👑The rightful heir👑
Set: How dare you speak my name!
Horus: How dare YOU speak that way with your king!
Set: My king? You will never a king for me.
Set: You can be a king for all mortal, but not for me, not yet!
Narrator: The aggression in his voice is growing, hatred and anger comes from him. He seems to be trying to hold on, preparing and waiting for the moment, but what?
Horus: You still think I don't deserve my father's throne? My father, which meanly killed by you, and you think that someone like you has the right to occupy it, but not his own son?
Set: Your father was weak...
Narrator: The falcon-headed god slowly walks around him, with hands folded behind the back.
Horus: Even then I saved your life, I thought you will think it over, I thought your defeat to me will prove to you that I deserve of the throne, that I am not weak. I thought you had enough brains to make a logical and logical conclusion.
Narrator: He gave him a disappointed and contemptuous look pointedly began to examine his claws, ignoring him again and it makes set angrier.
Horus: Was i wrong and You are real donkey?
Narrator: Set gathered all his strength to strike, as vile when he killed his own brother to take his throne. But it didn't work out, Horus with a slight movement of hand stopped his blow and grabbed him by the arm, then threw him aside. When the Set tried to get up Horus waved a hand and he fell back to the ground, dropping the weapon from his hands.
Horus: Do you still keep trying to get the throne? I defeated you in a fair fight, all the people of Egypt accepted me as their ruler, even the gods bowed to me, seeing in me the true heir. So you can not beat me, as you killed your own brother. My power is absolute thanks to the faith of every soul of Egypt in me, the god of the sky, sun and the only true ruler of Egypt.
Narrator: He rises his arms and his wings majestically, his feathers shine, the golden armor on his body light up, reflecting the rays of the scorching sun when brought before him as a truly divine powered ruler.
Horus: But the heir you fear so much showed mercy to you. You are still my uncle, my blood relative, and it means something to me, means nothing for you, as is the case with your brother. But now Osiris changed and alive, ruling Duat, he looking at you did not trying to change. Did not even ask for forgiveness, still trying to claim throne despite your failure.
Set: Then send me to Anubis, stop it...
Horus: Anubis? Even your own son turned his back on you.
Set: Liar! You know nothing about me and my son!
Horus: Yes? You are sterile, and instead of raising a son you got by this way, you forced wife to get rid of the child. Did you even try to call him? Because of your tyranny, so many people died and the escort of them all along the Path of the Dead fell on your own son, did you know that? You added so much work to him.
Horus: So killing you is a waste of time. And I don’t want Anubis to have his father killed by his own brother. and Nephthys... she is still your spouse. No, no, no, I have other plans for you, maybe that you will fully estimate my DIGNITY to rule Egypt.
Narrator: Horus approached his uncle which lying on the floor devoid of all the strength that he had a minute ago, kneeling down and whispering over Set's long ears, gently moving a hand over his cloth and armor, making it to magically evaporate and let him touch the Set's fur body.
Horus: You will try my dignity, it penetrates you, through all this shell of denial. You will feel all my strength fills you and you will understand that I deserve the throne, all your visions are wrong. And the gods, yes, other gods will look at you, at your shame.
Set: No, please, I don't want to do this...
Horus: You were not satisfied with the first ending of this story, so I'll satisfy you with another one...
This a very loose interpretation of the part of legend of Osiris \ Horus and Set confrontation and with some alternative ending and a game context😏
when I have been painting I thought it would be a pretty difficult line and anatomy, but then I start painting gold. I was wrong, THIS is was really difficult. I prayed to the gods that they would give me the strength to draw this. The thought that I painting this for the glory of Horus motivated me and gave me strength. And I did it! And then I started painting bronze... oh come on!
Art © 2020 Falcrus, Characters - Horus (giving) & Set (receiving) © Smite & Eygptian_Mythology
MemberLove the armor! So detailed! <3
MemberAnd this is how Thoth was made!
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