saren and shun shirai (switcher-roo) created by tyroo
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  • Comments
  • toybonnieyt3 said:
    Why this app doesn't exist?... I want to be perfect for my bf... TwT

    I don't think it should exist for that reason, we shouldn't be hyper critical of ourselves in such way... Nobody is perfect, but that doesn't make anyone bad.

    I know this site isn't really for advice or if what you said is more pointed for the art or not... either way, don't be too harsh on yourself and stay safe.

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  • toybonnieyt3 said:
    Why this app doesn't exist?... I want to be perfect for my bf... TwT

    Probably because, even if it were possible for an app to somehow cause changes to the body, as we see in a lot of Tyroo's art, someone being able to grab your phone and cause physical and mental changes to someone else against their will would be an absolute social and legal nightmare.

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  • This is actually exactly why I would download the app, use it once, then immediately remove it. Looks like a great app, but forcing someone to stay in some other form like this is not cool.

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  • senorsnout said:
    Probably because, even if it were possible for an app to somehow cause changes to the body, as we see in a lot of Tyroo's art, someone being able to grab your phone and cause physical and mental changes to someone else against their will would be an absolute social and legal nightmare.

    im already thinking of someone committing a crime while switched and then switching back to their og body as alibi

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  • emptybulletcasing said:
    does anyone know how to use the PeerID thing?

    Are you talking about the CONTROL option?
    If that’s the case both people first click the button labelled CONTROL.
    Secondly you both click “connect to server” and wait until it says “Status: Connected to PeerJS server!” above the button.
    Then click “proceed”.
    After that you select your role (master or sub).
    The sub first clicks “host”, then copies their peerID and sends it to the master.
    The master then needs to paste this peerID in the available window and click “join”.
    The master can now control the app settings of the sub who will see the changes happen in realtime.


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  • spicycatalt said:
    Because it's physically impossible to edit cells with a phone app.

    Unless your whole body is artificial already. Like you are a robot or transhuman filled with nanomachines. But even then it would take days or weeks, maybe months.

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  • senorsnout said:
    Probably because, even if it were possible for an app to somehow cause changes to the body, as we see in a lot of Tyroo's art, someone being able to grab your phone and cause physical and mental changes to someone else against their will would be an absolute social and legal nightmare.

    Yeah man, have you seen the mall day one. He edited the girls with his own phone against thier will because they weren’t talking to him, so that means its even more exploitable if you can do it to other people without it even being thier own phone.

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  • diogenes said:
    Lame. Why not?

    thebestpybro2505 said:


    Technology isn't there yet. A phone app like this is just physically impossible. Phones are basically small computers and can therefore do a lot of things but editing cells isn't one of them. Nobody knows how to edit cells yet, and you definitely can't make a phone do things like that. This isn't a matter of me being a party pooper, this is a matter of science. If you have a complaint, go complain to god.


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  • lovenought said:
    Unless your whole body is artificial already. Like you are a robot or transhuman filled with nanomachines. But even then it would take days or weeks, maybe months.

    If your body was filled with nano machines, and you aren't making any changes that require additional mass, it could probably be cut down to hours or even minutes. If you wanted to use the masculine features, though, make your junk bigger and bulk up, it would take longer because they would have to wait for you to ingest enough to make up the difference, and then some to account for the conversion of mass and energy being super inefficient. If you were to binge enough of the right foods, nanomachines could probably cut that down to hours at minimum, much more likely it would have to reactivate the processes involved in puberty and keep them going until a certain point. There's actually some fascinating research in the field of genetics right now suggesting they may be able to reverse the aging of your cells, so doing that to revert each cell back to 16 year old you could probably do the trick too.

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  • spicycatalt said:
    Technology isn't there yet. A phone app like this is just physically impossible. Phones are basically small computers and can therefore do a lot of things but editing cells isn't one of them. Nobody knows how to edit cells yet, and you definitely can't make a phone do things like that. This isn't a matter of me being a party pooper, this is a matter of science. If you have a complaint, go complain to god.

