aldea and alexis created by foxinshadow
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Fortunate Mix-up, Pg-96
Entaros - Property of Starhoof(y)
Aldea - Property of Starhoof(y)
Adaline - Property of Sharemyshipment
Alexis - Property of Vulpessentia

Art is the property of respective artist.

  • Comments
  • Putting all those mini titles for a post is feels like I'm filling papers for a package, I still dont uderstand what they are, how do you english speakers call it? Tagging right?

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  • vominalla said:
    Forth wall, whay is that? Another american play of words?

    It's when the character makes some comment that implies they *know* they're a comic character. For instance: If she were to look at you and say 'the readers must be enjoying this!'

    Or, you could watch deadpool. Or read his comics. There's dozens of moments where he seems to interact with the viewers for humor.

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  • vominalla said:
    Putting all those mini titles for a post is feels like I'm filling papers for a package, I still dont uderstand what they are, how do you english speakers call it? Tagging right?

    the words on the left of the screen? those are tags

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  • vominalla said:
    Putting all those mini titles for a post is feels like I'm filling papers for a package, I still dont uderstand what they are, how do you english speakers call it? Tagging right?

    They describe attributes of the image. Things that are depicted in the image are tagged. Tags can be used for searching, so that you can find other images similar to the one you're looking at, if you're interested.

    Similarly, through the use of blacklists, you can choose to exclude yourself from seeing images that depict things you find distasteful.

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  • vominalla said:
    Putting all those mini titles for a post is feels like I'm filling papers for a package, I still dont uderstand what they are, how do you english speakers call it? Tagging right?

    I remember my first time using an imageboard. What an adventure. A rich, porn filled, adventure.

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  • vominalla said:
    Forth wall, whay is that? Another american play of words?

    I think it is British in origin or at least we use it too. It comes from stage plays where there are 3 walls the actors can interact with and the area open to the audience is the fourth wall. Sometimes, particularly in pantomimes, actors address the audience and that breaks the fourth wall. In modern times it has become a phrase to describe when a character knows they are just a character in whatever medium they are in, comics, film, t.v, books or plays for examples.
    However, I think this is more a case of dramatic irony, not a 4th wall brake. She dosen't know she is in a comic (as far as we know) but we the audience do so from our perspective her statement about the buck's stamina is ironic. However, from her perspective she is just making an observation.

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  • vominalla said:
    Putting all those mini titles for a post is feels like I'm filling papers for a package, I still dont uderstand what they are, how do you english speakers call it? Tagging right?

    Wait what's your native language?

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