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This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:

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  • To say "You know, I'm gay, but there's just something about you, girl..." is a classic pickup line.


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  • this is the only orientation play tagged image i have seen that has more than like 5-6 updoots, with all the rest having -??? on account of it being like, kinda sketch

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  • -6
  • There's a thing called being "Bisexual", y'know?

    Also, I'm fairly sure that a gay guy having single sexual encounter with a woman doesn't revoke their "Gay" status.

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  • standing_around said:
    There's a thing called being "Bisexual", y'know?

    Also, I'm fairly sure that a gay guy having single sexual encounter with a woman doesn't revoke their "Gay" status.

    Dunno why you were downvoted, i knew i dude irl who is gay had a time with a woman but still is the gayest guy i know, irl this encounter is relatively shitty, mostly if the female forces or pushes the male into doing it, secondly because they are uploading sex to the internet without the others consent

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  • standing_around said:
    There's a thing called being "Bisexual", y'know?

    Also, I'm fairly sure that a gay guy having single sexual encounter with a woman doesn't revoke their "Gay" status.

    randombeing said:
    Dunno why you were downvoted, i knew i dude irl who is gay had a time with a woman but still is the gayest guy i know, irl this encounter is relatively shitty, mostly if the female forces or pushes the male into doing it, secondly because they are uploading sex to the internet without the others consent

    I think you two are looking too deep into this pic.

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