking persona? People piss me off when they come up to me and demand to explain why I hate LGBT and throw a fit because I don't conform to their beliefs. Fuck off and grow a pair. Nothing in this messed up fuckfest we call life is all rainbows and happy-go-lucky sexfests. Keep your shit to yourself and go about your life with your preferences kept being closed doors. Doing this shit is like someone saying they want to eat poop to get turned on.

    I also give less of a shit if anyone dislikes what I said, because that's YOUR opinion, not MINE. You get shit done by taking everyone's opinion into consideration. Have a nice night guys.

    Ah yes, because being gay is all about doing stuff behind closed doors, oh, but if you’re straight, you can flaunt that shit all you want cuz we're apparently still living in the Middle Ages.

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  • aset4l8r said:
    "Honestly I think we'd be better off normalizing sex and better yet the notion of CONSENT."
    Kids are still kids. Further over, Pride parades/festivals are a public and open space, good luck getting hundreds of people to consent.

    "If people wanna go around half naked let 'em. If females wanna be as shirtless as dudes fuckin let 'em."
    This is just nudity. Not a bad point, but not exactly the issue at hand either.

    "Wouldn't have the old "they were asking for it, look how they're dressed" if sexy clothing wasn't a fuckin taboo and more people, even at an earlier age, had the concept of consent straight up bashed into the side of their head."
    The issue isn't what they're wearing, it's WHERE they're wearing it. There's a time and a place, and a pride parade isn't it. Keep in mind, we're trying to not make the LGBTQ+ community look like a sexfest.

    aset4l8r said:
    "Honestly I think we'd be better off normalizing sex and better yet the notion of CONSENT."
    Kids are still kids. Further over, Pride parades/festivals are a public and open space, good luck getting hundreds of people to consent.

    "If people wanna go around half naked let 'em. If females wanna be as shirtless as dudes fuckin let 'em."
    This is just nudity. Not a bad point, but not exactly the issue at hand either.

    "Wouldn't have the old "they were asking for it, look how they're dressed" if sexy clothing wasn't a fuckin taboo and more people, even at an earlier age, had the concept of consent straight up bashed into the side of their head."
    The issue isn't what they're wearing, it's WHERE they're wearing it. There's a time and a place, and a pride parade isn't it. Keep in mind, we're trying to not make the LGBTQ+ community look like a sexfest.

    Y u getting down voted? What u said was true tho.

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  • furriesandflurries said:
    Ah yes, because being gay is all about doing stuff behind closed doors, oh, but if you’re straight, you can flaunt that shit all you want cuz we're apparently still living in the Middle Ages.

    They didn't realize that LGBTQ+ people had to deal with heterosexuals do the same shit in public for years, but suddenly when gay people do it, it's somehow a problem. It's blatant hypocrisy, and also why tf are homophobes doing looking up gay porn?

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  • lionmark23 said:
    They didn't realize that LGBTQ+ people had to deal with heterosexuals do the same shit in public for years, but suddenly when gay people do it, it's somehow a problem. It's blatant hypocrisy, and also why tf are homophobes doing looking up gay porn?

    Oh wow so you can't be gay and disagree with how other gays behave now? Cool! I guess I missed the memo ;/

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  • opinions are like a ass, everyone has one but jesus fucking christ some of you dont have a ass to begin with

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  • aset4l8r said:
    I haven't to one before, but that doesn't invalidate my point.

    - They're supposed to be SFW. Kink wear/acts aren't SFW.
    - Children can attend, and typically do. However, this doesn't mean said children should see grown men being lead around in a leash, being borderline nude as they do so.
    - They're supposed to support image and sexuality positivity, NOT TO BE CONFUSED with sexual freedom/openness/
    - If people wear kink stuff at pride (as seen here), they'll think we're trying to normalize sex.
    - It gives LGBTQ+ deniers/haters/etc. material to use.
    - Generally EVERY mainstream LGBTQ+ parade/festival has offsite areas (both first and third party) for people to be sexual.

    This comment is a year old but I'm gonna say this anyways "normalize sex" is the most offensive and dumbass thing I ever heard. We're literally born thru sex but yet society wants to ostracize something that's natural. and don't sit here and say "oh we're in a civilized society" like seriously who'se stupid ass decision was it for only human to wear clothes anyways. There should be nothing taboo about being natural imo. Also it's not gay pride parade it's Folsum streets event where kink is usually allowed so that's probably what's being potrayed here... irreguardless my point stands, also I'm not a fan of you brining children into this. They should not be considered when talking about pride stuff

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  • There is actually no way y’all are arguing and debating on a (mostly) porn site, this isn’t the place to argue 🗿

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