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  • I'll never understand this obsession with pairing Samus with the thing that murdered her family plus everyone else she knew, ate them, then helped commit genocide on the race that adopted her afterwards, abducted her "pet" which lead to it's death and all of that was just in the time span of the first three games.

    Ridley literally batman'd her... twice. Then killed her dog for good measure.

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  • superscum said:
    I'll never understand this obsession with pairing Samus with the thing that murdered her family plus everyone else she knew, ate them, then helped commit genocide on the race that adopted her afterwards, abducted her "pet" which lead to it's death and all of that was just in the time span of the first three games.

    Ridley literally batman'd her... twice. Then killed her dog for good measure.

    Metroid has something of a dearth of characters besides Samus herself. If Other M had been, well, better written, then maybe we could have made use of some of the cast from that, but as it is, basically the only other character in the series who keeps coming back in effectively every game is Ridley.

    I'm absolutely not disagreeing with you, for the record--it's an extremely weird and honestly kinda gross pairing. But that's how shipper math works out. And in THIS instance it allows for a goof when combined with Goodbye Volcano High, so there's that.

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  • This kind of reminds me of "A Tale of Two Rulers." You know, that one webcomic where Zelda proposes to Ganondorf in an attempt to end their eternally repeating destiny of fighting. Except, Ganondorf is a much better father/husband then Ridley is being here.

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  • superscum said:
    I'll never understand this obsession with pairing Samus with the thing that-

    He's a dragon monster. It's hot. A lot of people probably don't even know any of the lore.

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