    Theoretically it could be possible to do that, however presently we are nowhere near the tech to do so, we have tech to edit DNA, but even that is risky business as there is a chance for irreversible damage, or damage to other parts that were not intended to be messed with. Overall, while it could be possible to use a phone to edit a body, presently it is not, as we lack both the technology and the know how for such a thing to occur.

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  • anonymousspacething said:
    I don't think it should exist for that reason, we shouldn't be hyper critical of ourselves in such way... Nobody is perfect, but that doesn't make anyone bad.

    I know this site isn't really for advice or if what you said is more pointed for the art or not... either way, don't be too harsh on yourself and stay safe.

    Considering more then 3/4 of the art featuring the app shows it being used without consent or showing the app messing up and permanently making someone stuck as something else pretty sure is the main reason the app couldn't ever exist is due to ethical issues and the fact we are at least 200 years off this kind of tech, not to mention how how unsafe it is I mean your literally changing cells there's no way that wont reduce your life by like 20 years each time. And if you consider the fact that it is done over a frequency or something like that it wouldn't take much for a hacker to take control even if your not using the app and do permeant damage that couldn't be reversed, its likely that the tech would just be made illegal to use and the devs be arrested if we ever got to this point of biological engineering and if became real.


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  • user_1005641 said:
    Considering more then 3/4 of the art featuring the app shows it being used without consent or showing the app messing up and permanently making someone stuck as something else pretty sure is the main reason the app couldn't ever exist is due to ethical issues and the fact we are at least 200 years off this kind of tech, not to mention how how unsafe it is I mean your literally changing cells there's no way that wont reduce your life by like 20 years each time. And if you consider the fact that it is done over a frequency or something like that it wouldn't take much for a hacker to take control even if your not using the app and do permeant damage that couldn't be reversed, its likely that the tech would just be made illegal to use and the devs be arrested if we ever got to this point of biological engineering and if became real.

    I don't get why people disliking this. They didn't say they hated the artwork nor did they say anything that was rude they were just pointing out facts.

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  • To be brutally honest I’m not a huge fan of the whole transformations thing, not being a dickhead here and scuse’ the language but y’know I think that keeping your own body is maybe better? Like I’m fine with art transformations but not the real life one’s. I’ve seen pictures, man before, woman after but the woman looked like, I don’t know how to describe it in a non offensive way but, not good. Remember I’m not against anything but I don’t see much point in it. Maybe medical condition wise but other than that yknow?? Never mess with nature, God created us all, whoever he is up there, whatever he is, Allah, Christ, Budha, Vishnu, Brahma, Devi, etc. But people choose what they choose. (Remember I’m not a hater but just an opinionator).

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  • therealpikafurgirl said:
    Yeah man, have you seen the mall day one. He edited the girls with his own phone against thier will because they weren’t talking to him, so that means its even more exploitable if you can do it to other people without it even being thier own phone.

    Boys. He forced them to become girls. And it's worse than that, he turned them into girls against their will, raped them (because he modified their mind, so they werent able to properly consent, like a drunk person), and then forced them into prostitution, only to let them out long enough for long enough to realize what had been done to them, and then the comic ends with the implication that he's going to do it again for literally no reason other than self interest. Again, simply because they weren't talking to him. It's incredibly fucked up on every level. And if an IRL app could do that, it would be absolute hell.

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  • senorsnout said:
    Boys. He forced them to become girls. And it's worse than that, he turned them into girls against their will, raped them (because he modified their mind, so they werent able to properly consent, like a drunk person), and then forced them into prostitution, only to let them out long enough for long enough to realize what had been done to them, and then the comic ends with the implication that he's going to do it again for literally no reason other than self interest. Again, simply because they weren't talking to him. It's incredibly fucked up on every level. And if an IRL app could do that, it would be absolute hell.

    Can we debate the ethics of hypnosis porn somewhere else please

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  • senorsnout said:
    Probably because, even if it were possible for an app to somehow cause changes to the body, as we see in a lot of Tyroo's art, someone being able to grab your phone and cause physical and mental changes to someone else against their will would be an absolute social and legal nightmare.

    This is why such a system would need a robust consent system and the mental changes would have to be the types of things that only work so long as the person affected wants it too in order to be implemented in reality.

    Oh ya, and effects need to be made temporary.


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